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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Damien

  1. Damien

    Dark Times

    I will miss you . ;(
  2. Somehow i get a lot less than i used to get:
  3. Perma-banned, he had like extreme speed hax. xD Btw: that hack looks cool, i would use it in sp to mess around. Would be funny xd but in mp, no hack is acceptable.
  4. When deluvas stopped coding he was busy making a squad system. Maybe the code is still there in zs but in-active. Because that would really boost gameplay. I agree with peon that the difference between new players and pros are to big. So i would suggest lower the perks alot, but dont remove them. New zs players need to be stimulated to play and they want to get better (e.g lvl up)
  5. Instead of merging commando and medic, merge support and marksman into one good class. Two questions id like to ask, can i keep my upgrades or get a refund ? :/ And can people that have a maxxed out class, get lvl 25 in that class ? Because it took me a year and a half to reach it. And its not only me, every other player with high lvl classes would wanna know if it can get converted. I would love chem back instead of zombine. :/
  6. Been to first look. Mw3 is so much better than bf3. So much action constantly. I got a few posters, a forza wheel key chain and a nintendo key chain. :)

  7. I would love the class merges. Removing classes wont solve anything at all. Mu suggestion for new classes 1. Medic: same as it is now, but give them another healing gun (healing grenade or healing pistol) 2. Commando: give him the mines of engi and give him more raw power. rest stays the sam 3. Support/engineer class: half support, half engi. Hammer and a chance to spawn with turret 4. Marksman/berserker class: half zerk, half marksman. A master of long and close combat.
  8. We seriously need to do something to keep zs from dieing. i got a few big ideas that could give its life back. 1. Remove the 5th class, so no more marksman/berserker whatever. 4 classes is more than enough. 2. Remove picking up props, so cading can go back to old. its to easy to cade now. People that turn zombie just leave. 3. Restore speeds where they where. 4. Add pufulet's leveling system (25 lvls, if i remember correctly) 5. Add zombie leveling, with very small advantages. So not like humans. But it would give a reason to be a good zombie. 6. Restore the 2 points from dice, but people should lose 2 when they lose a brain from dice. 7. Remove exploit boxes on almost all places, they fuck up survival chance. Exploit boxes should only be on places where normal zombies cant go at all. 8. Add sniper rifles to all classes at high sp 9. Cades should only be able to be destroyed by the guy that put the first nail in it and by zombies of course 10. Remove the boost if zombies are in big groups, do the opposite and decrease their dmg when they are in large groups or add collisions between zombies. 11. More ammo from ammo regen ( Maybe rebuild zs on top of newest zs, so with waves, melee etc and tweak that!!!!) Add more ideas people to this topic. But they gotta be do-able and fit in zs. Hopefully we can keep zs from dieing and make it as fun as it was a while back.
  9. I think its only fair to swap, but only once. So no switching. But its up to necrossin to decide.
  10. Give me better proof and i will reconsider.
  11. Different admins = different ban lengths. I never start out with a large ban, unless someone is fucking up the game real bad (like hax and ignoring admins while ruining the game for others)
  12. Box is back once again I gave them all a 3 hour ban.
  13. Lagger so no ban.
  14. Hopefully the video can shed some light if hes hacking or not. Because its still possible what he managed to without hacks.
  15. Come on guys, i need some kind of proof. He could be that good, so i need to see the video. Until than i wont ban him.
  16. Good job pufulet, atleast someone is preventing zs from dying.
  17. I played around with windows 8 and i love it :D

    1. Damien


      I installed it on my craptop and thats a huge improvement.

  18. I played it decently today and i like almost all gamemodes except the team king of the hill. But thats just my opinion. M4 is indeed way to strong. :S
  19. Im a man of my word, next time I ban him he gets a 3 day ban. But i dont decide how much days pufulet bans him, its up to him.
  20. Thx tennis and bedankt bouwe
  21. Ladder glitching for the first time, 3 hour ban.
  22. Im looking forward to playing this, i liked gunrun and this is a huge improvement from what i can tell.
  23. 1 day ban, first time offender.
  24. Thx to all late comers.
  25. I like it already, melee needed a buff. Marksman is totally true, it really needed some work.
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