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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Damien

  1. If hes copying another player name and cadebreaking than 3 days is actually pretty low. especially if he has more bans.
  2. I agree with luke, you do what you think is best. And later on we can suggest things from playing the game.
  3. and those hats and achievements, you bashed the 0 to much? 2000 gc should be the max for a hat. effect should be 10k at the most. why not add a few small skins/clothes with max price of 10k? p.s: Im a lvl 6 commando and kuszkusz to, do we get some perks to? one more thing: dont remove old zs achievements, but add the new ones.
  4. The one problem that is still there is what will happen with current upgrades? Like will gc be given back or will all the time spent in them just vanish. i know people wouldnt like losing their stuff without getting something back at all. losing levels is impossible to compensate and its fine to restart with that. but gc is something different.
  5. @quert: Pro's will always have the advantage, nothing you can do about it. in current zs if a pro is on zombie team, humans barely win and if they are on human team, zombies barely win. there is no way to balance the game to a point where everybody is equal, there will always be better ones and people that arent good at all. To be honest thats the challenge. early cading is indeed a problem, the only thing i can do is teleport people in before the zombies come. i got caded out a lot off times, but i can survive that. but i can understand that a new player would leave, because they left him to die. im with reiska that its boring to camp with one big group, when people mass camp, i find my own cade and stay there. most zombies would just attack the big group anyway. which means they get raped and i live longer and i can even win if im with another good player. i remember surviving with tennis in a cade once (cade started with about 4 to 5 people). we were the only survivors. that was fun, not hoping to get the kill when 10 people are shooting one zombie.
  6. I learned english from watching lots off tv, it atleast gives you a base to start with. so i would recommend to watch some german tv with english subtitles. (to start with) btw: if you want to try dutch, i would gladly teach you.
  7. I use norman. It does its job well and i dont have any problems with it.
  8. it is possible @quert. if there are 2 zombies constantly, they wont lose the extra hp.
  9. Seriously, only gasses at spawn. I would remove them completely, but people tend to spawncamp. why not make a warning when you come to close to spawn and let the dmg increase the longer you stay there? and please use the anti glitch boxes only on real glitch spots, because some maps barely got places to go to with everything thats sealed off.
  10. Happy new year
  11. I dont understand this nonsense about a creditcard, paypal doesnt need to have a credit card to be able to work. I donated quite some money with a paypal that has NO credit card.
  12. Good luck
  13. Won so far: - Portal 2 - maffia - coupon code 50% off gta 4 complete edition - coupon code 50% off cyan worlds - 1 coal traded for 50% off Apox
  14. Happy birthday everybody
  15. I recommended this one to somebody else to and he loved it and i do to: creative tactic3D sigma unless your an audiophile than go for sennheiser.
  16. i dont like hip hop mostly, but this actually was quite nice to listen to. my compliments
  17. So you made the songtext and rapped it?
  18. and i wish that kiddies like you grow up now.
  19. Kids these days... sami give some respect to the people that keep the server clean and the game fun and if you really got a problem with authority, you should make your own server than you can see it isnt easy. before judging think before you act. btw zs isnt dying its getting reborn like a phoenix rises from its ashes, its just taking some time.
  20. Im at 70 hours. i went to all the crypts. finished all the guild missions, did main quest line and im lvl 39. but i stopped playing, because every mission i got now is to easy or to hard (boezentiah stones, nirnroot and unfinishable dark brotherhood mission)
  21. Why not link leaderboard to gameme?
  22. This is all i have to say: http://forums.left4green.com/topic/2741-read-this-before-posting/
  23. i also belong to the 5%. :/
  24. lol. my gameme got reset and i got 0% activity :P

  25. happy birthday vmr.
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