@quert: Pro's will always have the advantage, nothing you can do about it. in current zs if a pro is on zombie team, humans barely win and if they are on human team, zombies barely win. there is no way to balance the game to a point where everybody is equal, there will always be better ones and people that arent good at all. To be honest thats the challenge. early cading is indeed a problem, the only thing i can do is teleport people in before the zombies come. i got caded out a lot off times, but i can survive that. but i can understand that a new player would leave, because they left him to die. im with reiska that its boring to camp with one big group, when people mass camp, i find my own cade and stay there. most zombies would just attack the big group anyway. which means they get raped and i live longer and i can even win if im with another good player. i remember surviving with tennis in a cade once (cade started with about 4 to 5 people). we were the only survivors. that was fun, not hoping to get the kill when 10 people are shooting one zombie.