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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Rinkana

  1. Rinkana

    [MTA] Knul

    Flaming to other ppl. (cancer and some other stuff. Just check the logs) MTA RACE [KoS]Knul
  2. You are just unable to get them yourself. Thats why you had had this "great" idea. Just get some skill and get them like any other. Or donate
  3. Fuck the E3
  4. The game

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Frizzy


      1. I have lost the game.

      2. Frugg you baron baconeer. ;-;

    3. Dr. Pannenkoek

      Dr. Pannenkoek

      plus your tongue is now uncomfortable in your mouth

    4. Frizzy


      Nope, it's not complaining at all.

  5. What about an RTV like vote for MTA?
  6. What if the less activity is a result of the high ping people. There are not much high pingers however there are usually 2-5 ones. Sometimes even more. If the people who left because of the reason i just gave they will probably come back.
  7. Hi, I would like to ask if it is possible to lower the maximum ping to 150 or so. This because i (and others) get sick and tired of those 200+ ping who are just driving trough you so you get knocked off the road while they remain on their way.
  8. You rather inform people one week before the event? Rather early than too late. Well not a week but 1-2 months not 7 months.
  9. September that is planning waaaaaaaay too far ahead.
  10. @Clavus you might want to also add to the top of the unban request page "Left4Green is NOT a democratic community we ban you if we want to ban you. Simply because we can". Or something like that

    1. Dr.Minky


      Because nobody knows about it because the media are blocking it out, its not been in the news once in England from what I know.. Apart from the Sun, but that doesnt really count as news..

    2. MiF


      Target moves as it reaches max. :P. It was 750k at some point, now 1.3M

    1. Sacrevy


      Bro hoof, that's all i can give you right now... A BRO HOOF TO YOU, SIR.

    2. MiF


      *bro hoofs Rinkana*

  11. Omg, i just played with Notch @TF2

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rinkana


      Yes, he was playing soldier and had the hat on.

    3. Dr.Minky


      Did you kick is ass then hurl abuse at him down the mic?

    4. Rinkana


      Nope, he pwned me :P

  12. Ywa/Clavus prepare to join the protest buy putting this site down tomorrow. (Like L4G will change something). However that judge was just a dumb ass fag who gives their kids blackberry's. And since i am not @ ziggo or xs4all (Upc ftw)i have no blockade. Also i do not use torrents anymore. I went to usenet.
  13. If you want to learn a language that actually has any use in the future learn Chinesee.
  14. Rinkana


  15. I use Ubuntu and this does not work?
  16. I blame Minecraft 1.0 It sucks. Blame those fag's who build watercubes. Imo Faction wars should be around castles, forts ... Not for un-penetrable watercubes. If you'd ask me those cubes should be forbidden. Build something original something worth trying to raid.
  17. Just got FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage as a steam gift. Awesome

  18. Dear Rinkana, It's believe instead of belive! :-) And I am really his mother what kind of proof would convince you? Kind Regards, Chrisje Simon First of all: Ask me how much i care about my spelling errors. Second of all: Post a picture of you standing next to a computer what say's (readable): nomis1004.
  19. Yea right and we will all belive that the mother of nomis1004 wrote that. Even my 3 year old brother will not belive such fail unban request.
  20. I'm sexy and i know it. How can you like such a number?!

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