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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Rinkana

  1. This looks like a game that sould have come out in 2005.
  2. I think you have a shitload of dust between the cards. Because i bet you only use the top one. And so there is almost no airflow to the GPU The best is just removing the GPU that you do not use. And remove all the dust on the GPU.
  3. There is only one skin here

    1. TechnoNegro


      Its forever green, so i think it does not change blue.

  4. Did i win?
  5. I do not like this crappy twitter clone.

  6. We call that Paradise from now on. Ok? Deal.
  7. I don't see the point of your topics. Is it that you want to know if you can play on l4g without any bans for a long time; the awnser is yes. (personal experience) Is it that you want to put the admins in doubt because you don't want to get banned Or is it just that you want to question the admins ability to be a fair admin? And as stated in my post that i made in your last topic: The admins and/or Topcrew do not need to explain anything to you. If they think they made a good decision you have to accept it. Only if you have valid proof that the admin made a wrong decision you can question him about it. In this case you are in no position to ask for an explanation.
  8. Heaven will only come when the server upgrades are done.
  9. I'm Orly?
  10. @ the last part: The TopCrew and/or Botervloot has reason to explain the bans to you. If they say the ban was good it is. There is no(!) way that you can tell them what to do. As i said. The Topcrew and/or Bothervloot does not(!) have to explain anything to you!
  11. Most of the time you will have to identify youself. So if he was the owner he shoud be able to just replace the parts. However apperantly he rented them :/ Do you buy the parts youself or does the rent just get higer. If the rent gets higher and you still need too pay extra to go to the datacenter its kinda lame for a hoster. (imo)
  12. Don't get why a server upgrade takes 2 weeks ... If he would work good it would be ready in 5 days ... The hoster works also in the Dutch Airforce. (Just a side note) However i do not see why Ywa is not able to upgrade the server by himself. Well maybe because the server is in a datacenter? So? What has that to do with anything? It are l4g s servers. That (should) mean that Ywa and/or Clavus also has access to the datacenter.
  13. Don't get why a server upgrade takes 2 weeks ... If he would work good it would be ready in 5 days ... The hoster works also in the Dutch Airforce. (Just a side note) However i do not see why Ywa is not able to upgrade the server by himself.
  14. I thought it was your end of round score or score on disconnection divided by 2? No. It does give you coin after every other point score (Tested & Confirmed) No? What you just said confirmed it.
  15. Now to something else: Does anyone want to trade redstone for lapis?
  16. They did the same to me. I ragequitted (before i got killed (my god i am low)).
  17. No he was accused of speedhacking after he finally killed the guy. Indeed
  18. Lawl! I just made a faction someone stole all my stuff (because i forgot to close the faction). He killed me. I went after him. He killed me again. I still knew where he was so i went after him again (He stole everything). I found him and was able to kill him. Now i am a speedhacker because i have something what we call directional sense. Feels good.
  19. That happens automatically so the week is not over
  20. The names are still not good visable. However i was able to see ninja and drpepper. Drpepper: 1:12 Ninja: 1:18
  21. The faction Mungol has a lot pistons. (I know because i was able to enter their base). Many of them are used as doors or traps.
  22. Rinkana


    I already tried stopping for a month but then I realized it was too late. If you want to quit go to another forum. This forum is for the l4g community servers. Not for people who want to get off their depression. No offence but we are gamers not psychiatrists. There are enough forums who can help you with your problem.
  23. Rinkana

    Bill S.978

    Warez is something diffrent then hosting a lets play on YT. If the bill gets passed YT has to remove all those lets play videos. And as we all know YT made them popular. So the comparison what you are making between warez and an lets play show is just wrong.
  24. The big problem with sticky pistons is they are not sticky enough. If i have 3 sticky pistons next to each other They wont grab the last one :/
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