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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BouweV

  1. BouweV

    Mafia 2

    Mafia2 > GTAIV You can do whatever you want lol. And cops fine you for running red lights
  2. I heard that they have a massive raining season going on there, could last months. Either you are trolling or you didn't read 'egypt' http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=nl&geocode=&q=hurghada&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Hurghada,+Al-Bahr-al-Ahmar,+Egypte&ll=27.000408,33.457489&spn=0.988665,1.433716&t=h&z=10 ^desert.
  3. Hard to read eh? for other servers: http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewforum.php?f=22 Just copy their IP to your minecraft and you can connect edit @Sneed: I ninja'd yah!
  4. Agreed with admins, but as long as inventories are client side you can't really do much admin-ish things.. Like Clavus said a million times by now: World reset and rules etc get on the server when there's that update. edit, nice skin piru
  5. Does that mean you blew it up in the first place..? No ofcourse not.. Someone totally raped the whole mountain MrYellow is on.. That has been built between the time I went offline(6AM) and the time you logged in(time?) edit: MrYellow is fixed by someone, dunno who
  6. have fun, imma leave our cave alone,. see if its still there in 8 days
  7. Corby and me made an super epic cave with a secret hidden entrance. edit: i took deathbycrowbar out of the air, blew up a part of death's tower in the process,. fixed the tower to it original state also tried to fix MrYellow, but that's pretty hard,. I gave up. (Someone else can continue)
  8. Grass posted this in IRC: http://forums.penny-arcade.com/showthread.php?p=16025464#post16025464 It works. ninja'd
  9. Maybe you should disable the 'Flint and Steel' if that's possible..
  10. the layout of my prison has been there for about 40 hours now so its your fault you had to build around it becasue you didnt check the route XD I build my first part yesterday somewhere in the afternoon, probably missed what you had made then
  11. I finished mah bridge, but there was a big prison in the way So I build it around it.
  12. check mah new skin http://minecraft.net/skin/skin.jsp?user=BouweV self made
  13. Clavus, how about a new cartograph? The last one(2 or 3 pages ago) doesn't has our island on it(founded by Redgord)
  14. Redgord for being on the dutch forum some time ago, and actually trying to read and post in dutch. And I like Peon because he wanted to shake my hand if he knew who the hell I am.
  15. looks like a landingstrip lol Yes im secretly building Minecraft's first airstrip so i can recieve goods from all around the MineGlobe and become richer then ever with massive flight tax.
  16. looks like a landingstrip lol
  17. just started a new world(got bugged in my old one ) and i found this: I didn't make those, and under the thing in the background there are like 4 epic dark holes.. Finally I have found a natural (big) mine found an epic spot to make my fortress That waterfall goes deep underground,.. gonna check it out tomorrow
  18. It's best to build something near the point you started, because if you die you respawn there..(My first world I have build a castle far far away, so I had to make like 10 marks to mark the way to my castle..)
  19. MiF, how long did it take you to make all that lol I've been playing for about 6 or 7 hours, and only have one nice tower with a canal around it.. And you have epic mines,.. I only find stone..
  20. In the paid version you can too(F), I haven't tried the free version.
  21. have draw distance on FAR, but If I get somewhere high, I see emptyness far away also, with F you toggle fog And my PC runs Crysis on high, and IV setting fucking high. Then Minecraft can not be a problem. ( http://www.xfire.com/profile/bobofrl/#game_rig )
  22. your castles are huuuge lol mine is like 10x10 blocks tower and my map is giant I've dug a canal around the tower, and went out to catch lava,. but I'm lost, even tho I left marks(1block towers with torches)
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