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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BouweV

  1. Lol, that Peugeot is parked in that little garden thingy.. #fail What are you hiding?? My room: (360 degrees around(counterclockwise)) laptop aluminium case, with laptop in it and tshirt ^^ // old keyboard, unused table. wake up alarm with epic speakers. a bear, which I have since I was born. and travel bags. shoes. A Fan. IV Poster. Bear again . Quest, a dutch science mag. medailon. 2 psp games. IV Poster, Portal cake . a B and a little bear with a B on it on top of the door. Medaillons, and a piece of a cymbal around a listed memory of the youth section of my showband. a little cabin with some shizzle(the gun has those little 9mm yellow bullets). And the bear 2 old computers. archive cabin, full of mess. vest, cap and colbert(under white shirt). The bear again, on the photo with me as a baby and some photo's from elementary school of me. a belt. newtons cradle. some prices(gymnastics and horseriding). deskchair with a towel on it, under that there's a pillow because the original chair has been sat on too much and its not so comfortable. ^where you see the clock I got a 15" monitor now, and you see the edge of the bed,. there's that closet with the blue sign on it now. don't mind the mess under the desk its cleaned up now and the carpet is laying paralell with the wall now. Closet filled with clothes. A cliptie. small part of clock. dog, same story as bear. bed. part of self made painting of a price we won last year with my showband(2nd on world championships). tiny part of 2nd monitor. So yeah, that's my room now. We're going to move to another house for sure within 2 years, parents already bid on a house so if that gets accepted we'll move ASAP and at last 1st of march. Then I'm going to make myself an awesome room. edit: damn this post is long lol took some time to make it too, made the pictures at 1:38, and post is made at 1:53
  2. Study - What is it like (What you do there, if it isnt obvius) Pretty cool, doing some designing and building some websites. (: - Do you like it? I like it, nice classmates and teachers too. - How long days you got? Depends if I feel like staying at home I can, I'll just do my work at home then.. But it's always nice to go to school and discuss/have some fun with classmates/teachers. - Payment? €70/month Job - What is it like (What you do there, if it isnt obvius) Job#1: In a factory, extremely boring, I would've quit yesterday already if it didn't pay that good. Job#2: Security, it's fun to do, but not something I'd like to do the rest of my life. That's why I'm in school again.(multimedia design) - Do you like it? Job#1: No. Job#2: Yes, nice collegues and always some kind of excitement. - How long days you got? Job#1: 6AM-2PM or 2PM-10PM or 10PM-6AM Job#2: Whenever security is needed. - Payment? Job#1: About 3 or 4 times as much as Mayco, depending on morning/midday/night shift. When I work quite a lot, that results in 500 bucks in one week. Job#2: 10€/ hour, some extra's if I work overtime and nighthours. Also get the KM paid I have to drive.
  3. I would just barricade myself I guess.. Let's hope the infected are L4D(2) style, then I can kill them all with my katana(which I have to find at some random places)
  4. It's not really tiny,. but the ammount of gaminggear and mess and monitors makes me hate it, and I hate it since I have it. (since 2005 that is) Wanted to buy a new one, but we're gonna move now and my younger brother is getting this and I get his(2meter wide) Then I will have space, finally oh and I do can stretch my legs under the desk
  5. iPhone4 with its failing connection if you hold it like every normal person does lulz New setup Where the clock is, I got a 3rd monitor now (the old 15" from previous photo's in previous page) edit: don't mind the mess under the desk edit²: oh and where the bed is is my clothescloset now(bed just put more back), and the carpet you see is laying straight now.
  6. Must have been done by an OP because normal players cant place blocks at spawn.
  7. So, did the whole Minecraft hype die already?
  8. A plane with a map on it. /done
  9. Lol, you owned them. Whould be lol if they contact you to get in that book lulz
  10. Nice casemod D: tyvm It's completely done by hand by oDi.W Leenbakker desk? I'il post mine later this day /lazy It's from IKEA. (: Going to get a new desk this week tho, something like 2meter X 1.5meter. I hate this one.. it's to damn tiny and I'm also getting my new 23" monitor today or tomorrow.
  11. You almost got me there Hero. xD I just shat brix, cos I found the secret friday update! Night! But now I am afraid to go on the server because maybe there are monsters
  12. BouweV

    I'm leaving.

    See you in 6 months!
  13. clavus is putting server backup of 2 days ago in,. right now.
  14. BouweV

    Valve and Sony

    If Sony would buy Valve and Valve could not distribute games to other platforms because of that Valve would not agree I gues.. So, Valve is going to buy Sony!
  15. BouweV

    Valve and Sony

    As long as they wont get cake when they make the deal it would be really awesome.
  16. killing a witch is easy, tank is harder
  17. just the post is already epic win map must be awesome edit: uhm... [#10171] You do not have permission to view this attachment.
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