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Mr. Green Gaming

Zombie Survival: Official Suggestions Topic

Server Title  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the Server Name be ?

    • Action Packed (Fun) Zombie Survival
    • Unique and Fun Zombie Survival
    • Unique Zombie Survival
    • Impossible Zombie Survival
    • Intense (Fun) Zombie Survival
    • Crazy Fun Zombie Survival
    • Other: (Will add more options to poll as they get suggested)
    • Left4Green Zombie Survival

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Considering the old suggestions topic got lost, this is gonna be the new one we are gonna use. I want to try a different approach now towards the suggestions topic now. Im gonna make a poll once in a while to poll peoples opinion about certain things and you can still reply to explain your reasoning behind it.


The first topic is human classes which seems to always be a hot topic when discussing zombie survival.


My pov on this subject is as follows:

Human classes are a way to prevent these so called tank regulars that basicly combine elements from different playstyles making them very strong compared to players that just started and im not talking about regulars having more skill here thats the problem. On the contrary its actually the ability to make any combination in loadout thats the problem. We could go like nox and use a point system to select a loadout or we could go back into our history a bit and dig up the human classes. The main thing however is that people like to have a choice, thats why my suggestion is what i like to call classes+. It basicly locks certain items to classes and groups perk together in groups so unlike old human classes, everyone will have the same perks. Leveling wont be on a per class basis, but a general leveling.


Basicly something like below: (Still a rough WIP, thats why i need as many suggestions as possible)


Where (Class) are the things you get that are locked to that class.



(Class) Chipper

(Class) Special Hammer

All the cading related perks.



(Class) Pulse smg

(Class) Turret

All the turret perks.



(Class) Alyx Gun

(Class) Medkit

All the medical perks.



(Class) Grenades

(Class) Zombie HP Detect

All the protection perks.



(Class) Crowbar

(Class) Grave Digger effect

All the speed perks.



(PLACEHOLDER for poll results)

  • Greens

I feel that we need to give people a purpose and a role. Otherwise they end up doing nothing, aka standing around watching the regs kill shit. :P 

Posted (edited)

If you are trying to prevent regular "tanks" you are going to fuck up. How can you possibly have a game where no one has an advantage from playing more, without out it being not based on skill. Any vaguely skill based game will have people who are good at it and some who aren't. No matter what system you use, the ones who play more and have more experience will do better and will be harder to kill and will win more. ANYONE can become a regular all you have to do is play on the damn server for a bit until you get used to the game then you too will be just as good. I dont understand how you would make a ZS where new players can do just as well as someone who has played for years, it wont happen, new players will always be worse. Just think about it....


If that is what you guys have been focusing your "new" ZS on, then no wonder why they are crap. People who are good at a game will always do better than ones who have never played before unless its a game based on luck, which this is not.


And if you really wanted to make it fair, there would be no levels anyway. How will new players compare to someone who is full level with better stuff with more utility. The idea makes no sense for what you want to achieve.


Also, the Deluvas class system worked, it was unbalanced as fuck, but it worked, and it was fucking fun playing that ZS, because the zombies where just as unbalanced and survival depended on the map, not the gamemode.

Edited by mogadonskoda

If anything it requires more skill to play right now then a couple months back. Wich is a good thing, but it also means that new players who are used to no brain nox survival will most likely not like it or quit when it gets challenging, wat we have to do is offer them something that will make them want to keep playing no matter hard it may be. And I believe classes will do just that

Posted (edited)

Indeed, It was unbalanced as hell, alot of rage going on and hardcore, it was far from being balanced but it was fun as fuck

Edited by Reiska
Posted (edited)
  On 8/29/2014 at 1:20 PM, CoXiousNet said:


  On 8/29/2014 at 10:35 AM, mogadonskoda said:

Also, the Deluvas class system worked, it was unbalanced as fuck, but it worked, and it was fucking fun playing that ZS, because the zombies where just as unbalanced and survival depended on the map, not the gamemode.



If it weren't for this, I would never have been here, and met good people :)

I also enjoyed teleporting wraiths.



Edited by lame shot
  • Greens
  On 8/29/2014 at 4:37 PM, lame shot said:


  On 8/29/2014 at 1:20 PM, CoXiousNet said:


  On 8/29/2014 at 10:35 AM, mogadonskoda said:

Also, the Deluvas class system worked, it was unbalanced as fuck, but it worked, and it was fucking fun playing that ZS, because the zombies where just as unbalanced and survival depended on the map, not the gamemode.



If it weren't for this, I would never have been here, and met good people :)

I also enjoyed teleporting wraiths.




Not going off topic but I have nearly got the Etherial TP working. Also this poll is going to decide which step we take. So its not a useless poll. Every vote counts!

  On 8/29/2014 at 4:44 PM, DubyXD said:


  On 8/29/2014 at 4:37 PM, lame shot said:


  On 8/29/2014 at 1:20 PM, CoXiousNet said:


  On 8/29/2014 at 10:35 AM, mogadonskoda said:

Also, the Deluvas class system worked, it was unbalanced as fuck, but it worked, and it was fucking fun playing that ZS, because the zombies where just as unbalanced and survival depended on the map, not the gamemode.



If it weren't for this, I would never have been here, and met good people :)

I also enjoyed teleporting wraiths.




Not going off topic but I have nearly got the Etherial TP working. Also this poll is going to decide which step we take. So its not a useless poll. Every vote counts!


You mean its going to vaguely dictate where the gamemode is going but then in the end it will just turn out to be badly implemently like 90% of the things currently in ZS because of your inability to actually implement anything like it was done before. (You just seem to edit everything with random crappy ideas which ruins them, such as your Last stand idea earlier.)


Mogadon get your ass out of the past man, we arent in 2010 anymore and we will never be there again. Another thing is that the tanks im referring to is not skill difference or unlocks, but rather the fact that people can combine anything they like which make them extremely overpowered compared to classes zs where they couldnt just combine different class elements. The one thing we all agree on atleast that we need human classes, the other thing is now how it should be done. Please dont say copy deluvas zs values and copy that, but actually come with a solution that would fit current player base. The human classes i suggested are merely to show ONE possible way.


both get off your bullshit. and robb all your last posts were just denigrating bullshit towards other people (post something fucking usefull).

Mogadon still mad because we didnt listen to him when he said not to change anything we did a poll about it and it had 1 vote against. Youre not in any position to judge the current mod/coding just for the fact you havent played it in some months. Dont say you tried it and it was shit because im pretty sure you already had a opinion about it before playing it for like 5 minutes max?.

  On 8/29/2014 at 11:15 PM, lame shot said:

both get off your bullshit. and robb all your last posts were just denigrating bullshit towards other people (post something fucking usefull).

Mogadon still mad because we didnt listen to him when he said not to change anything we did a poll about it and it had 1 vote against. Youre not in any position to judge the current mod/coding just for the fact you havent played it in some months. Dont say you tried it and it was shit because im pretty sure you already had a opinion about it before playing it for like 5 minutes max?.

Dude the gamemode is the same for the last year practically, the changes have been superficial, no major changes happening, and if you claim that the G4K bullshit is a major change you can go fuck right off. The most noticable thing is the damn hud its changed that little, and the hud doesnt even fucking work (11/10 for that testing).


Now look at the poll, people want Deluvas classes, thats what I want, so its not just me, so get the fuck out with your retarded arguments.


Also you didnt listen to me, that is true, and now you have a crap gamemode, good fucking one there. the gamemode is BORING, you guys dont understand what FUN is. Deluvas ZS you coudl spawn with a turret and a pulse rifle, in this crapp shit you hide in a corner with your entire team going pew pew pew with some weak ass gun, as slow fat zombies lumber towards you. Nothing adreline right there. And thats where you guys have lead this. Why not try and make it fun, have massive guns at spawn that actually do damage, and guess what you can then give zombies OP prop kill to compensate and make them faster than humans. Like all i want is the gamemode I loved bac, because it was the best fucking game ever, and you guys are like, noooo we must listen to the people aka the 4-5 retards that are called admins now. Why remake a fucking amazing gamemode, why dont we do this crap and reimplement half of the features poorly and edited and claim we did it because thats what will happen unless you guys get it into your head that it wont work. You either need to remake the old version or actually come up with some original features. All this hybridisation WILL NOT WORK. Its like cutting a carrot and a potato in half and sticking them together, you just get a fucking useless dead piece of shit. Either make your own gamemode and make it good, or go back to what we know is already an amazing gamemode. Right now its just a shitty version of NoX.


And I put over 2000 hours into ZS, and this crap we have is the same as it has been in escense for the last 2 years or so. Necro made an alright gamemode, you guys have mae it worse, atleast Necro's fucking worked properly and worked how he intended it too, it just wasnt as fun because it was turned down and made more realistic in a way.


Also I seem to remember you Lameshot constantly jut going "Bring zerk back" etc, what happened? Do you prefer this crap where just using melee is only an option when you get zombies who think they are playing autism simulator, in deluvas you could take on the entire hoard until they worked together, instead of being insta gibbed like you do now.

Posted (edited)
  On 8/30/2014 at 12:24 AM, mogadonskoda said:


  On 8/29/2014 at 11:15 PM, lame shot said:

both get off your bullshit. and robb all your last posts were just denigrating bullshit towards other people (post something fucking usefull).

Mogadon still mad because we didnt listen to him when he said not to change anything we did a poll about it and it had 1 vote against. Youre not in any position to judge the current mod/coding just for the fact you havent played it in some months. Dont say you tried it and it was shit because im pretty sure you already had a opinion about it before playing it for like 5 minutes max?.

Dude the gamemode is the same for the last year practically, the changes have been superficial, no major changes happening, and if you claim that the G4K bullshit is a major change you can go fuck right off. The most noticable thing is the damn hud its changed that little, and the hud doesnt even fucking work (11/10 for that testing).


Now look at the poll, people want Deluvas classes, thats what I want, so its not just me, so get the fuck out with your retarded arguments.


Also you didnt listen to me, that is true, and now you have a crap gamemode, good fucking one there. the gamemode is BORING, you guys dont understand what FUN is. Deluvas ZS you coudl spawn with a turret and a pulse rifle, in this crapp shit you hide in a corner with your entire team going pew pew pew with some weak ass gun, as slow fat zombies lumber towards you. Nothing adreline right there. And thats where you guys have lead this. Why not try and make it fun, have massive guns at spawn that actually do damage, and guess what you can then give zombies OP prop kill to compensate and make them faster than humans. Like all i want is the gamemode I loved bac, because it was the best fucking game ever, and you guys are like, noooo we must listen to the people aka the 4-5 retards that are called admins now. Why remake a fucking amazing gamemode, why dont we do this crap and reimplement half of the features poorly and edited and claim we did it because thats what will happen unless you guys get it into your head that it wont work. You either need to remake the old version or actually come up with some original features. All this hybridisation WILL NOT WORK. Its like cutting a carrot and a potato in half and sticking them together, you just get a fucking useless dead piece of shit. Either make your own gamemode and make it good, or go back to what we know is already an amazing gamemode. Right now its just a shitty version of NoX.


And I put over 2000 hours into ZS, and this crap we have is the same as it has been in escense for the last 2 years or so. Necro made an alright gamemode, you guys have mae it worse, atleast Necro's fucking worked properly and worked how he intended it too, it just wasnt as fun because it was turned down and made more realistic in a way.


Also I seem to remember you Lameshot constantly jut going "Bring zerk back" etc, what happened? Do you prefer this crap where just using melee is only an option when you get zombies who think they are playing autism simulator, in deluvas you could take on the entire hoard until they worked together, instead of being insta gibbed like you do now.


I agree with you in every way about making it fun, but if you come here with robbert and just be a major asshole about it we will not consider anything you say. And i meant a older poll as i remember you didnt want anythign changed about the sp/buy crate but whatever that doesnt matter now, and i did also vote for the deluvas classes.

Edited by lame shot
  • Greens

First of all, you are being disrespectful towards admins. That is not tolerated. Second you are not providing any solutions. Also no evidence for your bitching. Therefore you are going to be ignored until you can grow up a bit and stop acting like a spoilt child.  

  On 8/30/2014 at 11:24 AM, DubyXD said:

First of all, you are being disrespectful towards admins. That is not tolerated. Second you are not providing any solutions. Also no evidence for your bitching. Therefore you are going to be ignored until you can grow up a bit and stop acting like a spoilt child.  

Solution, read the post.


And I dont care if I am disrespectful towards you, I am just following your shitty example that you guys set.


Geez none of you can take some constructive criticism can you 


Mogadon brought up a good point, either bring back the old gamemode entirely (Not Recommended) or make something new.  Smashing in shit from the old gamemode isn't gonna work.  


Deluvas ZS is dead, it's a sweet memory and it's a fun memory, but it's dead.  Work on what you have now and stop trying to rebuild memories because all you're doing is shitting on those good memories.  G4K was good yeah but you fucking broke it, HUD is broken, weapons are broken, all of it is broken all in an attempt to bring the old ZS back instead of moving forward.  Why don't you work on the one big unified class thing like when Necro was coding, or how about maybe try to balance weapons and worry about making the gamemode fucking playable before you throw shit in like new weapons and new bosses and new maps and blah blah blah bullshit bullshit bullshit.


Get over the past,someone else maybe can try to recreate those memories with an entirely new gamemode but Mr Green should be moving forward to a new and improved future.  Something just as enjoyable/even more enjoyable then the past gamemode the Deluvas made.  Work on making the gamemode better, not pushing it backwards. 

Posted (edited)

It's working fine for me? And I've not heard anyone else complain about it being 'broken'... considering these allegations are being made by people who either :-


A) Haven't played for months (Mog being the exception as he was on the other day)

B ) Hated what ZS was like before with the constant updates being made and thus, being stuck in the past which is hypocritical as these same people are telling us to quote on quote 'quit living in the past'.


Play the server for a few hours or days, then start bitching rather than band wagoning. 

Edited by The real freeman
  • Greens

-Lol broken guns for kills? This is a different system, if anything its moving into the future. You have a guns for kills weapon slot along with your primary and secondary etc.. 

Its a stand alone module as well so it doesn't even touch the main GM files. :P 

-Moving crates? Old design for a system but it works well. People don't camp in the same spots. You can still cade with ease if you want to. 

-Bosses have been removed for several days so I can re-balance the classes and weapons. Didn't notice that?

-Broken HUD? Blame Ywa for re-coding my hud before I could optimize it. He forgot to name the correct variables with the turrets ammo on the hud. *Fixed today*

-Nothing goes a day without it being patched if its found and its new.


I want to create a hybrid class system which isn't level based. But depending on the pole, we may take a different route.

We need solutions not bitching. If you want to give a solution remove the paragraph and befriend the bullet point. 

  • Greens
  On 8/30/2014 at 9:06 PM, Braindawg said:

I'll say it again, Stop adding shit from the old gamemode and fix what you have first. 

I won't say this again. Learn to read before you write and then maybe there won't be such a stupid debate like we are having now. Btw who are you to say, you come on once a month maybe and suddenly you know whats best, and what the situation the server is in?


It doesn't take too much to realize that the gamemode isn't fun or playable.  Plus I leave cuz I can't stand to stay.  I've tracked all the "progress" done on the server since you first picked up the project.


Hybrid=Doesnt work


thats what it basically is at the moment, either make an original gamemode, or you have to go back to when it worked as a gamemode. Its like you are trying to ride a dead horse, you aint gunna get anywhere even if you keep trying.

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