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Posted (edited)

I did not say it uses 500W at all the time. A high wattage PSU is made for high loads. If it does not get high loads it will use less watt But the efficiency of the PSU is just worse. Example:

Computer needs 389Watt and you put in a 500Watt PSU. An good PSU has an efficiency of around 80% (If on high load). Because the diffrence is not that high the efficiency will be between 72-80%

Computer needs 389Watt and you put in a 750Watt PSU. The efficiency will drastically be less you only will get to manage an efficiency of around 50-60%!

That means the PSU will unnecessarily use more power than it has to use. And what happens if it uses more power that it needs? It becomes heat. And what does heat do to computers?

Oh yea: Your computers is not that good that it needs a 1000W Psu it will do just fine with a 700W psu.

What you're saying isn't 100% true, Yes, you don't need a 1kW PSU for a PC that will only require about 300-400W. BUT PSUs run most efficient when they're at half load.


This Pic shows the effiency curve of a 900W PSU at different loads and you can see that the system 3 with 544W @ load has the highest efficiency. (Test)

You can buy a PSU with 750W or higher for further upgrades, but who says that besweet wants to upgrade to 2 Gtx 580 ? Firstly it'd be nonsense if he doesn't uses 3D vision surround and secondly a 750W PSU can handle 2 gtx 580s, but the PSU might work at full load and makes pretty much noise. (Well, 2 gtx 580 won't be quiet though so ...)

If he want to upgrade in the future he still doesn't need a fking oversized PSU, because new graphics cards will be more efficient. The next generation will be in 28nm, current one is in 40nm, and this means that you'll get either the same graphics power for a lower price and energy consumption or more power with almost the same / slightly higher energy consumption.

See ATi Radeon 4870 -> HD 5870, the HD 5870 performs in avg. about 80% better with pretty much the same power consumption, so a guy who could run a 4870 can also run a HD 5870 or a HD 6950.

But argue about whether it is better to have a oversizd PSU or not is useless. A guy who is limited in his budget takes a PSU which can handle his / her PC and has about 10-20% reserves and those who have the money can buy whatever they want.

I guess besweet has his reasons for taking his PSU, so we shouldn't bash us.

Enough offtopic

Nice build, the cable management of my first build was horrible, but yours is pretty good. Good job B)

Edited by bAsTiNaToR

What is all this discussion about PSU efficiency?


* Better brand = better PSU = better efficiency. In most cases.

* If you have two PSU's of the same brand and line, and one can produce 500 watt and the other 1000 watt, the 1000 watt will be more efficient in pretty much every case. Just prepare to pay a premium price for a 1000 watt capable PSU, which is why it's recommended to buy the lesser PSU if it runs fine too. If you got money to spare, buy the better one.

So Dutchman, you're wrong about the efficiency.


What is all this discussion about PSU efficiency?


* Better brand = better PSU = better efficiency. In most cases.

* If you have two PSU's of the same brand and line, and one can produce 500 watt and the other 1000 watt, the 1000 watt will be more efficient in pretty much every case. Just prepare to pay a premium price for a 1000 watt capable PSU, which is why it's recommended to buy the lesser PSU if it runs fine too. If you got money to spare, buy the better one.

So Dutchman, you're wrong about the efficiency.


Posted (edited)

What's with this discussion about PSU's? Of course one with more power/lifetime/effecient are better ones.

What i have learned during selecting parts for my computer, is that you should not overlook any part. Better PSU has longer lifetime. Bigger/better case makes easier to maintance your computer, and is cooler anyways. Everything else is self-explanatory.

Edited by MiF

Just a little update...

Did some overclocking. Overclocked the 2500K from 3.3GHz to a stable 4.5GHz (high 60's, low 70's). That's with the Ultra Carbon X7. I ordered a Cooler Master Hyper 212 earlier this morning, so hopefully that will bring some temps down a little bit.

ALSO! I ordered a Core i7-26ooK :). Will sell the 2500K eventually. Will definitely overclock the 2500K.

Also overclocked my GTX 560 Twin Frozr II/OC a little bit to 950 core, 1900 shader, and 2200 memory (all with 1.037 core voltage). Never gets more than 80C under load.

Posted (edited)

ALSO! I ordered a Core i7-26ooK :). Will sell the 2500K eventually. Will definitely overclock the 2500K.

Jesus christ... I really should stop looking in this retarded thread.

Edited by CarPileUp

ALSO! I ordered a Core i7-26ooK :). Will sell the 2500K eventually. Will definitely overclock the 2500K.

Jesus christ... I really should stop looking in this retarded thread.


Posted (edited)

ALSO! I ordered a Core i7-26ooK :). Will sell the 2500K eventually. Will definitely overclock the 2500K.

Jesus christ... I really should stop looking in this retarded thread.


Let me explain what is going on in CPU's head.

*Reading that besweet bought an i7-2600K and will sell his i5-2500K*

*Is upset because an i5-2500K, especially if it's overclocked and run with 4,5ghz, can handle every single game without any probs*

*Upgrading from a i5-2500K to an i7-2600K for gaming doesn't make any sense, because your FPS doesn't / won't increase*

*Can't bear the thought that you waste your money on an unnecessary CPU upgrade instead of buying a better GPU, what would make much more sense*

This is a little overview about CPU's thoughts.

Edited by bAsTiNaToR

I guess I should've mentioned that I do a good bit of work with Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere/After Effects. Already spent $800~ on the PC. Might as well spend another $100~ to get the best 2nd-gen Core i7 that I can.


My 2600K showed up. Swapped it out with my 2500K. Got rid of the Ultra cooler and am using the stock cooler for now (212 should be here on Friday). Pretty sure the cooler is seated properly. Put about pea size dot of thermal paste onto the CPU (maybe slightly smaller). CPU is idling at 45C. Prime95 will being it up to 97C. I'll double check everything.

Posted (edited)

Got my 212+ installed. Idles at around 35C. Full load (stock speeds) is around 58C. I'll try a 4.5GHz OC to see how things will work. I just wish I could figure out why the included CPU fan is always at 100% instead of automatically adjusting itself to the CPU loads... Looks like I'll still have to rely on Speedfan for automatic fan adjustments.

Edited by besweeet

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