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  On 7/26/2012 at 1:13 AM, Quert said:
  On 7/25/2012 at 10:51 PM, Alex~ said:


I have a minor glitch that delays loading time it's very annoying and i end up spawning with a group of noobs behind a failcade. Everytime i load a new map i have to download 'chainsaw', it looks a bit like this: downloading chainsaw.phy... ect. If anyone knows a possible fix for this then please share! Thanks for reading.

To fix that, check this topic here, it was started by a person who had the same problem, and the solution is there.

In other words, download this

Also if you press F4 in the gameplay sections untick "Spawn on humans". Then you wont spawn in a cade, unless they caded the human spawn.

  On 7/26/2012 at 8:19 AM, mogadonskoda said:
  On 7/26/2012 at 1:13 AM, Quert said:
  On 7/25/2012 at 10:51 PM, Alex~ said:


I have a minor glitch that delays loading time it's very annoying and i end up spawning with a group of noobs behind a failcade. Everytime i load a new map i have to download 'chainsaw', it looks a bit like this: downloading chainsaw.phy... ect. If anyone knows a possible fix for this then please share! Thanks for reading.

To fix that, check this topic here, it was started by a person who had the same problem, and the solution is there.

In other words, download this

Also if you press F4 in the gameplay sections untick "Spawn on humans". Then you wont spawn in a cade, unless they caded the human spawn.


Posted (edited)

Aaaaaand more stuff:

  • Added new item type: Pickups. These are some useful or not items that can randomly appear across the map.
  • Increased max rank to 70.
  • Added Pack of planks tool (slot 2).
  • Added 2 perks for Pack of planks.
  • Added rare special zombies.
  • Increased zombine's damage against cades.
  • Increased amount of sales in SkillShop.
  • Comeback now gives you random Tier 2 pistol.
  • Removed few useless serverside timers.
  • Added 2 more achievements.
  • Nerfed alpha zombies a bit.
  • Added something annoying.

  On 7/27/2012 at 5:34 PM, NECROSSIN said:

Aaaaaand more stuff:

  • Added new item type: Pickups. These are some useful or not items that can randomly appear across the map.
  • Increased max rank to 70.
  • Added Pack of planks tool (slot 2).
  • Added 2 perks for Pack of planks.
  • Added rare special zombies.
  • Increased zombine's damage against cades.
  • Increased amount of sales in SkillShop.
  • Comeback now gives you random Tier 2 pistol.
  • Removed few useless serverside timers.
  • Added 2 more achievements.
  • Nerfed alpha zombies a bit.
  • Added something annoying.

Can you get Damien to update the unlock list plox?

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Tiny experimental serverside update:

  • Decreased Nail's health by 30%
  • Increased overall bullet damage by 20%

In theory that should make people be more catious about cades.

Need opinions if that cading/action change was good or not, so I can decide to keep it or revert it

Posted (edited)

no no no no no no no no this better be changed back after weekend since i wont play at weekend

nails suck even more now

dont listen to pufulets shitty ideas cause he is bad at cading and wants all people to start running like chickens like he does

aaand nails are weak-> more ppl cade together-> zombies rage

buffing guns-> zombies get killed easily--> they rage

well expect if the starting zombies are pros which is not always happening

Edited by Reiska
  On 8/17/2012 at 10:17 AM, NECROSSIN said:

Another experimental serverside update:

  • Converted all prop_physics and prop_physics_respawnable entities into prop_physics_multiplayer for more optimisation

Best optimising update yet. All players should have a very high fps increase now

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I know we dont really use this topic anymore, but here are some changes I have done on my private version of the mod where I test maps. All the changes that I have done work perfectly and it just improves the mod in general. When you have time Necro, for the love of all thats good and decent use this code in the server. The mod will be so much more enjoyable and balanced!

Magnum - Incredibly slow so I changed the delay to the actual one from old zs and decreased damage.

  • SWEP.Primary.Damage = 30
  • SWEP.Primary.Delay = 0.7
Deagle - Incredibly inaccurate so I made it more suitable so people MIGHT actually buy it for the first time ever.
  • SWEP.Cone = 0.065
  • SWEP.ConeMoving = 0.085
  • SWEP.ConeCrouching = 0.050
  • SWEP.ConeIron = 0.045
  • SWEP.ConeIronCrouching = 0.040

M1014 - Crosshair covered the screen so I fixed that. I also increased the walkspeed and the max ammo

  • SWEP.Cone = 0.10
  • SWEP.ConeMoving = 0.15
  • SWEP.ConeCrouching = 0.07
  • SWEP.MaxAmmo = 80
  • SWEP.WalkSpeed = 175

Hl2 Shotgun - Crosshair covered the screen so I fixed that. I also increased the walkspeed and the max ammo
  • SWEP.Primary.Delay = 0.60
  • SWEP.Cone = 0.09
  • SWEP.ConeMoving = 0.12
  • SWEP.ConeCrouching = 0.06
  • SWEP.MaxAmmo = 80
  • SWEP.WalkSpeed = 175

Annabelle - The model was broken so I fixed it. The ammo was broken so you cant actually buy any ammo for it so I fixed that. Annabelle is supposed to have good accuracy so I did that as well.

  • SWEP.ViewModel = "models/Weapons/v_annabelle.mdl"
  • SWEP.WorldModel = "models/Weapons/w_shotgun.mdl"
  • SWEP.Primary.DefaultClip = 20
  • SWEP.Primary.Ammo = "buckshot"
  • SWEP.MaxAmmo = 80
  • SWEP.Cone = 0.050
  • SWEP.ConeMoving = 0.1
  • SWEP.ConeCrouching = 0.05
  • SWEP.ConeIron = 0.02
  • SWEP.ConeIronCrouching = 0.015
  • SWEP.WalkSpeed = 175
Shotgun speeds have been increased slightly so they actually feel better. You dont slowmo walk when holding a shotgun
zs_options_shared -.
WAVE_TIMEADD = 30 Instead of each wave having an extra 15 seconds I made it 30 because waves were too short. Especially wave 6 where its supposed to be the hardest but it feels too quick
  • SP = 15, - Used to be 13


  • Speed = 165 - Howler is stupidly fast. Ask any zs player.
  • JumpPower = 100, - Proper jump for a headcrab when they press space
  • Speed = 170, - Headcrabs were a bit too fast so I slightly decreased it.

Zombine - Zombines are explosive snails on the server. I increased their speed.

  • Speed = 140,
  • RunSpeed = 240,

Weapon_ZS_Wraith - Wraith does 2.5 times more damage when disguised instead of 1.5 because they are not really usefull.

if self.Disguised then

Damage = Damage * 2.5


zombine_grenade - Removed poison grenade because they dont help taking down the cade when thats the zombines task.

//Set grenade type (poison or damage)

self:SetType( math.random( 1, 1 ) )

Edited by Pufulet
Posted (edited)

Necro can you please just do something, its not hard to implement all ofwhat pufu said to do as it is just a copy and paste.Alsoother things that should be changed for balance reasons.

1.Blow Torch is useless in every way possible, it doesn't heal fastenough for it to be useful. It also gives you only like 20-30 SP fora round of healing without stopping and with the perk. Were as amedic could get 50-100 profit in the later waves and

get100-200 more SP from kills. Make is heal twice as much, which then inturn gives you the SP twice as quick. So you would get 40-60 SP perround, so maybe double that amount by making it half the healing needed for you to get the SP, Then 80-120, is a much better numberand it heals the cade more so you can shoot as well for some kills.

2.Mobile supplies needs to be buffed because not many people use itthis is because you gain very little SP from it and there is not perkfor people to use in the bottom perk slot as that is the slot fortool perks, but for some reason doesn't have one for this tool. It should gives you 5 SP per use rather than 3 because say 20 people areon the server, 5 of them are zombies for the entire game. You get touse the mobile supplies 10 times in a game max, so 10*15*3 is 450,this may seem like this is a lot of SP, but that is provided everyoneis in your cade if you are in one, most occasions there is 3-4 peoplewho aren’t. People don't always use the mobile supplies becausethey are busy shooting and only remember to get it when they are outof ammo, this means in the end they only use it 6-7 times in a game.More people will die in the game so you get even less because everyone is zombie. So all in all you are lucky in a game to get 200,maybe 300 if you are in a good cade and survive. Buffing it to 5 SPwouldn't give you as much as Medic but you can shoot for longer andso can your team and you don't have to chase the person on 20 hp toheal them. The perk could be something like 30% chance of it giving you 1 explosive ammo (C4 or nades), or if you think that would be tooOP just make the perk the increase to 5 SP per use.

3.C4 is useless I planted C4 as close as possible to each other and waited until a normal zombie to walk in between all 3 and thenactivated them and it just blow him a couple of meters in the air andhe didn’t die, were as you can have 1 nade kill 10 zombies. C4 should get do the same damage as nades, you unlock them later so youshould at least be able to kill a normal zombie with 1 of them.

4.Make nades do less damage to cades (and C4 if you increase the damageof them). I am talking about human nades by the way. if you use all 3nades against a cade you don't have a cade, and you sometimes don’thave a choice because if you don’t throw the nade you are going tobe over run because there is so many of them. You are also probablyout of ammo because people cade in rooms with supply crates in themso you can buy ammo and no one really use mobile supplies because itis useless for SP gaining. The only current use for them is to throwthem into spawn just before all the zombie respawn at the start of anew wave. So it kills them all just as they respawn.....

5.SMG ammo is over priced you get so little ammo for what you pay for,if you buy a SMG and 2 ammo packs you can use up the ammo in 60seconds, don’t say that I am not conserving my ammo because Itshard to if you only have 4 clips and it takes 4 clips to kill the 5zombies chasing your ass. Just make the price at least slightlycheaper the price is 5SP less then rifle ammo and rifles feel morepowerful and more accurate.

6.Make tools available in the SP shop because half the itme if you dochoose mobile supplies and you place them near a supply crate it justdisappears even though there is the feature that stops you placing itnext to it. At least give us the option to rebuy it for say 250 SPmaybe turret, torch and medkit as well because you may not have anymedics or cade healers or the people with hammers are going to runout of nails on the next wave so you can buy a hammer and some nailsto help them.

7.Bosses need to do more damage against cades, I know you buffed it awhile ago but it is still pitiful, There was a cade with 3 nails wehad hate on are team and we died as we got to the cade because theyall had M4's but they didnt shoot hate to save there ammo. But Hatemanaged to take down 1 and a half nails by its self and it wasattacking the cade for at least 2 mins of the total wave. isn’t aboss supposed to go in there and spice things up by destroying thecade. Bosses don’t normally attack the cade anyway because they aremost of the times noobs who are too decide to save there healthrather than destroying the cade...

AlsoI would just like to say it feels like ZS is neglected, but there is 20 people on the server for at least an hour everyday and more than 10 for most of the day (apart from morning and late night). But meand Pufu joined at 10:30-11:00 and there was 25 players on. Its notthat the server isnt played on its just none of them ever come to theforums, they probably don't even know that this topic exsists or evenhow to get to the forums. So maybe if there were updates to make the game more fun they would then play on the server more and want tojoin the community not just play on the server for 30 mins a week.

ButI hope you could at least implement pufu's weapon changes since thepistols he made changes for are useless and don't just say if youdon't like it don't use them because they might as well not be in thegamemode since they are that useless, even if you do get a headshotwith a magnum it takes 3 of them to kill a normal zombie and half thetime you miss and the hit boxes are so broken that most of the timeit doesn't count anyway, I have got a headshot on a fastie while itwas above me on a ladder, I shot it up the ass and it counted as aheadshot if that’s not messed up I don't know what is.

Edited by mogadonskoda

I agree with both pufu and mogadon. Those changes could work (maybe test pufus values and if some dont work out, revert them back). And mogas changes are simple value changes to (and i know that it could fuck up the balance, but the balance is already off. )

One more thing to add: Meat shield should only be for the first 2 waves or limited to normal zombies.

Posted (edited)

The new generation of zs players is not really aware of the forum-side of zombie survival. Most of the common players on zs will never be seen on this forum. That is why nobody complains here anymore. They dont know that you can complain here.

Edited by Pufulet
  On 9/3/2012 at 8:07 PM, Pufulet said:

The new generation of zs players is not really aware of the forum-side of zombie survival. Most of the common players on zs will never be seen on this forum. That is why nobody complains here anymore. They dont know that you can complain here.

I agree, i didnt even go on the forums, just played on the server until now.


While Im busy as hell, here is some small info for discussion

(also if ya cant join ZS server - add 'vgui_allowhtml 0' in startup options for gmod)

So here are few ideas that I want to implement when I'll have some time:

  • Remove slot restriction for perks, so perks no longer can be placed only in one specified slot (aka you can have Turret Ammo and Turret Power at same time and etc)
  • Add zombie perks/buffs that lasts for 1 wave. For example you ate a human and he dropped some delicious stuff that gives you (or even all zombies) like +X% more damage/health/speed/resistance and etc for 1 wave.
  • Add rare mini-bosses in case if humans are waaay too strong. (can appear on wave 3-5)
  • And some misc balancing

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Forgot to mention that all this bullshit with sql was solved for gmod13.

Im gonna continue slowly porting it when I'll have some free time.

P.S.: Is case if it wont be possible to make Halloween event - I'll try to replace it with something else, once zs will be fully ported.

Double P.S.: While experience, ranks and shit will be saved - you still need to customise your loadout from scratch.

  • 1 month later...

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