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Mr. Green Gaming


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Ywa last won the day on January 15 2022

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  1. You know you made an unbalanced game when I'm pro at it: http://bbq.to/hl2_2012-11-29_20-10-57-02_8963.png

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    2. Griffon


      So have created a semi succesfull business out of a hobby? I certaintly havent. I also cant waintain £500 a month either. Credit is due where credit is due

    3. Reap3r


      They have created a semi-successful business? For a very small company perhaps it WAS successful but as ywa and clavus may have noticed, they keep losing players. It isn't what it used to be, this community is slowly decaying. If you cannot spend 500 of whatever currency you have, that is because you have no job or you aren't living alone. As for making a business out of my hobbies, my hobbies are gaming, I cannot create a business out of that.

    4. Ywa


      Limetric is an succesfull company. There isn't just much budget for Mr. Green at this moment. And we're losing players yes. Guess we'll need to do something about that.

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