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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by AfuSensi

  1. I (or someone else) probably gotta change that to another way instead of chatbox. Seems kinda spammy.
  2. New background every hour thanks to displayfusion.
  3. Not a suprise when 80% of the players are KoM though xD
  4. Be careful with this, we have no control when mp3skull decides to change links or delete files. it's something like google, it search musics from different sitesI know, but my point is we have no control over the links.
  5. Be careful with this, we have no control when mp3skull decides to change links or delete files.
  6. Most likely ghost, checking settings menu.
  7. 20/20 is ghost dimension, not a player.
  8. It's in nextreme's map editor resource, but im sure there are standalones of the same type of script.
  9. We are talking about two bugs here, one is when a player joins, the race resource sometimes is too late to warp players in a vehicle so you could walk around and punch. The other bug is floating peds that actually move at the speed of a vehicle. Right? Or was stroth in a vehicle on his screen?
  10. Maybe we could remove peds from ghosts.
  11. By the way, Cena can not acces mrgreen's website from his home, so the reviews for these maps might be delayed.
  12. Pewdiesky
  13. Talked ingame, fixed.
  14. - Seems to work for both anton and me, did it say anything when you bought it?
  15. Is ghost still disabled?
  16. That tells me it is because of dimensions, someones vehicle is in another dimension then its ped for your client. Thats' the thing, Tanatos wasn't in-game. Last seen on 19.10.2015 And ok Aleks, I'll test the following days (small vacation) and tell you Oh my bad, seems like there were 2 ped bugs then, 1 with real players and 1 in ghost. I think i turned off ghost for me, so i would not notice
  17. That tells me it is because of dimensions, someones vehicle is in another dimension then its ped for your client.
  18. Okey ill look into it again. Seems to happen less then before though, i did not see it yet.
  19. Its not server policy, though i do agree we need a purge.
  20. xpro party pooper
  21. I think i fixed it, if you guys still see this please report back to me.
  22. Yes it can, i also fixed it for the mario map once, but after the crash it got reset. Ill do it again, let me know if other maps have it too.
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