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Mr. Green Gaming


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LikeyMikey last won the day on October 3 2020

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About LikeyMikey

  • Birthday 07/28/1998

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  1. Good luck!
  2. In map Markers 1, one part of the map is in LS airport and finish line is near by exiting the airport. Dziny skips most of the checkpoints, grabs hay, barrel, spike and oil markers and puts them all at the exit of the airport, ruining the time for whoever is 1st. Screens show what he has placed at the moment, he also drove into the barrels and blew me up and in TAB you can see how I was on my 42 of 46 checkpoints while Dziny was only on 17.
  3. Bye. The community is mostly toxic. Everyone still thinks I was demoted and that I didn't retire. I'm drunk but what I'm doing right now is for real. I'm done. This community is degradating me, making me feel like I'm stupid. I don't need this. Bye.
  4. no adding dl and mh. they were removed for a reason and because people voted so. putting them back will just decrease the amount of players for 1 day.
  5. Change owner!
  6. LikeyMikey

    Unban app

    Since I'm mentioned, I'm allowed to reply. 1. I banned venom because he clearly advertised. (and I unbanned him since his friends begged for it) 2.I banned job on all his VPNs only after consulting other admins. 3.I did not provoke you, you randomly started talking shit about me both ingame and in discord chat. After recieving a ban, you went all crazy on discord. 4. I'm still waiting on some proof about corruption. 5. I don't know how could I rig a vote, I didn't even know it's happening and I never saw the results before I was accepted. From me, this is a 100% no.
  7. VPN usage is not allowed on this server. Locked.
  8. Delete all of them. Waste of time. Maybe bring them back one multirooms are implemented. Meanwhile all 3 of those gamemodes could be replaced by something that's more fun and less buggy. Consulting the community first though if we want it.
  9. Of course you only show the messages where you're the angel. I told you nicely to ignore the provocation. But you're a full on child who cannot keep your pie hole shut and has to say something to that. Other than being the smarter one and keep quiet, you talk back and then cry that you're being provoked. Maybe if you wouldn't join the game to ruin it to everyone else with your purposefull actions, no one would bat an eye towards you. But it's your actions that make people insult you. Because you treat everyone like shit and then run to your mommy when someone says something back. Maybe instead of calling everyone else out here for doing something, you should rather look at your own behaviour and see if there's anything you can still salvage and change to the better.
  10. I love how once again you're claiming that you did absolutely nothing and people just insult you for no reason. In my defense, I had my reasons to say what I said. I never insult without a reason. And I just know that talking to you in any other way is next to useless. Although, whatever way I choose, talking to you is time consuming and wasteful since nor do you write in proper English, you don't even understand proper English. The reason for my insult is because you ruined a race where I could have topped. Instead of actually choosing your own race line and letting me pass since I had a faster vehicle than you, you decide to purpousley drive infront of me and knock me out of the race. The same race which you later lost even with knocking me out of 1st place and claiming it. Can't you just see that this community doesn't want you here? You can't talk to people. You have 0 social skills. Every conversation you have with ANYONE ends up with both of you arguing. How about you take some time off, grow a piece of brain, understand what a terrible human being you are, change yourself and come back. EDIT: And finally learn to admit that you're not always right!
  11. LikeyMikey

    Shooter Sunday

    NiceMike, I'm willing to lose in both.
  12. Im sure a little bribe towards Cena will make him ignore the rule
  13. Gameserver: Mix (Rather both) Age: 21 Country of origin: Latvia Link to Steam Community profile *: https://steamcommunity.com/id/chapalv/ Discord name **: chapa#3315 Ingame name: KoM|NiceMike Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I'm 21 years old, in 3 months I'll be 22. I study Information Technology at Latvian University of Life Scienses and Technologies. In my spare time I no-life at the server, hang out with my friends or help my best friend with his rallycross car. The reason why I want to be a administrator is because I've been spending quite alot of time online now and since it's almost summer, I presume that's how it's going to be for the rest of the summer and hopefully afterwards. As far as I think, I'm very mature and can also joke if needed. I've noticed that at some points of the day, the server lacks administrators and I would happily fill those points by being online and making sure that no rulebreaking whatsoever is happening. I promise that I'll look into every situation as closely as possible before making a decision. I want to be an administrator to make this a better environment for the players, not to punish everyone as soon as they do something bad. First comes learning and if that doesn't work, then it's time for some punishment - that's my motto to which I will follow everytime I'll encounter a rulebreaking moment which will need my final decision on!
  14. username: ChapaLV who invited u: The owner of SCS
  15. LikeMike Map: Video Games
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