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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. Yeah um no. would be full of hate and anger, it would hurt your eyes when you see there can be such rivality between gamers and nawbs. It would change your toughts of the human kind FOR EVER Well, its really because it displays faction chat as well as public. So it would be unfair if everyone were able to see it.
  2. Yeah um no.
  3. I've been to Heidelberg before, does that count?
  4. That and the Finnish just hate the Swedish anyway? But minky, good luck child, German's an interesting one. Nein, meinen sommebrillen ist kaput. (Ill be told that I've got the grammar wrong there )
  5. Funny thing is. I don't have a specific accent, its really difficult for me to have one, what I have is like a smorgasbord (Swede's gonna hate) of London, Essex, Midlands & Yorkshire. Anyway, bath, they're cool. Bath's are cool. Would you rather go into University with the possibility of a job afterwards, or go straight into a job which wouldn't be as high paying as the possible one after university.
  6. unbanned
  7. Different IP's dear.
  8. When Clavus can be bothered to go through the applications. Which regulars here (and myself) will know can be anything up to months waiting.
  9. Also in the future: http://forums.left4green.com/topic/9305-minecraft-ban-request/
  10. http://forums.left4green.com/topic/9305-minecraft-ban-request/
  11. Hat colour to match suit colour

  12. I use MSE, its free and it does its job.
  13. Um. I thought Clavus unbanned him.
  14. You know. I'm not so sure about the colour of that bowler hat. Blends too much with the background colour imo.

  15. In English please, and if you cant do that, use google translate to translate it.
  16. Darkstar

    Unban ruCsan

  17. Unbanned
  18. Theyre still there dear
  19. Removed the poll, its not needed, players don't have say over an unban.
  20. Unbanned
  21. *pic* Im in your Hammer, stealing your hard work.
  22. http://bbq.to/wallpaper-2558_7750.jpg xoxoxoxo It fits my Rainmeter style perfectly
  23. Post ketchup of your background please VMR
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