I would post a new picture, but theres the image floating around the forums of my mantits anyway, which technically is a picture of me. But for face picture, had a haircut today, so NOPE.
And thanks for CoH and its DLC Edit: I seriously cannot reccommend CoH enough, its such an awesome RTS, and its on offer in the sale! http://store.steampo...d.com/sub/1529/
If Sir has quite finished being a complete dick, he would have realised that a true grammar/spelling Nazi would have corrected his entire reply. And I also note a couple of errors in your reply as well. So kindly leave it to the professionals.
Interesting scoring system you have there. By this logic, I win. Because me. Also "1-4 for censorship" if that was for the posts disappearing, I did that, because the content is against forum rules.
I think this thread is getting even more unnecessary than it was at the beginning. I do understand that admin's have made their point clear in the past, but to just repeat other's posts and say that this topic is unnecessary, is a pointless and unnecessary post in itself. Contribute something? Or don't post? Ty :] He was merely quoting the rules of the forum. For you to observe.
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There is a scramble command, but from what I remember only Global/TC can issue it, since its technically rcon, not through sourcemod. As you see in VMR's picture.