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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. I can probably do either. AND I WANT MY FREE PLANE TICKETS. Edit: I would be bringing my own laptop as well.
  2. Bump. Gamertag: Altanorch Games: Halo Reach, Forza 4 (There are a fair few more, but they're back home)
  3. Farting in my bed, ALL NIGHT LONG.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EmRA


      Nighttime is the best time to unleash your inner strenght

  4. Darkstar


    If you want Clavus' attention, private message him on here. Also fyi. Rep means shit all.
  5. This is currently on my door at uni: http://goo.gl/Vkc4Q

  6. Humble bundle for Android! http://www.humblebundle.com/
  7. Darkstar


    Stop making new threads for each reply.
  8. Nope, F2P I believe.
  9. Because there base is probably unclaimed.Free stuff. And I am wandering if corby got caught admin abusing (im not saying he does) . Their base/land/items are gone because they were becoming less and less active, so Corby decided to get rid of it all. And he's away for a week snowboarding in France.
  10. Fix'd Fix'dd
  11. Darkstar


    Bumping to get this train moving again. Lets see if we can get more people this time. I find that Last.fm's always an interesting place to see what people you know like, since it doesn't tread around the subject of naming genres you listen to, which can take some time, it just flat out names the bands/tracks.
  12. That event was last Friday. And yes, we'll do it more often since it's pretty much the only way to fill the server if players themselves won't take the initiative. And get TS3 server or something for next time :3... It would be nice to have voice chat. Theres a mumble server.
  13. Its not happening.
  14. Darkstar


    I need to show this to my highly paranoid of the internet Information Systems lecturer.
  15. Darkstar

    Ban Request

    Well. Phoeny's banned. Closed.
  16. Theyre doing it to show what would happen if SOPA & PIPA pass.
  17. All those who didnt post "Good luck" disappoint me for failing to remember the rules.
  18. Do the D.A.N.C.E, 1 2 3 4 fight. Stick to the b e a t, get ready to ignite. You were such a P.Y.T., catching all the lights, just as easy as A B C, do the dance, do the dance. The way you move is a mystery. Do the dance. You're always there for music and me, do the dance, the way you move is a mystery. Do the dance. You're always there for music and me. etc.
  19. Yes, no.
  20. Thought I'd make my one easy
  21. Gorillaz - Demon Days
  22. The Beatles - White Album?
  23. Je deteste ton visage. (I think thats the only phrase in french I know)
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