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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. how did you get that bit at the top??
  2. this is happening to me on the infected wars server as well, and no, im not replacing models on purpose, it just does randomnly, and it happens to both zombies and humans, which is irritating if youre trying to hit a invisible bones
  3. is correct in that fact and is stubborn to believe that i ate erin
  4. looks very good the one thing i will say is that with the last photo, it looks like there needs a few more props, but not many more, or are there some more behind you?
  5. keeps thinking that erin will save him
  6. the current forum photoshop expert
  7. when mine disconnects it keeps showing me this, for about 1 min in chat window "Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained." it gets very annoying
  8. my parents arent that rich, we just get a new computer every 5 years, which was last august, we wont get a new downstairs one until about 2013, im thinking about building my own one
  9. Exactly what mine does... but also i can still connect to steam community on the overlay, its just rather slow, but i am in a game though
  10. im not sure if this is related, but even if im not playing a game or anything, it'll keep losing connection to steam friends, and only that, i know this because it was losing connection, but i was on firefox perfectly fine no problems... but it does also randomly lose connection while in game, but i dont talk to many people anyways
  11. from parents, jobs, all that shizzle
  12. What's the number of the card? Like: HD4870 or something. HD 3870 Mayco you make me sad. Why's that? I think by naming a far superior card HD3870 isn't that bad. Especially not for a gaming rig you got as a present. i have that, dont mock it until you try it
  13. very nice
  14. yeah, because people might think that this is another thread in which you have to introduce yourself to the forum, but theres already one of those id personally rename it to "Hai Guys :3" but thats because of how i announce myself on the zs server
  15. My ign in the zombie server is "[Eu] Corby" currently. i know corby! but i havent seen him online of late, or is it just appauling timing which i seem to be having recently?
  16. True dat my robot friend. surely sexy robot friend
  17. i do believe that someone has hax'ed the poll ahaha
  18. ive relatively new to gmod in general, since november last year, so i dont have many memories, just the knife/crowbar fights various eu people and i had
  19. lolwut? XD
  20. who needs zsp? im in eu and also in tug, and in various others, just find another clan just say to yourself, "fuck it, who needs them anyway" it helps
  21. no im just saying about this topic, it keeps meandering off course, then back on course, then off again etc.
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