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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Where's The Doctor when you need him.
  2. O.O I need a new pair of pants.
  3. Took out all the off-topic posts. There are better channels for this argument folks.
  4. I will wait for Necrossin to give his input about this, but if its JUST for irritating that Scooberts person, the 4 days is simply too harsh a ban. If there is more to this, then we'll just have to see.
  5. Sam Spratt is an awesome digital artist.
  6. Do you have logs for before this as well?
  7. Reservoir Dogs. And if there's anyone who hasn't seen Reservoir Dogs. WATCH IT NAO.
  8. Perhaps (and I know some people may not like this) limit the amount of poison headcrabs at one time?
  9. ujelly?
  10. I decided in a later game of CoH to beat the 6 howitzers from earlier. So, I give you 9 howitzers instead
  11. Are you any of the following: A steam user?Someone who takes screenshots in-game?Someone who wants to display them somewhere for others to enjoy? Then this fabulous thread is for you! Only for the low low price of zero euros per month! But seriously, if you want to post any screenshots you made which you want to share with others, then just dump them here P.S. Forums is bitchy about image linking a steam screenshot, so paste the link or re-upload it to forums from disk or something. I'll start: Howitzers <3 Spawns on Heavy Metal are annoying if the houses have collapsed: Oh dem Koreans trying to be Elvis:
  12. So. I heard that EA are attempting to butcher BF3 into pre-order DLC: http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/hxp37/ea_and_dice_are_chopping_battlefield_3_into/c1z8u91 http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/hy24b/battlefield_3_preorder_dlc_boycott_coordination/ http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/hxtjy/if_you_are_tired_of_exclusive_dlcs_butchering/
  13. Darkstar

    Post your shoes

  14. Now that you mention that they do look a bit like each other.
  15. Darkstar

    Take me back!

    The English/Dutch language rule is because English is one of the most widely spoken/typed languages so it's a good middle ground for people, and Dutch, well because this is originally a Dutch community. And also with people speaking other languages its rather irritating to work out what people are trying to say to you, or are swearing at you and you dont realise. ANYWAY. TAKE ALL THE BITCHING OUT OF THIS GODDAMN TOPIC.
  16. Darkstar

    Take me back!

    Nice to see that you're back babe. Also, see here for the current line of admins http://www.left4green.com/gameservers.php
  17. Darkstar

    E3 2011

    You havent gotten "Man with the broken guns"? You sir suck as spy.
  18. Darkstar

    E3 2011

    For me its:
  19. It wasnt removed, the forums had to be restored from a backup which meant that threads newer than last tuesday were lost.
  20. Bitch. THIS ISNT WHAT YOU SAID YESTERDAY. But seriously, it is quite hard for me to say who I love :/ So, I'll try D: Dusty Corby Ywa VMR Peon Sneed Also, le bump.
  21. The original thread isnt there since the forums had to be restored from last tuesday's backup
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UgjDi_nOrU
  23. Darkstar

    Post your shoes

    I approve of the post above this.
  24. Darkstar

    Post your shoes

  25. "Clavus is working his ass off for you guys."

    I call lies.

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