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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. It happened to Jupiter for me as well. Mine was fine going to other nebula's/galaxies, but upon re-entry into milky way it crashed.
  2. His IP points to Australia dear.
  3. I have to say, Zombine is incredibly op, I gave myself a p90 to test this, I managed to empty an entire clip into a zombines head, but it just brought its health down to 70, then on another occassion it was with a poison zombie, by the time I had emptied a clip into it and reloaded it was pretty much back at 100% again.
  4. Could you all please get the fuck out of the admin apps. You only wish them good luck or make helpful pointers. Not derail it.
  5. Maybe next year
  6. So you don't have 40 pounds? 50* And no. I'd also have to think about getting there as well.
  7. You chickened out bro. No dear. Its your job to chicken out of things. Its actually because I realised that I wont have finished my modules on a friday and monday by then, and getting enough money with no job was just too difficult.
  8. I lol'd. But knowing Clavus. It's true Also. Probably not going now, its becoming far too much hassle for me to book flights for just a weekend, and attempt to figure out a way of getting to the airport. Maybe next year. It'd be easier to get to an airport from Lancaster anyway.
  9. What? How was I rude? You had made an application already, if you wanted the TopCrew consider looking through the admin apps, then just post in your original thread to bring it into recent topics.
  10. Locked for now. It does NOT mean that your application has been declined it just means I'm stopping this thread from being covered in spam. And also your first application hasn't been answered yet. You may want to be more patient.
  11. I know as well, I thought up the idea for it
  12. I dont think he can complain really clavus, its quite a clear speedhacker Anyway, since he's banned, case closed.
  13. New York. Not entire USA.
  14. Darkness stop posting offtopic replies, what you said should have gone into ZS Suggestions thread. NOT THIS ONE. THEY ARE FOR DIFFERENT THINGS. Do it again and your warn level will be increased, again.
  15. Map details must be in english. And please stop spamming BinSlayer over PM.
  16. Darkstar

    'Dat Cave'

    Looks good. (In b4 Boter calls it shit )
  17. Hurr.
  18. Dumping. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=2lT3bpcTT5o Fuck yea. Edit: Rui, I fixed your post for you.
  19. 8D Oh wait. I took the webcomics bit off since I dont really read any anymore.
  20. What's your hours played on MTA anyway.
  21. They can be knocked over with props, but cannot get knocked over with zombie attack.
  22. War you say? I shall be there firing rawkets in yo face. And shotgun'ing it as well. :>
  23. .uoy hO .sdrolrevo cibara wen ruo emoclew I ,oslA
  24. 0/10 Oh god no D: I counter with LSD in YouTube form.
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