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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. ^Fixed You strip mining hoebag. Leave some goddamn resources for the rest of us.
  2. Trolololol.
  3. Sire.

    I believe that we all knew that about Sneed anyway, from my outrageously passionate quote about his 25" penis in his signature.

  4. What the fuck is this shit.
  5. ^That
  6. made me lol This is what I had
  7. Nope. My family take it down 12 days after the 25th
  8. Locomotion
  9. I am very jealous of you going to CES :<
  10. Well great. I come back on MC and I find that part of my house has been destroyed and my chest is gone. Good thing any valuables are on me at all times.
  11. That's not sure actually. Some scientists say they're sure it'll still happen 2012 and not the other date. We'll see. Wut? I thought it was the religionfags who stated that the world would end in 2012? No, it was because the Mayan calendar ends on the 12/12/2012. However, they dont exist anymore.
  12. And Dust Ridge has been burgled. Clavus I know you want to ban the person responsible and see the fear in their pixelated eyes, but you can't until Notch brings in an API, so for a temporary fix, please for the love of god un-whitelist everyone.
  13. Happy new year from best GMT time zone
  14. Chiken, the amount of poll questions wouldnt fit in. He did say in the other topic. L2Read Also. Pryo - Triboniophorus Tyrannus Heavy - Hound Dog Engi - 10 Gallon Hat Spy - Detective Noir
  15. Oh you poor, Irish hatless person. Theres around 100 hats in total.
  16. I voted for Scout - Trouble maker's tosslecap Solly - Chieftain's Challenge Demo - Rimmed Raincatcher Medic- Vintage Tyrolean Sniper - Larrikin Robin But yeah, you probably should have done one for all the classes in the first place
  17. I find that KOTH is excellent practise for headshotting, especially Harvest or Viaduct. But anyway, you sir are an excellent player (and I can confirm the annoying pyro part, I just end up spamming "Thanks!" when he has me D:) and would probably be a great admin. (Also. Me and him as spies on watchtower is funsies )
  18. Yeah, just to confirm he's applying for the MTA server.
  19. You want to be looking out for a post by Clavus since all servers beside MTA are his domain.
  20. Also. Hundred's slight provoking of him didnt help matters as well.
  21. With pleasure. LOCKED.
  22. Bought this today while it was still on offer at the low low low price of £6.80 (7,97€), looks good, cant wait to play it
  23. OR Buy yourself an actual camera
  24. Theyre not bad, but you might want to get them to be less blurry and concoct a better composition, it would make those photo's 10 times better, just a few tips that's all
  25. Wow, nice. And this is the "anti-apple in most ways person" speaking here
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