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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. Oh shit. Sorry. My bad. Yeah you may want to get that looked at ASAP.
  2. Merry Christmas from us GMT +0 fags :>
  3. Happy christmas eve. (Dis aint true christmas. Yo.)
  4. "plans" AKA its not going to happen. Nope. Plans are in motion. The relevant hamsters are ready to run in their wheels. The correct Deluvas' are fed. aka. Sometime in January ZS should be open source.
  5. 10/10 Of course :3
  6. Just type in left4green.com
  7. Gief
  8. You'll probably want to talk to VMR & CyriusG since they both have Hero's.
  9. Erm, Test Drive Unlimited 2, Wired 360 controller, Ushanka () and a couple of dvd's, prolly also getting money due to me being hard to buy for.
  10. http://twitter.com/#!/notch Look to there for questions about when beta comes out.
  11. Payload as of this post has 0 players, I had seen it around 22 a few days ago, but that clearly hasnt taken to keeping it up.
  12. Yes from me. I'm all in favour of anything which pushes up the player numbers. Also, if the mapvoting was implemented that would make it better.
  13. Look. Why not have this as a topic for maps which should be deleted OR fixed. That should stop you two arguing.
  14. bumps
  15. Darkstar


    a ) It generally helps if you specify the game youre wanting to play b ) If you dont have the game then you would have to buy it. c ) Explain your problem better, as you are making little if any sense.
  16. Just the way I like you babe

  17. space
  18. Adding bans.
  19. They are/were fractals. Which are win.
  20. Nonsensical
  21. Let me just remind you all since many seem to either have forgotten or just havent read the first post. It's only 1 fucking word. What is so hard to understand about that. No hyphenated attempts at getting round the rule. Only 1 word, not 2. If you have a problem with that. Deal with it.
  22. Hats
  23. Shit
  24. 9/10 Have some Tron: Legacy OST
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