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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. He's got 4 bans on record now.
  2. Then ban him for crying out loud. EDIT: Right, hes got a week ban, since it seems like this is a issue that's been happening for a while now. EDIT EDIT: Also, it seems I've banned him before for "Innapropriate language".
  3. I lol'd. He totally does.
  4. Is he in there now?
  5. 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes(Well, not as much these days, but still post one or two times a day )
  6. For me a combination of the first and second choices really, if the first option would also include for them to also be available on steam chat as much as possible as well, that would be better. Like right now, I get the occassional person talking to me about people abusing the door bug on Arena, in which case I usually have to go in-game anyway because the bans page likes to get the wrong person. And then I'll end up playing arena after I've dealt with the abuser. And then I'll get bored and go onto payload, which when I usually go on, isnt full of spawn-camping pyros. But then again, recently when I have been going on Payload, it's when the server has like 3 people, and then when it gets back up to about 30 people, I'll leave. So I do try to be active on the servers when I can is my point of all this
  7. ehehehe. Because I was the one that bought it ;D
  8. 9/10 Love that song.
  9. Darkstar


    Lies. You must confess that you are shit at maths.
  10. Darkstar


    Hey, the IRC does help you with your math homework, just ask Redgord!
  11. Ooohhhhh, Nice work there
  12. Darkstar


    I confess being in love with Hundred2 and Ywa at the same time :S
  13. People, quit piggybacking this admin app for your own selfish needs of bitching about admins. We have feelings too *sniff* waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *runs off crying*
  14. Just here
  15. Spy, about 70 hours. BECAUSE I AM AMAZING.
  16. Incorrect. tf_bot_add (They only work straight away on KOTH maps) And keep doing that command until you have as much as you want If youre doing any other map apart from KOTH then, sv_cheats 1 nav_generate (map will reload when its finished) then do tf_bot_add (as many times as you want, but be warned that the bots take up ALOT of your fps) and then set sv_cheats back to 0 if you want.
  17. have fun with no internet
  18. DoomKnight,

    Quit yer bitching. Hacking, and bosting about it gets you nowhere in this community, it gives you no respect from anyone here, in the slightest. Why don't you just kindly remove your presence from the Mr.Green servers and community. PERMANENTLY.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Error 401 xx

  19. Your precious vikings were crushed by the mighty English, AND IT SHALL HAPPEN AGAIN! We stole your gold and raped your womens >: D Lies @ gold, you were all keeled at Stamford Bridge(Not the football ground)
  20. Your precious vikings were crushed by the mighty English, AND IT SHALL HAPPEN AGAIN!
  21. You need to have personas plus installed: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/10900 and then when youve restarted firefox, there should be a mask thing in bottom left corner of screen, right click, prefrences, tick "Show custom persona in menu"
  22. Dammit Notte. You have inspired me to make my own personas now, not Mr.Green styled though
  23. Bitch. Love you xxx
  24. 8/10 reminded me of the sims weirdly enough
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