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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. You really shouldn't look to Yahoo Answers for any serious questions/answers, its pretty much just people trolling.
  2. Darkstar


    Nope. If you want to play on the server again, buy a new minecraft account.
  3. They cant spawn items. We can. But we dont.
  4. Im tempted to go for a Norn Ranger or Elementalist personally, but we shall see.
  5. kbanned
  6. Gotta say, Corby's lovely theory about all you MC players really is true
  7. 9-th Dragon's ban is now 3 days, since its a repeat offence.
  8. Extended josefjeppe/cakeman's ban to a week due to previous bans. Edit: Pufulet, you are terrible at ban lengths
  9. Oh god this will be bad.
  10. I want to meet Dusty :> TOO BAD. HE'S ALL MINE.
  11. I see you and the camera had one too many margarita's. And Darkness, you do look slightly like Dusty.
  12. Ah, I think you've been asking the players the wrong question, mod usually to them refers to moderator/admin of a faction, not the server. You should have asked for server admin, which is me, Corby, Clavus & Ywa. And yes Corby, I'm the youngest MC admin, then Ywa, then you and then old man Clavus.
  13. Protip: Not everyone has the same Minecraft account name that they use here.
  14. Oh hi.
  15. You've been playing on the server since its very start? I somehow doubt that Oh also, if you want to play on the server again, you'll have to buy a new minecraft account.
  16. http://forums.left4green.com/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&mid=7526 This?
  17. You mean like Ywa and his meddling with the fun server? Also to be serious, I have no idea if 66 or 33 is better, since I hate surfing. So my vote is to get rid of the surf server for a CSS fun server.
  18. Not paying the £9k Uni fees for 2012/2013 = http://mirrors.rit.edu/instantCSI/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Darkstar


      I'm paying £3465 for next year, £90 increase from 2011/2012.

    3. Nobana


      What Baron said.

    4. Reiska


      what bacon and noppana said

  19. I did say on bookface may today be full of dicks, and from the picture, that seems to still be the case. But happy birthday anyway sweetcheeks
  20. Moved to correct forum.
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