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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. Hundred is the "strong silent" type, especially in bed ;D
  2. Managed to confuse me with that post
  3. Is a good demoman, or else he wouldnt be sat there discussin' it with ya!
  4. You mean ERROR? Oi! Bitchtits, be quiet!
  5. It wasnt me & clavus involved in 12 ff incidents in the slightest :PP
  6. Moar info pl0x :3 Nah, joking You would seem well suited for the role
  7. HACKS!!! also 'Shopped , I can tell by the pixels, and seeing quite a few 'shopps in my time :V
  8. Woop!
  9. Not bannable. KICKABLE
  10. Thank you good sir! Somebody had to eventually
  11. That happens on IW as well, though you of all people would be used to them not imploding when a zombie walks straight over it and the bomb just sits there
  12. Guys, take this onto steam chat, would be much easier
  13. Agreed, but its more like a quote pyramid of offtopic-ness.
  14. Darkstar

    1 to a 1000

    Aprilia RS125
  15. Darkstar

    1 to a 1000

    Stalker I am dissapointed in you, you could have done Master Chief for 117 AC-119K Stinger Gunship
  16. Jesus. This is god speaking. I need you to go out to the people and tell them of the hax ways!!

  17. e.g. YOU. Eh? Be more discriptive. If you're saying that the other admins do not want players in their friendslist, ergo they can't contact you, then you're a bad admin. Well maybe because I'm not an admin on TF2 :3
  18. e.g. YOU.
  19. Could it be that the RAM is the issue? e.g. faulty ram sticks
  20. Clavus think about it, he would run out of ammo several times before he died, even with getting more ammo around the map, he surely would die more times than what he has already
  21. Hmm, that does look very suspicious... EDIT: His profile does smell of hacks Been in the servers twice, one time in for 28 minutes, and getting 102 kills, and 19 deaths, and the other for 16 minutes, getting 59 kills and 13 deaths. Total Time in server: 44 1/2 minutes, and has 3,136 points KPM: 3.62 KPD: 5.04 EDITEDIT: Even Axon doesn't have that good stats
  22. Darkstar

    1 to a 1000

    EDIT: Also our very own Hundred2
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