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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Darkstar

  1. e.g. The TF2 servers' AFK Manager?
  2. Ooh, baby don't you know I suffer? Oh, baby can you hear me moan? You caught me under false pretenses How long before you let me go?
  3. is correct in that fact
  4. Right. I'm going to say this now about this topic: CAN ALL EXPLOITS FOR INFECTED WARS PLEASE GO INTO THIS THREAD, SO THAT ITS EASIER FOR ME TO BLOCK THEM!! Please post the map name e.g. (de_desperados) Where the exploit is on the map and how to get to it Thanks!
  5. Should stop theiving posts, as THATS WHAT I DO
  6. o: Thats me there!
  7. o: 3 things (Not bad ) - Youre applying to be a GMod admin, since if you do get accepted youre admin on ZS & IW - Well known player to ZS, which helps things - English is decent, better than others really (not saying names) But a decent application anyway
  8. Wants a fro
  9. The message pops up when the map you join the server on changes to a different one
  10. Has uberspammed the forums today, and with Lemon spamming the shoutbox has not helped my mood.
  11. /agree Darkness. Try reading the post of the person you want to reply to twice to understand it better.
  12. SHUT UP!!! It's not speed of a lightning Its Speed of Lightning Your more wrong than the whole of wikipedia times 70 Wikipedia isnt THAT wrong
  13. I lol'd Internetz for you good sir!
  14. Stole my post space
  15. Should use the awesome powah that is Firefox
  16. Gentlemen. I can end this argument with one word: Firefox.
  17. Entire team are fro's!

  18. LIES. I beat you all
  19. I was on the forums today in class, and some people saw your signature and just burst out laughing. :V

    P.S. DOOM!

  20. Welcome To The Internetz. We Have Cookies.
  21. *kicks darkness for being darkness*
  22. for me it would be a extra 11k
  23. Has had a spamming war with me, and so has Nobana for that matter :3
  24. DarkForce i, dont go on live at all now though Might be on it more when I get ODST
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