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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by MiF

  1. !!!ATTENTION!!!

    Multiplayer server host program has been relezed!! I try to make server, and its up from this momment to 14:00 or 16:00 GMT+2. About 3 hours.

    How to Connect: Go to multiplayer and put IP

    If you cant get to server, its down or i got some problems with it.

    Go try it NOW!

    12:37: Not working, trying opening other ports.

    13.06. WORKING!!! but some reason blocks respawn after destroying them, working on that

  2. Finaly i did got my Mapper program to work, and here's my world on top.


    But heres Normal view in Cave mode


    Notice green lines/spots in middle, my mines :D

    Btw Buying real Minecraft as i write this :)

  3. I was just checking Minecraft Developer Blog. And then i saw this.


    Again Friday suprise is gone, and its because of us (Finland). I wish there would be not Finland...

    Oh wait i do want there is finland :D.

    Hundred2 @ Try burn whole forrest down, its veeeeeeeery slow. After couple days there was still some trees and fire... o.0

    Btw your base and building look far more bigger in map view :o

  4. MiF, how long did it take you to make all that lol

    I've been playing for about 6 or 7 hours, and only have one nice tower with a canal around it..

    And you have epic mines,.. I only find stone..

    As in youtube descreption, one day pretty much :D.

    I didnt know my mine is that impressive.

    But also i have to admit, Clavus is freakin minecraft king :o :o (smiles go on and on and on and on) I hope we can do something together when (if) se do a server

    Just saying this here. I maybe (MAYBE) do a server in Minecraft when Beta is released, and it will be Mr.green only, but i can only keep that up at certain times. Maybe for satisfy our hungry of multiplayer.

  5. My mine on surface, and theres is many entrance there where you can go deeper.


    TNT = Usefull

    I've got some amazingly complex mines right now. At one point I was deep down a cave, between two waterfalls, and all of a sudden a pig dropped out of the space above me. Just minding my mining business and then suddenly: pig.

    It was so hilarious and random that I will never be able to laugh at anything ever again.

    Best thing i have seen in this game is that i dropped infinite times when i mined too much rocks.

    Btw if i have time tommmorow i make video of my 10 hours mining complex ;)

  6. hmm.... maybe gonna play this but now i am playing pirate version (newest alpha) but maybe i buy it when multiplayer comes... ofc it costs 15€ then :D

    PS:I can give newest pirate versions without viruses. MiFs crack ;)

    Edit: i cant get that map thing working, it says it cant start because it dosent find MSVCP100.dll file in computer. Yes i did install that microsoft program showed up there, and this pirate version is same as normal, its just pirate...

  7. Oh... I forgot to add that i didnt had this bug about 2 months ago. So i dont think problem is in mod coders. Maybe gmod patch? or some of my mods?

    My addons:

    Wire & adv dupe

    SB3 with all addons

    Stargate addon

    Stargate extra

    Mad Cows weapons


    Gcombat 08

    Billymays gun o.0


    Smart constraint



  8. That's the lua coder's fault. The reason the laser disappears is because the emitter is no longer rendered, thus the laser's draw code isn't called. We have a function to solve this: http://wiki.garrysmod.com/?title=Entity.SetRenderBounds . Lasers in my Infected Wars gamemode show properly right? Even when you're not looking at the source.

    It's up to the addon creator to implement it.

    Ok... But i dont think Wire mod developers made this bug, because couple months ago everything worked fine (there emmitters) Including Wire mod Holographic emmitter, but now it bugs too.

    I will try that link you gaved tommorow, thanks? But is there anything else i can do? Or is it this because of some Gmod update?

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