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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by MiF

  1. I am great fan of stargate and i have watched all SG-1 seasons thourght, and couple friends are also stargate fans.

    I saw one part from stargate at Messys signuture, dont know was that just random or realy because stargate. Also i saw other pic from Stargate, but cant remember where.

    So now i asking you guys that have you ever watched Stargate or are you fans? Please vote. I just want information about how many ppl even knows Stargate.

    Thanks :D

  2. havent played a while because computer problems (damn i miss TF2 and Lunatics :D) but here's my opinion.

    cp/ctf server is dying. I rarely see players there. Yes there is players when weekends or someones started with couple guys, but otherwise its usualy empty.

    I dont know what happened to cp/ctf gamemodes, but i dont see why ppl just dont play it. Not my problem thought.

    Of course i hope that there whould be players, but i dont see that happening (if fake players dosent work anymore)

    Sad true is that according physic laws, everything that exist, will not exist in some point.

    PS: those who have tried good gmod addons like Stargate, Wire, Life support etc. Isnt it sad they are dead or dying?

  3. Too bad for you. :/ I got the same thing when i got my new parts but i got them replaced in 2 days.

    2 days... good for you. That friend who checked my parts said it only going to take day posting part back there, 10 min they check is it's broken etc. Day posting it back.

    BUT when i sended e-mail to shop, answer was that i would take about 10-15 days if they start fixing it, and if its broken and they send new one, that would be take about 5 days :o.


  4. Okay, another whine thread.

    There's constantly stuttering, freezing and lagspiking in the Payload/Ctf/Cp servers, occasionally in Arena too.

    I'm not alone who is gainin' this. There are alot of other players too.

    Also, my ping jumps to 140+, which isn't normal because I'm having 40- normally.

    As for the lagspiking, I'm gaining some movement, I run in one spot for awhile, then warp forward or backwards.

    Is this the server? Because I haven't gained any stuttering/lag etc, before on these servers.

    Sorry if this is already "discussed" about, but it's frustarating and annoying, as I start to like to play in the payload and ctf/cp servers which is actually very empty most of the time.

    Thank you.

    Indeed. everyone having lagspikes and freezing etc. In pl, ctf, ct and koth. I so hope this is going to be fixed soon <_<

    (offtopic) Lemon. Why you have filesmelt link at .gif picture in your signurete (bad spelling i know)

  5. Haha hey Mif, cant wait to taunt you too ;)

    And I'm 100% certain that its not working. I can rocket jump reasonably well and I'd know if I was doing it wrong. :(

    A friend also had this problem briefly as well a few weeks ago but seems to have gone away.


    Hmmh... when i first realized (month ago), that there is thing like crouch rocketjump, it didnt work me instantly. Althought i think i did it right.

    Maybe some server probs? Connection?

    strange thingy...

  6. (offtopic) ahh Bert... my favorite taunk killing target :D, hope i get my computer fixed soon so i can get some more taunt kills :lol: (offtopic)

    Even i got very high ping (around 100 + lagg spikes) Crouch + rocket jump works just fine... I dont even think about timing, i just do it. Your problem may be timing, and i mean you are tired, stressed etc. (i did have this some time ago <_< ) or your connection to server have gone bad? Or L4G servers has gone more worse... Dunno cuz my computer problems :(.

    Dunno... i just can guess, i hope you fix your problem.

    Oh and welcome to forums ;)

    Your friend: MiF

  7. Subscribe to my youtube account if you want :D

    ( you missed the "to" )

    What the heck is this... i got 9 from english (4 to 10) to my leaving certificate. Oh wait, our teacher was 60 year old... (cough) "teacher"

    Thanks QTesla and BeatAlex... hope my english inst big problem

  8. Maybe he likes subway with rice?

    How did you know??

    Remember... AIs are going to take over the world by cheating, first games, then computers, then power plants, then important Pentagon servers. Finaly they cheat on physics, and that's BAD. I warned ya'

  9. I made this poor and short video about Red Alert 1 bot which cheats always, but you can see it best way to 1. put hard difficulty and 2. maximum game speed.



    Also tell about your experience with AI or bots, when they are cheating :D

    PS: I am not slow clicker with mouse. Yes bot can click multiple places and see everywhere at same time, but how he can turn 15secs to 6secs? Thats cheating.

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