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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by MiF

  1. It seems that when people have better skills, they must be unable to see the beauty in the lesser things anymore. That's too bad. But useful to give good advice, I guess.

    Oh thanks for tip ;)

    Completely sorry that I'm in a philosofical mood today, that makes me say stupid things.

    Imo you philosofical way to say things is good, i just think i am used to it. :)

  2. that's some amazing strategy you thought up right there

    He was all like "cheats", Jump on mountain, Kill building, build building.

    Ok i failed at cheats part. i only used cheats i put on start (example, speed hack, so i dont need to get car and better jetpack)

    Building destruction was pure natural collision system, nothing else.

  3. I was REALLY bored, so i made this video in 30mins.

    Watch 720p plz.

    Couple things about Red Faction: Guerilla. Its similar like GTA (in mars) You do main missions, get money, buy stuff and so on. BUT real thing in it that it has AWESOME physics (real building collapse etc.) I am not saying realistic, but cool.


    Note that i didnt planed things, i just tried to do mission as i usualy do. But i forgot to set building collapse from VERY HIGH to normal. (If you break one glass on building, its will collapse)

  4. Game looks good, is it free? :V Cause I cant be bothered to pay for it since I already play 4 games at a time. Free games are all good in the hood.

    No. its not free. But its only 10€ and its worth it.

    PS: I did made some cracks but they wont work anymore :D

  5. As some have already saw there is "Post your minecraft pictures" topic at minecrafts own forum, so i decided to do one for mr.green.

    Simply send some epic/funny/rare/fancy etc. pictures and make comments.

    I'll start.

    I saw this at distance...



    Pretty epic huh?

  6. - What is it like (What you do there, if it isnt obvius)

    Sales, marketing and economy.. becoming Account manager when done

    - Do you like it?


    - How long days you got?

    8 to 13 most of the times. I only have 3 subjects now, cause I'm done with the others

    - Payment?

    Everything from 4.100€ to 13.500€ and above, so pays well.

    etc. etc. And of course some pictures if possible.

    I get not more than around 4 euros for the newspapers every week, but if you think that's bad, sometimes I also have to deliver folders (read: spam) and additions to the newspaper. Which takes almost as long as walking the newspapers themselves (so that makes it 2 times as long as normal), which give me around 50 cent for them. If you are not familiar with euros, just know that I have a reason to skip half the people every week. >=D

    Would it make you rage if I told you I get paid 3 times as much for one hour of lounging behind the computer?

    Would it make you rage to tell you I get paid 4-5 times more per hour to ask for money behind a counter?

    That much in month? DUDE!! Thats lots of money when my parents make about 2000€ month (4500€ together)

  7. I get not more than around 4 euros for the newspapers every week, but if you think that's bad, sometimes I also have to deliver folders (read: spam) and additions to the newspaper. Which takes almost as long as walking the newspapers themselves (so that makes it 2 times as long as normal), which give me around 50 cent for them. If you are not familiar with euros, just know that I have a reason to skip half the people every week. >=D

    Would it make you rage if I told you I get paid 3 times as much for one hour of lounging behind the computer?

    *Discuss as an Clavus and stoles hes job* Yoink.

    Srsly, i want job like that :o.

    Offtopic. Starting code Python in school ATM.

  8. Again a "indructe..." topic, and this time its about your job or studies.

    Just write what job/studie you got, and something like

    - What is it like (What you do there, if it isnt obvius)

    - Do you like it?

    - How long days you got?

    - Payment?

    etc. etc. And of course some pictures if possible.

    I'll start

    I am at High school atm (College in other word.) Most of my days are from 8 AM - 15 PM, but there is some shorter days. Of course we study different things (Maths, Physics, English etc.) I most like at Computer sciense, which i study at self study.

    Personaly i like high school more than every school till this.

    Now... Your turn.

  9. Tried playing with Error and Bouwe, they only got black bars.

    Lets see what the problem is.

    This game is still pretty buggy and it gots many problems, i think one is this.

    And once again. I recommend this to everyone who have liked Worms in past

  10. 1. I like this game. High gprahs, funny worms, weapons (Sentry guns for wiiiiin!)

    2. Totaly worth of 20€ if you like Worms

    3. My first match against Clavus and Ywa, well i won Ywa with armageddon (he crashed) and then clavus beated my ass (if i remember right)

    Only things that distrubt me in this game are 1. Long(?) waiting times between player turns and 2. some crashes and sometimes terrible FPS drop

  11. God that's some waste of money. Here's me hoping we'll get a decent open standard for GPU calculations, such as OpenCL.



    I use PhysX with ATI 5808. Crysis and stuff which supports PhysX works better than on my old Nvidia Geforce 9800 GT +Super. Thought real reason i need it is Rayfire plugin for 3ds max, which requires PhysX <_<

    I say buying 2 graph cards for other to PhysX and other to normal rendering is waste of money (ofc if you do have old card you can use it) PhysX works fine on single card.


  12. Oh okay, I'm fine with that and yeah I suppose with the command people will beg instead of donating, I've already donated 23 euros and I think I'll donate more when I get more money, but thanks for your opinions on this.


    Well ofc its good that people keeps donating, but 23 euros?...

    People have donated over 100 euros. :V

    But I think that included sexual services.

    Also, a /givecoins command would be pretty usefull, for things like bets etc.

    :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:

    i think /givecoins (or way to give coins to other players) would be good when you need to do it via mr.green GC site, and it do have some requirements (like you need to achive X coins, or played certain time etc.)

  13. Oh okay, I'm fine with that and yeah I suppose with the command people will beg instead of donating, I've already donated 23 euros and I think I'll donate more when I get more money, but thanks for your opinions on this.


    Well ofc its good that people keeps donating, but 23 euros?...

  14. Just little test with glass material (Vray. 200€ plugin for 3ds max :huh:)


    As you see, TF2 textures are pretty low (OR rendering in to .bmp makes them low resolution)

    Also i think i should start learn some background/enviroment effects.

  15. I'll bump in August when I get my results.

    Although, I did do English Language in January and I got an A* :)

    Ok here comes the rest:

    Science: A* (This is a double award one so it counts as two A*s)

    Maths: A*

    English Literature: A*

    Geography: A*

    Religious Studies: A*

    Graphic Design: A*

    French: A*

    German: A*

    Yes I'm a nerd :P

    Better version of me? I want be nerd get better numbers, but just cant :(

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