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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by MiF

  1. Funny :P

    I think I should make another one :V

    How do i get rid of the writing in the left top corner when I get a tool?

    Cause when I make movies I have to use it and quickly switch to a weapon so the writing isnt there. Any suggestions?

    I do that too, I think there is a command but I don't know it :/

    Use camera tool or use weapon after stool gun. Or try to console cl_drawgud 0 (or r_drawhud 0) or go to garrysmod.org and download mod called CinemaHelper and use that.

    Nice video :D... I wanna make these with you :)

  2. Lemme me search 9th grade certificate... ->

    Ok here's my uber certificate (4 worst and 10 best)

    Finnish: 8

    English: 9 (:o)

    Swedish: 7

    Maths: 10

    Chemistry: 10

    Physics: 10

    Geography: 8

    Biology: 9

    Health(?): 10

    Religion: 9

    History: 8

    Civics: 8

    Music: 8

    Visual Arts: 7

    Household (mostly making food): 8

    Handicraft: 8

    Exercise: 7

    Information technology (computers): 10 + scholarship + 50€

    Support for student training: Completed with high grade

    -> Going to High School (confirmed)

    Most subject names were translated with google translator... blame it.

  3. I like CoD 5 because of zombies, soooo best when playing with 4 friends in huge screen with ps3. MW1 did got nice idea, but MW2 made it better. Now if this theard and my friend is correct, there WILL be zombies = I will (cough)buy it

  4. "Could find openal32.dll"

    Help with this?

    Running Vista 32-bit

    Edit: working.

    Edit: Great game with good difficulty :D Damn that Extreme mode (or what its called when game speeds up) is brilliant idea

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