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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by MiF

  1. MiF

    Day Z

    Any engine can with sufficient tweaking. In the end it's all just code. It is possible true, but it would need BIG changes to the engine, because with current things (how it calculates movements etc) there is simply not enough powers to run that. Don't even know if the engine itself can handle it. But yeah. I would drool over game like that (Cryengine level graphics/fysics, and gamearea size of Arma)
  2. MiF

    Day Z

    o.o... I thought Arma wouldn't get any better. I tried normal ArmaII once and liked it, but never bought it myself... But this mod man... Just seems so brilliant
  3. I don't play MC anymore, but I still think you people should wait till 1.3 comes out. Because if (IF) map gets reseted now, and 1.3 comes, some of the players, if not the most of them, will want map reset because of possible new features. Besides, it has been like this so far and it has worked fine. Also... Do I spot a brony?
  4. Summer vacation soon again? Damn time goes fast :\

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. terminator


      14 days ?? i cant even stand being there for 14 fucking minutes

    3. Frizzy


      Why, may I ask, are you at my Grandma's?

    4. terminator
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      To be honest, I am NOT surprised. Soon we will have flying cars or maybe we will be able to create a different planet. Technology goes too fast with even more discoveries.

    3. Clavus


      Great technology but I still don't think it beats mouse and keyboard for navigating your computer. You'd have to fundamentally rethink our interfaces for technology like this to actually become useful.

    4. MiF


      Agreed @Clavus. Altho in time these new HID devices will become more popular along with new stuff like Emotiv EPOC (google it)

  5. My friend is master at breaking programs/games: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18258122/ScreenIt/smncbug.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MiF


      Well if my skinny brother is fat, then yes. And when I say skinny, it's dem skinny :P

    3. Sneed


      so what if he's fat? Big deal. *Trollface*

    4. TechnoNegro


      Omfg sneed rulebreaking.

  6. First I thought this was about MLP Discord, then I remembered that there is Discord named guy on MC... Oh and yeah. Not so good texture pack.
  7. Wait... What... I have been getting closer and closer to Clavus? Don't ya use one keyboard in a week, and then change it after your older one broke down because of overusing?
  8. Why are they even spamming server like that... I would understand if someone wants attention, or if somebody uses multiple accounts to hack on certain server. This spamming is just annoying to people on server and useless to who does it... Oh well. Not the biggest jerks in the world.
  9. MiF

    Crysis 3

    If it's even little bit more sandboxy than Crysis 2, I am looking forward to it too. Crysis 2 was rather good FPS game. I just hope they don't make it worse. Also good multiplayer would be nice (like that alien site capturing thing in Crysis. THAT was nice) Also. Dat bow :3
  10. True, you started at 21:00 Dutch time, but Dutch time was at +2, as you can see here: GMT Dutch So 20:00 GMT was (and is) 22:00 Dutch time. My guess is that daylight saving messed up with this stuff (not every country has that).
  11. Not really playing MC, but I would say no. As Darkness said, in week with intense gaming you get ~1000gc (depends on your skills ofc) in TF2, and with intense I mean 5 hours per day at least. This would ruin idea of GC. Also it would make donations bit pointless, so I am pretty sure Clavus won't accept this (at least with those numbers). Ehm srly? and maybe under? In TF2 1000gc takes a looooong ass time to get It used to be rather fast to get it in pl/cp server, but those died :\
  12. After I started using github to save/upload my code I have came to realize how messy my coding style is D:

    1. Kefeus


      To become a better coder, you must learn to utilize the Ballmer Peak to its fullest.

    2. Darkstar


      That and "Developers, developers, developers, developers."

    3. Mayco


      you clearly haven't seen my code

  13. Haven't played L4G Gmod, but veteran user of L4G and a good guy. Good luck ^^
  14. Happy birthday Clavus ^^
  15. Hmhm... Not that bad, even tho i don't like indoor warfare that much. Might get it if it's cheap enough But I still want to keep my brain running :c
  16. Dem... And Clavuses wallet is tad empty atm because of MC/server update xD... Fun/MG server would nice tho, even i would start up my CSS just to play it again.
  17. Ohohohoh Doctor Who fan :3? Personally i would support this idea (lol), but I am not playing MC sooooo.... Nope
  18. Mmhm. I like how this community is being so serious in everything. No joking around and stuff. ... ... ... What the hell guys?
  19. MiF


    Yeap. As Minky said, do that. According to Java it should fix it
  20. MiF


    Wow! As an little video amateur (just testing stuff) I say this stuff is pretty damn good! Well done :3
  21. Happy Valentine's day to everybody :)

  22. MiF

    Away !

    Well done my boy.
  23. I would (try to) join, but been too busy with other stuff + MC is still boring for me . You guys go and pwn whole server
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