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Mr. Green Gaming

Mr. Darkness

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Everything posted by Mr. Darkness

  1. Good luck, Hundy Since you already got experience with IW as admin, I would look forward to you being admin!
  2. Not his fault. Oh... edited. Then just remove de_dust2. It's bugged or something. Hope it doesnt happen with any other map. EDIT: Just a small question. Did you change damage of mines and other weapons?
  3. BUMP! It's time to bring this topic back to life! Wow, It's been quite a long since IW was disbanded. Thanks to NECROSSIN who revived the game! Any way, the reason why I am posting this is because I want Necro to fix something (for what I found errors). We just started to play, played like 3 maps and then got stuck on de_dust2. It's different from the one we have in our content. No one can join. Please fix this. Also... BRING BACK OUR PURCHASED SHOP ITEMS! Really, wasted like shitloads of GC on this stuff. Now we dont have anything. Thanks for that :/ I was getting mad, really
  4. Fresh blood.

  5. I bet no one could do any thing like this. Neither me, neither Clavus, neither Pufu. But Ywa actually might do something like that... Look: http://facepunch.com/threads/1180983 (Stiffy is my friend btw, please vote for him :V)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Drainal


      MineCraft looks better.

    3. EmRA


      Voted for Jukka K, really nice.

    4. MiF


      First I thought these were 3d models of rooms or something xD.... Really nice stuff

  6. You got a good one with making Block models.
  7. Sounds interesting for me. If it is going to be a game mode, I would gladly do maps and music
  8. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/483644 uploaded on newgrounds! please tell me what improvements shall I make!
  9. Doublepost, well fuck it. Here is something new I had done recently. Expressing my emotions when weekends come and end. Same with holidays.
  10. http://soundcloud.co...sov/complicated Was just playing with some plug-ins and effects Getting ideas, etc. Also partly expressing myself
  11. Well... sort of. They would sound same any way. The beats were every 4th tick, so I decided to leave 2 different beats with same Kick sound. EDIT: So far so good
  12. You were close with saying "Guitar" It was bass, but really sounds like guitar a bit actually (didn't notice). Since its Progressive, the beats must be the loudest as far as I know .
  13. Did 2 tracks for today. 1 in status (first one), the 2nd gonna post here.
  14. Well, but he might get some useless mail messeges from L4G in this case
  15. Good luck minky! All hail the Doctor! All hail the Minky!
  16. happy 102nd birthday? Damn, holy shit?

  17. I thought Crysis 2 came not a long time ago... God, Valve. I hope you are making EP3 better than any thing...
  18. Good luck.You've been on TF2 for quite long so I think you are deserving to be controlling there.
  19. Good luck. Even though, as far as I know Clavus didn't need any more admins for MC, since his anti-xray plug-in works just as wanted. Don't know about Speed hackers and faggots like that though.
  20. On one hand, I love that our summer holidays will start in 3 weeks. But on the other hand, I am really obsessed with ending the last quarter because of some marks I have to correct. Goddamnit!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Raptor


      Ha, well I'm pretty much done for this year. College already accepted me so it's unlikely that they will kick me out of the whitelist.. But I wish you luck for your upcoming exam :)!

  21. I actually like the way that guy (those guys?) did it. Looks epic imo.
  22. Saying about screenshots I can already say that the map is well done with VVIS and VRAD (Would be cool adding HDR though) The map would also make a good looking with 3d skyboxes. Only one issue for me. What is this light coming from nowhere on 3rd pic? (In the center on wall and on left side, coming through wall) Well done, once again.

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