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Mr. Green Gaming

Mr. Darkness

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Everything posted by Mr. Darkness

  1. inb4unexpectedending
  2. I think I know what it is, but not sure tho. Do you mean like when you tp back home you simply fall down into the nowhere? If it is it then I think it's either serverside or either clientside lag. That happened in lots of versions of minecraft, even though, could've been fixed (didn't play MC for ages already). Pretty sure admins can't do anything about it.
  3. Title says it all for itself.
    1. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      I mean seriously.



    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Goddamn, this is a fucking disovery of the year which even requires scientists. Looooooooooooooool...

    3. Reiska


      i guess they are not so corrupted by porn in their minds

  4. I can confirm Google calendar is cool. You can share events and other stuff. Post your photo of imitating your confirmation or else you just lied. Anyway, thanks for help
  5. Well, looks like you people are using google stuff. Thanks, hope this works. I am gonna check it tomorrow then If anyone has some other advices then please post?
  6. Well.. That's not really the thing. Phone calendar won't do since it will be just my personal notes. We need it to be in an office, so it kinda pops out on our screen and every of our workers sees it, or at least at mine only. I know there is a function like that in Microsoft outlook, but we simply don't have it + outlook is not really what we need in our office. I know there is google online reminder and Yahoo online reminder, but i simply have no idea how they work and what they do. Maybe they don't even have the thing I require.
  7. Guys, do you know any sort of an online reminder which I could use to see when there are certain birthdays and events of some sort? I just really need it for my work right now to manage some birthdays of important people. Thank you.
  8. I don't know what the point of this was but seriously stop acting like a dick. Make your own sword thread if you want to boast Uh. Now show me the post where I started to act like a dick, please. ONTOPIC: So you still have to get to a goddamn tower to enchant/use furnance/brew to get stuff? That kinda sucks. Seriously, I haven't managed to join MC for a long time already, so I don't really have much idea on what's up
  9. may you dont know, but now its realy hard to enchant. you cant just place an enchant table like before meh. I am not into minecraft much anyway anymore
  10. Watch out, we got a badass over here! You certainly are a badass then.
  11. Dirty hat, eeh? ;D As for me I kinda hate traiding. Maybe if I find something useless I will post it.
  12. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    Derp. Yeah. I should quit DayZ for a while until it's playable again.
  13. What is this all about, goddamnit? Stop flooding the forums with your bullshit and make an unban request if you are banned. which most likely means you will need a new account to get back to mr-green.nl
  14. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    I wish the game finally went standalone. Hackers won't bother anymore.
  15. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    That. You can't simply show our base as some people recognize the location. as for the ural/pickup issue: either the brits took it or our base got exposed, since someone keeps making fire, shooting the animals without silenced gun(sometimes even with snipers), comes from the south direction to the hill etc. I was predicting this was gonna happen. Or someone was searching for bases like we did all day yesterday and got discovered, but since it is a lack of people, a few vehicle were stolen because of that. Also blaming someone is not an option, just an excuse.
  16. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    Anyway, I am montaging a video of a small dayz gameplay Especially how our base looks like (without showing it's exact location). That is kinda impossible to do. Why so? I recorded almost everything. All I didn't record much was how we were riding to the base. So the trip to the base will be kinda cut greatly. Reaper, where are the Ural and Off-road? Brought the motorcycle back btw. The ural and offroad are both missing, other vehicles are still there though.
  17. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    Anyway, I am montaging a video of a small dayz gameplay Especially how our base looks like (without showing it's exact location).
  18. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    All I wonder is what did this guy forget in Cherno and Elektro. Prob was just killing people . Today I logged on other server than my main (was night there), and found 4 tents next to me and one of them had guns like DMR and SAW + mags and so. Then I went to southern barracks, and found dead ghillie guy with M14A1 CCO and FAL with nightvision. Swapped my guns (DMG + FAL) and PAM, "kicked: high ping". Lost my FAL and SAW, but still have that M14A1 and DMR + gps along with other tools (missing NV tho). Join us. We got rather more expensive loot than that. NL 13. Cords will be told on Teamspeak EDIT: @Clavus, then where would you think is the best place to hide it? Somewhere where it can be easilly stolen, where we don't even see it? « Crew Clavus: Fart » Don't speak about location details in a public topic you silly person. Oh you. I am pretty sure people won't understand which exactly place I was talking about.
  19. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    All I wonder is what did this guy forget in Cherno and Elektro. Prob was just killing people . Today I logged on other server than my main (was night there), and found 4 tents next to me and one of them had guns like DMR and SAW + mags and so. Then I went to southern barracks, and found dead ghillie guy with M14A1 CCO and FAL with nightvision. Swapped my guns (DMG + FAL) and PAM, "kicked: high ping". Lost my FAL and SAW, but still have that M14A1 and DMR + gps along with other tools (missing NV tho). Join us. We got rather more expensive loot than that. NL 13. Cords will be told on Teamspeak EDIT: @Clavus, then where would you think is the best place to hide it? Somewhere where it can be easilly stolen, where we don't even see it? « Crew Clavus: Fart »
  20. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    All I wonder is what did this guy forget in Cherno and Elektro.
  21. You shouldn't make topics for a question. Please always contact an admin...
  22. TESV: Skyrim Dawnguard DLC IS OUT ON STEAM! BUY BUY BUY, GOGOGOGOGOGO!!!!!11!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mr. Darkness
    3. Sentra


      I know, but 20 bucks is too much.

    4. Reiska


      i love playing as vampire lord

  23. TESV: Skyrim Dawnguard DLC

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Reiska


      bullshit pc should get it right away

    3. Darkstar


      Gentlemen, your prayers have been answered, ITS ON STEAM NOW.

    4. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      OH FUCK IT IS111!!!!!!!!

      BUY! (boooooooox! :3)

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