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Mr. Green Gaming

Mr. Darkness

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Everything posted by Mr. Darkness

  1. I could help with Demo smooth if you want . Good tool for making some cool dynamic effect trailers. Anyhow, the trailer is good, I'm not gonna lie, I liked it. EDIT: FUCK THE RULES, Approve. >.>
  2. Frizzy, it's your chance to show how to NOT let anyone even enter the building area thanks to your force field discovery! By the way, Clavus. When is the deadline? Oh, Nevermind. Just read it wrong. Thought it will start once the 1.3 is released . Won't be able to join since my 32-bit pc is a bitch with Java >.>
  3. First of all, once you get to lighting, make the pitch of light -35 or -45. Either way make it how it's adviced in Skylist. Also you could add env_cubemaps which is not that required, just for good lighting. You maybe should also add a 3d skybox. If you don't know how to make one, I can navigate on a tutorial, if you need (too lazy to do it myself, lol).
  4. Not bad, I like it. Also, you better keep it light. There are too many night versions of sky.
  5. noman82 is redgander he is an idiot Lol, deal with it. At least any powerful faction like LRG, Discord, Mungol (if it existed by now) would probably do the same. I mean dude, seriously. You wouldn't do the same, screaming out loud for someone to take you for work, would you? Or let's say, a famous guy on youtube who does lots of videos with many fans. These people usually get steam friend and group requests 24/7. And now, imagine you are getting spammed by someone like you when you spammed LRG. Honestly, I don't clearly understand the nerve of those famous youtubers. Now make conclusions.
  6. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    People, you are making me jealous. SOMEONE BUY ME ARMA 2 AND GET DAYZ FOR ME. PLEASE!
  7. I wish I could FINALLY give a +1 to Terminator for such a sudden and brilliant post but I can't because I have reached my day's quota since I read too many minecraft threads and gave all the +1's to Awesomeo. Keep that in mind, Terminator
  8. Derp. Good for you?
  9. What the flying fuck does Discord have to do with this? The fact that we are your worst enemies doesn't mean we pushed on an admin of his own free will to do something. Admin always know what's wrong and whats right.
  10. 81 Euro on goddamn obsidan... I seriously am not dumb enough for doing such a thing. Seriously. I am not. I would probably spend all these euros on something different like buying BF3. Seriously, REALLY? Oh and btw, you didn't show us the proof you spent all the money on Obsidan only :trollface:.
  11. Why in the hell would you want to spend 32 euros on fricking obsidan shit when the server is going to update it's map any way? This makes completely no sense, it's a waste of money and all those excuses you give are also stupid. Everyone of you can't have Efficency 5 diamond pickaxes + really? all 21 players of faction online? I rarely see any faction having ALL it's members online, especially big factions. I am pretty sure no one of you would just really want to spend all his day mining some damn obsidans. Seriously, what for? End of the map, update 1.3 is near and you KINDA spended or "wasted" your time on mining obsidans? Those damn excuses are for nothing. And also, I am not trying to say something against you because I am in Discord, myself, but the reasons you are trying to give are for nothing, really.
  12. I must learn to have such an imagination
  13. Bringing this topic back on it's rails. Good luck, Math! Think you will do well
  14. Such a shame that Terraria will have no more new updates any more. The developer decided to stop. I'm sad. Was looking forward to new major updates and everything.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. rui_troia


      Well,I'm a lazy ass to start a new world xd. I'll leave that up to Quert then.

    3. rui_troia


      Well,I'm a lazy ass to start a new world xd. I'll leave that up to Quert then.

  15. I can expect how this movie will go on. All what Gordon will say will be... Yup.
    1. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      And yes, he will say exactly ...

    2. rui_troia


      Gorden frohman

    3. rui_troia


      Gorden frohman

  16. Cool, liked Not to say something too overdosed about myself, but I am a hipster any way and was all the time even though I don't derss up that over-creative way like the rest :')
  17. Corby's gay!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Darkstar


      Im sorry Darkness. Only me and Awesomeo are allowed to say this (Despite it being true).

    3. Corby


      Why does this keep happening

  18. Good question actually. To be honest I think it is like 30 - 60 secs or so. Couldn't be longer. As far as I know there is no difference between disconnecting while combat or after combat. I mean, if you disconnect because you must go, but before that like 20 secs ago you were hit, you disconnect and after like 10-15 minutes the tag on your death disappears (which is bad IMO), should be at least 30 min or more so the players could at least get the loot after the logger connects again in 5 or so min. By the way, I agree with 1st post. There must be some plugin that drops the loot after the player disconnects if it was in combat, 10 seconds cooldown.
  19. I may add my own small quest: Find a pyramid temple with a few good things for noobs (+ some broken armory ) at X: 193 Y: 543 EDIT: Fuck forgot to add Shaprness III diamond sword and a dia pick but whatever. xD
  20. That phrase... My game is the game. Damn it can't go out of my mind!

    1. Quert


      WTF was that supposed to mean anyway?

      IMO it was just a random quote MRSPEC copied from somewhere...

  21. You have no idea... If you've never played on MTA or know what goes on over these, shut the fuck up. Chill man! There might be people who also play different servers like TF2, Gmod or MC. Let's say a person who plays on one of those servers and just joins MTA, he gets all the pool of GC and buys all the advantages on other servers (basically by advatages I mean upgrades like "Flying medic" or "Pyro disguise" in TF2) which really allow the player have his game going easier. Speaking of TF2, you can get greencoins THERE faster than you do get on MTA. And TF2 is Free2play. Just get steam and download the game and you have lots of possibilities to get lots of greencoins man! So yeah, not gonna repeat how bad this idea is. Just better download TF2 which is really fun and pretty easy to get GC at.
  22. I wouldn't oftenly go to a club with my girlfriend because this shit would always happen in clubs. Maybe rarely actually, but in this case I would only stand by my girlfriend oftenly kissing/hugging or just sitting somewhere while she has her head lying on my shouler. Then no one would actually come. Imo, this is the smartest way to make people understand she has her hart given to me... unless there are some perverts. But those perverts deserve a broken glass stabbed in their face like terminator would do, with a reason: I was defending someone who I love.
  23. This is art

    1. TechnoNegro


      When you hear the buzzer, stare at the art.

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