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Mr. Darkness

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Everything posted by Mr. Darkness

  1. Yay, I am the first one to post here!

  2. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    Got an AKM and G17 + an ALICE pack. My fav. set for a player who just spawned. All I need now is a morphine at Balota airstrip for my SUDDEN LOLZ BROKEN BONE. Proof: 12000 hp. Shame I got killed on the moment when I had a DMR, G17 and a M4A3 CCO SD in my backpack with LOTS of ammo and food all in Cyote backpack. All this stuff I got from 1 guy in ghille suit while trying to cover MrTurboTrio when he would come out of the shop in Stariy sobor with a CZ 550. Then this guy suddenly appeared in front of me . G17 made it's job. At what time? I can't come 15.30 - 17:00 (GMT +3:00)
  3. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    Guys guys, I got a suggestion. Let's make a DayZ event where we ALL meet up in a certain spot in one server where we are like an army of 10 players and go around like bosses of the game. No, seriously. Would be pretty epic imo.
  4. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z Where exactly did you end up?
  5. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    Yesterday was fun. We with MrTurboTrio went over Chernorus on a Skoda I found near NW airfield on the field near it. I told it to Turbo and we decided to meet at Vyshnoye. So before I did so, I took 3 jerry cans I found in a barn in Noviy Sobor earlier and went for Turbo. It became dark. There was no one on the road and then I saw a flare, Turbo didn't tell me he was there yet. So I saw some female with a gun and all I thought was "Crap, Should I flee or kill? Flee or kill? Flee or kill? CRAP, KILL!!!" and turned on my engine, rushed on the guy with max speed with a HUGE panic that he could shoot me with whatever gun he/she had and killed. But then I saw "MrTurboTrio was killed". Looked at our chat, the last: MrTurboTrio: want me to come there? Mr. Darkness: get to vyshnoye den MrTurboTrio: are you in village? Mr. Darkness: yes Mr. Darkness: you will see me MrTurboTrio: mmm MrTurboTrio: kk Mr. Darkness: DE 734 MrTurboTrio: yes HE DIDN'T TELL ME HE WAS THERE! Turbo, srsly. Tell me it's you next time. I am a nervious person, you know! I probably reasoned with him later on and we finally met in Chernogorsk, near a hospital. We looted all we could, only 1 useful medibox, everything else was just trash. So we went for direction of Balota, and were under fire of some people in the darkness. I probably Paniced AGAIN and went insane mode, so I drove at speed of 100KM/H and finally those fags were behind, bandaged myself and continued our trip. We stopped at Zelenogorsk to check the shop. We looted some stuff... AND THEN SUDDENLY I GET HIT BY A ZOMBUL THAT APPEARED FROM NOWHERE, HE BROKE MY BONE AND MADE ME PASS OUT. I had a side arm by that moment in my hands, so when I actually passed out I got that weird bug when you can't change your weapon, stand up, open your backpack, move or whatever. So I ALT+F4'd the game and asked Turbo to come and heal me with morphine and blood bags we had in the car. Gladly, everything went well and we continued our journey to Stariy sobor in darkness with my car lights on. We got to a place with no houses around in the middle of the road and logged out, probably saving the car. Our journey contunues today. Any1 wanna join 2 more free seats? :> (Just tell me it's YOU, so I don't have to be panicing like I did with Turbo xD)
  6. That's what you need to do kids. You need to buy Arma 2 and Arma 2: Operation arrowhead and spend your time there. You probably know I want YOU to play DayZ. All your problems with fun solved. No need to thank me.
  7. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    Today it was the most happy and at the same time the most FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- day to me. After logging back after friday's ambush when we were attacked by some sniper together with Cadis, I found more m107 ammo and at the same time, I saw a heli on the field on NW airstrip. I got there, got a AS50, took it, dropping M24 that I found earlier and ammo to it and was like really happy that I found it. Later I grabbed L85 as well. But, when I went into that factory building made out of metal walls, my sister came in and started screaming out loud "PLAY WITH ME, PLAY WITH ME!" at the same time shaking my right hand whenI was trying to press "Abort". I was like "fine, just wait a second!" I almost did press the abort button when....... I was shot and killed from nowhere, while I was in the damn cover. Seriously... I MEAN FUCKING SERIOUSLY. That was my first REAL ragequit I have ever done in gaming life. That was a REAL FUCKING RAGEQUIT, I got the most fucking rare equipment in the entire game but to die like this? Man, that was so sad dude! I wonder when will be my next time when I will even find an AS50 sniper rifle again... That was my dream loadout anyhow. Watch through the screenshots I did before I died. Sigh :'( http://steamcommunity.com/id/misharoman/screenshot/595849980757730990/? http://steamcommunit...9980757732147/? http://steamcommunit...9980757730264/? http://steamcommunit...9980757731556/? *bleep*
  8. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    I WANT TO EAT BANANAS SO SO SO BADLY, but I have apples instead :CCCC
  9. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    Lol, you are so aware of zombuls. As for me I really don't care if they are after me or not, I even attracted like 30 zombuls on airfield just for fun because I was bored but then the party ended with me getting into firestation and throwing an m67 at them. Even server lagged a lil' :'). I mean srsly. Even Cadis calls me a proffessional at attracting unwanted attention. I just pretty much dont care unless there are players.
  10. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    Sometimes thats because the server youre connecting to hasnt updated yet Also, anyone feel like playing now? Ive got nothing to do so How about tomorrow minky? C: Me, you, Cadis and Turbo on LU28.
  11. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    These are not even the highest Some of them are on Normal, none on Low tho. EDIT: Can anyone tell me what should I think when I saw THIS standing in the middle of nowhere not even moving? http://steamcommunity.com/id/misharoman/screenshot/595849980627681429/?
  12. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    Oh, right. When we were shooting off zombies somewhere at village before Nadezhdino, I was trying to take over zombie's attention and he was shooting them. I think it was my fault when he came close and I ran in front of him while he was shooting. With 1 shot he made my bones broken, and bleed xD. Even if he didnt shoot my leg. Luckily I had a Morphine and bandage and he had painkillers. Healed myself with 1 cooked meat a bit. But was fun tho . At least I didn't die from his shooting. EDIT: TURBO, YOU STILL RUN LIKE A WOMAN!. EDIT 2: Oh, wait a second...
  13. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    Looks like AKM is the best Assault rifle afterall Okay guys, so it was something very crazy and fun these two days. Yesterday, 12.07.2012: We with MrTurboTrio went for Balota, for it's airfield to gear up and encountered some nice loot, while I already was with an AK-74. We met there and geared up, while he had to go for a dinner I covered the base. 3 guys were passing through and we probably killed them. One of them was a pair of surviviors who was running from zombies, meanwhile I had my vew bugged after Alt+tab so I reconnected. These guys were still there, but since we are afreaid of strangers we prefered to get rid of both as we did. We got our gear and then disconnected to a different server with night time. We were all about throwing flares around and raiding zombies. Was quite fun. Turbo acquired a Bremington 870 or whatever its called by that time. Later we went to a road and both disconnected there. Today: I went to the military base to meet MrTurboTrio and waited there for a while (~1 hr). I was guarding this place while some ppl were coming there as I shot them. 5 murders in total. But then, 1 guy sneaked up with a Lee Enfield and shot me (probably 1 shot kill). After I spawned, of couce with swearing out loud, I found a bike and went back to the military base, found an AK-74 Kobra and also found my dead body with nothing taken out of it. I looted myself and 1 other guy who I previously killed and went uphill to where MrTurboTrio logged last time. Once I did it, I aborted, myself, while he said he went on a different server. I joined but had NO equipment. I went swearing twice harder but managed to get fun. Later on Moga, me, Turbo and Cadis were all online on the same server, but didnt manage to find each other. Only later when me and Turbo were online we met up in military hospital closer to Balota. He was all hungry while I brought 8 raw meat, made a fireplace and cooked 8 beefs so he also got some more blood from eating. Later when the server went offline, we went together on the server which was LU185, where I got bugged my loadout with Kobra AK. Guess what, I spawned there back with my Kobra! 7 AK clips and went swearing 3 times harder because of happiness. We met up together with turbo at military camp and went to snipe a few newbs trying to get into angars. 1 logged off when he was under my fire and another was killed while running from zombies (Turbo was afk :/). Later on we together went for Stariy sobor but did make only 3/7 of the way. Don't really remember the reason, but we didn't die, no. So we went on LU28 and I was back with my "Fresher" loadout, but with a broken leg and uh... some another bone which makes your aim become shit. Reason was: I disconnected on a deer stand and appearently kind of fell off it. 1st respawn after that: Elektro, found a Lee Enfield quickly + 3 clips for it. I went running away from the city and encountered some guy running from zombies. I saw his Czech backpack and thought: "Hmmmm, damnit. He is running right on me. !st rule of DayZ: Don't trust people with guns and try to prevent them unless they are your steam friends." I pulled my Lee enfield trigger on him and rest of the zombuls. I discovered SOOO MUCH ON HIM. Mostly everything a person who spawned 5 secs ago would. Also the M1911 which kills zombies with 1 shot. After that I went to the firestation outside the city and found a PDW there. Later I went to a forest to get some wood, killed a cow and harvested it's meat, went into a barn, cleared it from zombuls and made a fireplace when I heard a shot behind my back. I got back and prepared my Lee. The guy appeared and I killed him. Luckily he had 5 clips of Lee enfield. I took his stuff and heard an anoher shot, but a shot which was even closer to me. Someone was behind the wall. My fireplace was on and I went backwards, behind boxes and pepared my lee. Some other guy was running to the direction of the barn with like 5 zombuls chasing him. He ran inside and I protected him. He picked an axe (not realizing there was a Shotgun behind my back [facepalm]. And ran away. I heardd another shot, but looks like the guy who I protected was still alive. I waited and waited when saw how this guy rapidly ran in with his axe deployed and thought like FUCK not even realizing it was him. I shot him. Crap. And understood there still was that guy with the lee or whatever he had. So I waited and using 3rd person trick saw how he came in. Appearently he saw me too. So I shot him as well as he shot me. We both died. *********************************************** RESPAWN *********************************************** This respawn is the most lucky one and fun I ever had (even tho, I spawned once in Noviy Sobor INSIDE a building, same way as zombies spawn). I went in the city quite quickly found a M1911 and shot 2 zombies who entered in the building as well. It was that shopping center. I got food, found compass, map and watch and kept searching for more stuff. I went in the church and found a Revolver which I never could find before.Probably, I took it, changed m1911 ammo to revolver ammo and went for more adventures. Found a fire station in the city and a dead guy with AKM with him. He also had binoculars andCzech backpack with lot more goods in it, like Morphine and blood bags. I went up with caution but found no one on the firestation tower. So I decided to get out of the city before something funny happened. I headed to airfield and encountered a place with some zombies wandering around already. Looks like someone was there. A guy with a gun was sitting there, I shit my pants and shot him xD. But them I felt like "goddamn it, another innocent", even tho his loot was worth it. I ran till the military base when Turbo told me he could join (but all the entire time he had some strange problems with connection, saying servers are outdated, or either he was stuck on "Waiting for host"). I went in both Angars, and military base. went to angars again to make sure I didn't miss anything AND THEN SUDDENLY A GUY COMES OUT OF THE 2ND ANGAR AND STARTS SHOOTING ME. I saw him and shot as well. He died instantly, I fell down with broken leg and that another bone (which passed out almost instantly). But, he was not alone. A BERSERK WENT RUNNING ON ME WITH AN AXE, I shit my pans and left some more clips in his body as well. I had 5k hp by that time, bleeding, shooting zombies off. I bandaged myself and took morphine, got to the both dead bodies and got some nice loot from them. I mean, really nice loot. 5 morphines, an M9 (which I left in my bag for Turbo + 3 mags to it), a camping tent and water bottles. Everything else was trash to me, especially that m16 the guy had who was shooting me. I went there, disconnected, because I had to go AFK for a sec and came back. I FELL OVER FOR LIKE 5 MINUTES, SRSLY! (that thing happens when you are very low on blood 3k or lower, I think, but for THAT long, never happened before). I got up, ran to the military base with some zombuls on my back and shot them when i got inside. 3 headshots. I went running with 4,7k blood, bloomy screen and muted sound. I was trying to find at least some cow to kill and get it's meat to cook it and restore my blood. But guess what, I was losing connection with server. I was close to the place where Me and Turbo logged off while I was using my loadout with Kobra. Military base: http://steamcommunit...9980644545843/? Some ppl I got there: http://steamcommunit...9980644554851/? Me with Turbo: http://steamcommunit...9980644542168/? http://steamcommunit...9980644551950/? Turbo looking at zombie porn through his Binoculars: http://steamcommunit...9980644549273/? After encountering 2 fags (1 of them was kinda non-bandit, but tried to attack me with his hatchet), when I ran into the forest trying to find a cow to kill: http://steamcommunity.com/id/misharoman/screenshot/595849980644183777/?
  14. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    Was funny today. I spawned on coast with Scrap metal and a flashlight (after I sawm in the watter and then crashed when came back on land). All the time respawned there and always went to that Rog castle (after I discovered it's location I now know how to get there lol). And always found some goodies there. The best thing I yet found there was a winchester shotty + 5 mag for it (Also it can have 15 bullets inside every clip) but then the server crashed... and I respawned again with my scrap metal and a flashlight. ~*BIG CENSORED WORD*~
  15. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    Thank you for Arma II box Downloaded DayZ and yet still downloading Arma II (10%)
  16. Should be info_player_undead or either info_player_counterterrorist / info_player_rebel (if I am saying it right <- For Hl2:DM entity)
  17. Back from Greece. Had a Dannish girlfriend there :V. Also it was too damn hot. Hot like 33 degrees or so. Now after 1 year I am in Russia. Good old (badass) Grandpa's pc and with something SO updated. 3D newest LG screen in guestroom which is 1,5 meters in length + he bought himself an HTC with 3d quality xD. Darn it. He gets stuff which is SOOO badass. All the time. Perhaps he will also get nvidea 68 gtx soon xD.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      EmRA, thing is... I am goddamn happy to be back to Russia :). And all that stuff about vacation was just basic impression about everything what I did in Greece lol.

  18. Guess what. I thought exactly the same. :') Frizzy, that's awesome.
  19. No need man. Plus, they can just register and see your "private info". No, really.
  20. Dude, this is some nice imaginary! I have a book I want you to read. "Afterdark" by Haruki Murakami. Best book I've yet read. Finished it Almost in 16 or maybe less hours. I really want to find those brilliant pieces in your stories like the ones in that book. That's just my advice .
  21. On a vacation to Greece. 3rd day here already :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. EmRA


      And tell them to pay debts

    3. Reiska


      and start working instead on starting riots

  22. I don't see a "Happy birthday! ". >_> Dear Darkstar, thank you for joining the Dark army and being with us for 20 years already! Now serious, Happy 20th birthday man! Wish you all the best! You'll also receive a "Happy Birthday!" from me on FB!
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