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Mr. Green Gaming

Mr. Darkness

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Everything posted by Mr. Darkness

  1. Hundred2 is newb at Dota 2. Anyone can beat him. Even I can't.

    1. Reiska


      so you suck even more if you cant?

    2. Hundred2
    3. VMR
  2. Dota 2.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. VMR


      LoL aint' bad, Dota 2 is just more fun.

    3. Darkstar


      I just prefer LoL. I've tried Dota 2, but I think I'm just so tuned to LoL's mechanics that I just cant get Dota.

    4. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Hundred2 is nab. Anyone can beat him.

  3. Also this. You'd need to make a restriction in this case. Faction leaders (and mods? it could get abused though) shouldn't get kicked out of a faction.
  4. A week? A week is kinda too short IMO. Make it at least 2 weeks, 1 week is like.. you get out because you need to prepare for exams, but when you come back none of your mates is online on MC and can't accept you into the faction. Especially if there are like a few mods in the faction that could help the dude get back in.
  5. From what I can say by looking at the pics, it's pretty much like the stuff I usually see on Newgrounds.com
  6. I can understand why people don't like Naruto (since it's really stupid), but I can't understand what's the problem with Bleach. Bleach has storyline and maybe even if it doesn't end, it still has an interesting storyline, there's no shit like characters standing for hours thinking, there is a constructive future, a predictable and good ending + it's taste comparing to anime like Naruto which has everything completely random, crap storyline and absurd ninjas in it. At least in Bleach we know that Shinigami protect human world from Hollow and other dangers. Maybe I think so because I haven't yet seen anime better for my taste yet. But I really don't think that Bleach can be named "crap".
  7. Hurr, all that time with school, anime that is like a magnet for me + Deus Ex: Human Revolution. That'd gotta hard to deal with. Anyway, I can see ZS is being redeemed? There are even 4 players on ZS and 7 players on Darkest days! wow. Gotta refresh myself after I deal with all the shit on my way.

    1. Hundred2


      ur life is so difficult.

      keep going my angel!<33

    2. Quert


      DE:HR is the best.

      Got all achievements in it with 2 playthroughs

  8. For some reason I like watching shit like Naruto, it's like a powerful magnet to which I am sticked for some reason. Pretty sure I am just interested in "What happens next". Precisely, every anime out there is almost all the same except for that "Naruto" is not even about those fuckin' ninjas but about some weird magical techniques which look kinda odd. But I still watch it, sometimes I find it somewhat interesting and sometimes just too stupid with randomness, but still want to keep watching. I have other anime's on my list to watch later: Bleach, Shaman king... and there also are some names I forgot to mention but those are actually nice ones. Those aren't about action and shit but about normal people, with usual life happenings and so on. Not talking about romantic anime but I rarely do watch them. Sometimes when I want to get relaxed. EDIT: Does anyone here know Haruki Murakami? This dude's an awesome author. If someone read any of his books before he might understand by what I mean "romantic anime" and stuff about usual people. Though, Murakami writes too much philosophy which you can't really see in anime that much.
  9. So, I woke up from my bed and then noticed that rui hasn't yet understood that he could bump the
  10. Good to hear actually. If necro could make an objective mode/apply noxious one or modify it then I might perhaps give you my zs_obj_outland! Objective maps always fit ZS actually. It's not just about sitting in an attic.
  11. Dude, awesome trap. Pure ownage. How did you get him there?
  12. I'd rather want to know the truth and end up with her 90% in relations. Would you rather have a short haircut or a long one?
  13. Just tried DayZ Namalsk today. Pretty cool map but feels kinda empty.

    1. Griffon


      Its the best map in terms of design and combat but it sucks without at least 10 players

  14. After playing a few days on NoX zs and seing all those assholes I must say that I can actually understand their way of behavior, lots of players who fuck up the game and make "kleiner cades" all the time, spam "HOW DO I..." in the microphone, kids of the age of 8 or somewhere like that (especially Russian kids. They are the worst). But I still think that their way of behavior is unpropiate, still. What I am really happy about is that Jet made this "Classic mode" which ...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Pufulet


      There is no hammer for cading on classic mode

    3. Mr. Darkness

      Mr. Darkness

      Yeah, I can feel I am becoming a Nox, myself a little, but that's simply because of the kiddies, not because of the ones asses who settled on nox a couple of years ago. When they say something to me with whining, all I can say is "go fuck yourself" to deal with all the problems. There are much less people who pretend to be cool and shit these days at least.

  15. I don't know I would love if it had Skyrim graphics (or even better) with all the lights, effects, etc. If it has something like Morrowind or Oblivion then I am not really looking forward to it. I want the good looking stuff, realistic (Unless everyone from the community buys it, then meh, I'll have to buy it too). Hope the graphics are as good as screenshots contain. EDIT: 1 map, 1 server, 1 story line? I wonder how big the map will be to make it available for over 100k players to join it. Damn, that's gotta be a huge war of guilds in the game. We gotta have to play it all together! Stuff looks pretty awesome. Hope I will be impressed with the game. The idea of the entire game is like MC Faction wars + Unlimited amount of players on the server + Absolutely awesome graphics = The game of my dreams.
  16. Gonna post a thread with my upcoming map soon.

  17. This 1:08 video deserves an Oscar premium. You really have to watch this art. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEP3xgZi_RU

    1. xeim



    2. rui_troia
  18. Mr. Darkness

    Day Z

    Yeah we all should make an army of ppl on a server. I got a friend of mine that I met on the servers to join us. We all should play Lingor Island. Oh btw, this guy's name is Robin, lately we found a heli and he fixed it. Hope he didn't crash it yet.
  19. Happy birthday croby Corby!
  20. Not yet impressed.
  21. HOLY MOTHER...
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