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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Pufulet

  1. Someone was playing Barbie 3 collector edition when suddenly something knocked on the balls of Roborobb which he enjoyed.His huge and pristine willy connected to his computer. He found pornographies even though he broke his legs last time he repaired his balls. He turned off his very small computer and went to the sex shop where Sneed was with his mother buying mans stuff. After seeing Sneed he ran away looking at headcrab
  2. Just released it heres the link if you wana download it now! http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=97822
  3. D:
  4. Lol this is funny. this is what they got from the idiots of garrysmod freemans mind when he sees a headcrab.
  5. This acutually happened 5 minutes ago and yet we understand eachother. Floppsy: Duhhr Pufulet: murh? Floppsy: Me no liek new update it made everything confusorz! >:C Pufulet: wat updaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat Floppsy: > Floppsy: THEY CHANGED EVERYTHING WAAAAAH! Pufulet: wat did they change? Pufulet: u takin abaaaaaaaut mr graaaan Pufulet: ?ASF Floppsy: Erduhhr dat gaiz got tattoez on iz fingaz Floppsy: http://www.garrysmod.org/verify/ can you make sense out of this? Floppsy: :x Pufulet: *vomit* itz eaaaazzzzzzzaaaah Pufulet: :X Floppsy: nuh its nawt Floppsy: I rnt stoopid juzt speciul D:! Pufulet: red duh inztructyiom Floppsy: I DID.. but wut information do theyz wantz ITS JUST PCITERUZ Pufulet: look atatttttttttttttt thusd pcituerssssg; Pufulet: CALLING Pufulet: RINDDONG Floppsy stares at the pictures. Pufulet: answa Pufulet: naw Pufulet: /em uh Pufulet: fix da baztard voice chat Pufulet: les go liek dis what is your steam ID? Pufulet: go Pufulet: Community Pufulet: Vaw my profel Pufulet: *gunshot*
  6. eh cant say i havnt thought about that yet but i never made a map with a 3d skybox.. thats why atm im learning how to. It's not that hard. Make an extra skybox beside it (smaller) and add a sky_camera in it to indicate that it's an 3D skybox. Add water a water brush inside it, and you're done. All you have to do now is a little bit of tweaking. I could make a tutorial. I don't have anything to do right now. i would realy appreciate it. But i wont do it after a bit cause i finally finished a map and might wana mess around on gmod or somthing.
  7. that seems better but there will still be selfish medics that wont share. then the medics will be OP but ah well true true.. but after the xp lvl system comes out hopefully. medics wont selfish and heal others cause they want to lvl up. Ima selfish medic thats always lasthuman XD no healing others ftw... lmao
  8. eh cant say i havnt thought about that yet but i never made a map with a 3d skybox.. thats why atm im learning how to.
  9. les get this on the most popular on garrysmod.org
  10. Yay The Final Is Done Now! Feel Free To Test It And Give Feedback! Ignore the 2 barrel pictures on the ramp thing Well thanks to everyone who participated in helping me out with this map! All your ideas were added in the map so its like everyone made this . http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=97667 Deluvas whenever your ready to add it to zs.
  11. ya man after i finish my ambush stuff
  12. PEPPPAAAAA god i love saying that on the mic when i see in playing PEPPPAAAAA god i love saying that on the mic when i see in playing. where can i read about this xp system? im intrested
  13. today it will be released hopefully and u guys can test it and tell me what u think
  14. This is how I would like my medic to be for zs. The medic model should be rebel medic. level 0 ( 5% faster 5% pistol dmg 5% less dmg taken) collect 100 healthvials and heal 10000. Lv 1 ( 7% faster 7% pistol dmg 7% less dmg taken 5% increased syringe regen rate) 110 vials and 14000 heal. Lv 2 ( 10% everything listed for lvl 0 7% regen rate syringe increased 130 healthvials 18000 healing. Lv3 ( 13% everything 10% regen syringe rate. 2% chance when killed a zombie to get 5 health back. 160 healthvials 23000 healed lv 4 15% everything 12% 12% regen rate syringe 3% chance when killed zombie to get 5 health back. Healthvials 190 heal 26000. Lv 5 15% everything including regen syringe rate 5% chance killing zombie will give 5 healthback. 230 vials 32000 healed. What do you guys think?
  15. Pufulet

    3 birthdays?

    happy birthday mmmmkay
  16. Uhhhhh u guys don't mind if I pause this map progress for a bit. I realised I am doing somthing stupid by not finishing ambush off,.... Multiple map making is a bad idea. So I will just finish it off which I just need five or ten more minutes to test and compile it then I will post the attachment on the topic get some testers and feedback .... mkaay?
  17. Retexturizing than )
  18. well i ( selfish medic indeed ) think that it should be refilled if you get an ammo regen and supply like you said but leave the regenerate on and maibai when u dont have the syringe out it regenerated very slowly cause its annoying tring to defend my ass and heal myself. a bit overpowerd.. lol
  19. ok i will do somthing about that deathmatch map? yeah your right the first test i tried it reminded me of it cause you can sprint around the map knowing there wont be a dead end in a way. add more variation to sizes.. what do you mean by that? example? so far it took me 20-30 minutes i belive to whip this up
  20. Well... first pics r always the erhm yeah anyway i was playing zs_pub today and im like.. fun map! yaaaay lasthuman oops lol dead so i was like Small maps r cool so then i decided to make a small map called zs_compressed and like zs_ambush i will show my progress and you guys will hopefully give me feedback and what to do and stuff. Small maps can usually be very detailed since its small and easy to add loads of detail without forgetting another area of the map. So i am aiming for this map to soon be on zs server and should be fun for its 'smallnes' which should be cool like zs_chaste? long writing... need to get to the point. Firstly i need TEXTURE FEEDBACK First set of pictures: Choppy Nooby Lightless Blocky X( Progress will first start next morning since its 10PM here and i want to get on with other stuff like *Falls asleep*
  21. For every 50 You heal you should get 2GC Headshots should give 2H Propkills should give 6GC There should be more decorative things to buy like more hats and eye effects or colour. Lasthuman should get 10GC and Round Finish 10GC
  22. Not me. I can't map for poop im a mapper but i cant make maps that nice been mapping for about a year now
  23. Im nearly done with the map
  24. true but leave my medic alone >;o
  25. i hope they have zombies in it
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