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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Pufulet

  1. Heres mine... quite random...
  2. k I will try adding 3d stuff to it or windows or somthing
  3. Just a modify here and there... thanks for the idea botervloot. The walls are nicer
  4. about 2,3 weeks. I will add more detail on the walls
  5. about a year
  6. This was on zs_the_seige about 2 hours ago and this Combine dude fell in a trap for an entire round. After a while I found him defenseless with a crappy pistol. I protected him as humans started to die. I gave him an mp5 and healed him whenever I could. I could remember his name so I called him Lil Egghead. After there were just 5 humans left I had to abandon him since there where poison zombies rushing towards me. 'BE BRAVE EGGHEAD' I ran towards the supply crates while I heared the sound of a combine dying. I got an autoshotty and avenged him but died near where he died... RIP LIL EGGHEAD Lil egghead.bmp
  7. This place is a deserted 'dump' Soon after Im done with it I will pass it on to Zincoshine so he can see if theres anything that can be improved or optimized. So far it includes: 3 buildings with 3 floors Ground floor covered in waste, not to mention the radioactive crap Outside storage areas An area with pipes n fences n stuff Health charger in the 'cross section' of the catwalk floors A few healthvials scattered around the place and batteries. Old vehicles around the waste. Some more rooms. A yellow fog, which I think is better than my old siege fog :Z. There 2 storage rooms with red light and 2 with blue. Its near night. And some more stuff.
  8. The map will come out soon after Zinco fixes an issue regarding Reliable Snapshot overflow. Here are some pictures.. Greeeen fog
  9. Sorry about another topic but I think its required... Pufulet: Finally I found someone who could help me with my problems in mapping mainly to do with optimization. I worked with him about a week and finally finished it. Thanks Zincoshine ur awsome >=D. Oh and btw zs_dump is on its way Zincoshine: pufulet did a lot of changes after zs_the_siege, but he still failed to optimize the map. I succeeded however, with his permission and VMF which means no vmex bugs! The map will be released soon with a few images. Changes by pufulet: - pakratted CSS textures and models - removed the 2 small rundown houses near the zombie spawn - made a new house and placed it where the rundown houses used to be - added a metallic shed near the large house - added cargo crates and train carts around the open space to discourage spawn camping - removed most of the preplaced func_detail boards and added more doors inside the house - removed most of the blue shelves - added a nicer roof to the large house - removed the explosion in the large house - added a glass window onto the large hexagon windows of that fort on the bottom - added glass windows to the rape tower. - Got rid of half the rockets - removed the rain Changes by Zincoshine: - added skybox with color closest to the fog (used the same skybox of forestofthedamned_2010) - adjusted fog color values to match that of the skybox - added in light_env from forestofthedamned - added far z clip for fog - wrapped the large house in areaportalwindows - fixed the lighting of the forts - added 4 redemption spawn points. 25% chance of getting rewarded with an epic last stand. - Got rid of the remaining rockets since they way outside playable boundaries. - added filtered func_breakable boards to the new house and some other areas. - got rid of all the laggy crap outside the playable areas of the map - optimized the skybox greatly - optimized the brushwork - optimized displacements - nodraw - func_detail - and more Framerate has increased by 120%
  10. ok will do it. i will learn how to add 3d skybox.. kill the fog and see what to do from there
  11. here is a picture of my newest work for zs_the_siege
  12. when is the medic vial thing getting fixed? i wanna lvl up i prefer to keep my healing to myself >
  13. pls fix the medic health vial i want to level up :3
  14. theres a texture called Trigger you then make it env_hurt or whatever that trigger was called and you put it in the water --out of memory--
  15. some good ideas.. i will give a think about it
  16. idea 1 i promise 1 topic per map idea 2 very cool will think about it
  17. I havnt found a post thats already been made about zs map ideas so i will make one. Im going to work on my secound map but i need some good ideas.
  18. Should have been. Canceled or delayed because of some unforseen consequences .. i know this dosnt have anything to do with commando but what about the medic? gathering healthvials dosnt work.
  19. I will be creative but i just need some ideas from people. it is quite hard indeed, and it takes time cause it has to be detailed and have a good atmosphere.
  20. no thats not snow its dust particles. well the big house thing may not be very original but I think the fort is original. Maybe on my secound map i will try being more original but that is kinda what you would expect of a zs map... abandoned house thats barricaded or somthing like that with blood everywhere.
  21. idk... what do you think of the map?
  22. After lots of hard work and inspired by zs_lighthouse i release what I belive is the final version of siege. It is very detailed with sound and loads of surprises. When i played it single player i kinda got creeped out so I think its got the zs theme and atmosphere in it. http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=92752 After the invasion of ravenholm the rebels move in and find an abandoned fort in the forests nearby. They establish their basecamp there but not long after the combine find it and fight with the rebels and conquer it. The combine at base launch headcrabcanisters not knowing that the squads they sent won, resulting in zombie infestation... Alls well ends well
  23. Found a quite old picture..
  24. oh.. srry
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