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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Pufulet

  1. Go on paint and draw 4 pictures using just black and white circles! Heres mine Circle Art.bmp
  2. AIDS is friends with my dog. Bastard threads. Cock has balls. Can i put this Dick somewhere? EmRA thinks that E comes before F. Oh yeah, rudeness. YOU STINK! Fucking post farm thread incoming! God damn I knew we would have another combothread EEPAH EEPAH Instead of tea, Harry decided to pick his nose. Jolly Cock Submarins Kutspel is dit zeg... (I know it's Dutch, but I don't know an English rude word with "K") Lukkie Rocks <-- Lame... Losers all around here Moron stands for Men Own Rocks Oh Noes No, that'll be your mother. Pie is not better then cake Quit now biatch Retarded game... Sorry but I dont know what to do Tea bagging is for halo nubs unless for certain occasions. Ur-anus is not a planet... its nice to see :>
  3. so its like the wraith but only u can see it and it damages you when it howls? cool
  4. COOOWL.. what does teh howler do except howl? or what does the howl do to u
  5. AIDS is friends with my dog. Bastard threads. Cock has balls. Can i put this Dick somewhere? EmRA thinks that E comes before F. Oh yeah, rudeness. YOU STINK! Fucking post farm thread incoming! God damn I knew we would have another combothread EEPAH EEPAH Instead of tea, Harry decided to pick his nose. Jolly Cock Submarins Kutspel is dit zeg... (I know it's Dutch, but I don't know an English rude word with "K") Lukkie Rocks <-- Lame... Losers all around here Moron stands for Men Own Rocks Oh Noes No, that'll be your mother. Pie is not better then cake Quit now biatch
  6. AIDS is friends with my dog. Bastard threads. Cock has balls. Can i put this Dick somewhere? EmRA thinks that E comes before F. Oh yeah, rudeness. YOU STINK! Fucking post farm thread incoming! God damn I knew we would have another combothread EEPAH EEPAH Instead of tea, Harry decided to pick his nose. Jolly Cock Submarins Kutspel is dit zeg... (I know it's Dutch, but I don't know an English rude word with "K") Lukkie Rocks <-- Lame... Losers all around here Moron stands for Men Own Rocks Oh Noes
  7. AIDS is friends with my dog. Bastard threads. Cock has balls. Can i put this Dick somewhere? EmRA thinks that E comes before F. Oh yeah, rudeness. YOU STINK! Fucking post farm thread incoming! God damn I knew we would have another combothread EEPAH EEPAH Instead of tea, Harry decided to pick his nose. Jolly Cock Submarins
  8. Ok this is how we do it. You must think of a rude word to start a sentence fallowing the alphabet. You can only have 1 sentence!!! Ok i will start... Copy mine and put urs under it Aids is friends with my dog.
  9. Ring Ring, Ring Ring Tim : Uhhhhh..... sup Tam : yo.... Tim : hmmmz? Tam : what ya doing? Tim : nuthing, just watching the Bob and Bub Show... its all good you know? Tam : Yez a dontz knowz sadadad Tim : Yup Tam : Aw right Tim : sooooo.... Tam : WHERES MEH MONEU!!!! Tim : ?!?!?!!!??!?! Tam : u knowz what im talking not about!!! Tim : yo! Yo!.... yo! Tam : :| Tim : CHILLZAX Tam : Wat!?!?! Tim ; NU Tam : wadap with you today? Tim : what??? Tam : I was just saying Tim : Say what huh uhu!?! Tam : dude it was a joke take a frizzen chill pill Tim : ohhhhhh u insulting me?? Tam : naw im nwat Tim : huh?? you think ur so kuul just because you havez zsquare 90?? Tam : i was just saying. Tim : Huh?!?!? what... bring it! t-tt-t-t-tampax Tam : oh u went there didnt you.. Tim : srry im hight Tam : no! no,zot this time! Dissconencttedd Tim : Whats his problem? Pufulet : Watching the big game on tv... sitting... chilling Tim : Shutup God
  10. People do strange things when they are bored... Bob :Look at that ceiling... never noticed it covered up the clouds.. you know what im saying? Bub :No... I know what your saying... Bob :What you mean? You dont want to know or just what? Bub No im just saying that your ceiling dosnt appeal to me in that way? Bob :Why not? It should... Its natural... Bub :Ugh... Its just wrong... Bob :You want some pringles? Bub :Yeah... Bob :I dont have any... Bub :Oh... shame... Bob :Turn on the tv pls... Bub :Theres no tv in this room... Bob :Why not? Bub :I dont know... its your house... Bob :Give me the remote... Bub :What remote? Bob :The one in your pocket... Bub :Oh... here Bob :Thats a glue stick... Bub :Shame... thought it was a souvenir Bob :True...True Pufulet :Waddap Bub :Who are you? Pufulet :God Bob: Nice to know Pufulet :True...true... Bub :I like sausage rolls Bob :True... true...
  11. Im working on my most detailed map zs_siege_v3 or zs_the_siege
  12. Zombie Survival Mappers require a lot of skill on placing objects, getting the theme right, displacements, props, textures, decals and such, to make it look suitable for a ZS map, so that's why. true true true!
  13. This is my latest progress of my map. I have been working on headcrabcanisters exploded loads of stuff..and a building where combines have used as a base the building still has lots of work on so take a chill pill and dont give me nasty feedback
  14. thx
  15. how did you get teh headcrab canisters and the timing?
  16. very nice
  17. to be honest, im not quite sure, i picture it as an abandoned base with settlers that built near it
  18. Decided to give you guys a peek at my v3 work in progress.. its about 50% done, the main thing that i am working on is the lighting in the map( environment, floodlights, other lights) and fog, i am working on a three floor building as you can see, i replaced it with the 5 min wood building.. meh i will learn how to add ambient sounds to machines and other stuff hopefully done by the end of the month
  19. what did you add to make the lights that bright? its somthing like env_glow isnt it? this map makes me jealous so i will work even more on zs_siege_v3 XD
  20. this is v1 http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=81731 in v3 there will be new things but first i need peoples opinions i can tell you so far that there will be movement with big buildings to make it better and i will remove the wooden one
  21. After you had a look at zs_siege_v2 please tell me what i can do to improve it and I might include the ideas and improvements in v3! map will be published by end of week. http://www.garrysmod.org/downloads/?a=view&id=91640
  22. hmm you have a point... should i use a darker one? --oh and note to deluvas... the info_player_redeem is info_player_rebel so uhh i will fix that in v3 and add more detail AND change the skybox--
  23. yea, dosnt look very good appearence wise, except the fort with teh tower, but i assure you its very fun to be played on
  24. .. oh well. --working on a new map--
  25. even more pics... Citizen - Human Spawn Zombies - Zombie Combines_ Redeem Point I had a more detailed look at the map and i was thinking of making v3, which will be much more detailed and more better stuff to improve stuffz you knowz.
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