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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Duby

  1. I'll give this image a go and see what happens. The configs are exactly the same which is why I'm quite confused to why its not working. I'll have to sit down and get my head into it and figure out a fix. But jeez this game is a pain in the ass to work with haha Also nope, I've been using .png images
  2. I've had a quick look this morning. So we aren't the only ones with this issue, I'll try and get sorted when I get home tonight. http://forums.tripwireinteractive.com/forum/killing-floor-2/technical-support-ae/killing-floor-2-support/117196-can-t-see-welcome-screen
  3. Added! Also the server is now back up so knock yourselves out. I'm very busy IRL this week, but I'll find time to play I'm sure haha
  4. Ah nice one! I'll add it later when I get home from work You've made a nice job of it, it should make a good impression for new joiners
  5. Can you make the image 512 x 256 as that's what the banner size needs to be. Then we could deffo use it
  6. What's the Survivalist perk about, do you have any sources so I can have a read?
  7. We are still waiting to see what this Martial Artist perk is as well! https://www.reddit.com/r/killingfloor/comments/3248hz/leaked_kf2_full_perk_names/
  8. This is the place to post all your information about new game content or leaked content on the game. New Zed 'twin gore fast' New Zerk weapon!
  9. Oi I only die because I try to protect the noobs from getting a Scrakes chainsaw going up their ass xD Server is down for some config changes. It will be up later tonight once I get home. I am going to be late so expect it tomorrow most likely.
  10. Yea there is something wrong with the Config files. Something has gone screwy! Ywa is going to do a fresh config install tomorrow and I'll set it up tomorrow. Sorry about this, it suddenly started to happen without warning. Shouldn't take too long to sort out
  11. Omg please do, make a Scrake have the Mr.Green logo on it
  12. Maybe we should get Pepsi man installed sometime soon......
  13. Its a pretty cool Helmet so I thought why not haha Fire it up baby
  14. Its only rough, but I think its a start, I'm sure someone will make something far better haha
  15. I've got a cool image to add, I'm planning on getting it done today, so stay tuned for that No idea how we could do GC but with time we could find a way
  16. Hmm -present you with a pie- enjoy this pie :')
  17. Mawwwhahaha my master plan is working >:O
  18. Hi guys, lets have a big big welcome to our new Killing Floor 2 server! Here are the server details and if you want to get on in the action here is the Steam link for the game. http://store.steampowered.com/app/232090/ Server name: Mr. Green | 6 players | Killing4Life Server IP: Here is the link to the sub forums, hope to see you all there and have a blast slaughtering some Zeds! https://mrgreengaming.com/forums/forum/75-killing-floor-2/ Enjoy! http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/544150537484472435/FF7BF4110EC156AD1900BEEE85A50236BF432830/
  19. Greenies, post you favorite and most ridiculous Killing floor screenshots from steam! We all love Mario right? xD http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/257090545240775238/D0C691DE49106553A157999B2A3B0E6800BB2F71/
  20. Hello Greenies! I have been keeping this under the hood for a while due to my personal life being busy. But I feel we are ready to set the wheels in motion and start our new adventure! Mr.Green is now hosting a Killing Floor 2 server! Server name: Mr. Green | 6 players | Killing4Life Server IP: What do we want to achieve! We Love zombies and what better way than to introduce the hottest Zed game out there. I intend to modify and make a cool custom Mr.Green killing floor server over the games lifetime and help expand our community. If you have any suggestions or cool things you want to be added to the server please leave a message. See you all on the battle field!
  21. In ZS perks were something to really achieve in having, there were 6 in total when I worked on it which had an actual effect on the player. It took months and months to get enough GC for it. Due to this it never was an issue, if someone donated for it then eh fair enough. But it was never too game breaking, it just made your life a little easier. Doing this gave the lower ranking people to have something to look up to and to want to achieve. Not sure how MTA works but it worked in ZS for sure.
  22. I'll come have a look soon, I'm getting tired of team speak
  23. Duby


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