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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Duby

  1. There are lots of other methods for map protection to make it harder for people to get hold of the map. Not saying obviously because I want Mr.Green to have these maps for as long as possible.
  2. If I say that then people would be able to get our maps. I expect eventually they will get them, but for a few weeks/months we would be the only server with them. Also ZA is built into our game mode. So just playing the map would be pointless and boring/shite. Ummm I will refine the menu some more and it should look very good I reckon. We are about 85% done with the game mode I'd say, it will just be a load of polishing.
  3. Yes, I will be providing a Prototype map for Arena mode once we've released most likely and I'll provide full documentation for it all. Oh Look silly me! I've inserted an image of the new loadout menu! There is a spelling error because I've been coding for 3 1/2 hours straight xD http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/262708539613872247/6E89BE49D871FF04BBBD3900BE123EAB703BA230/
  4. Content for the next Beta test: -Fixed Arena map -Ported vote mute/gag/kick -Ported Melon gun -Ported Rave rifle -Ported Remover tool -Ported custom chat messages -Spawn menu update (Very much W.I.P) -Resolved some issues regarding players getting stuck -Fixed Medkit starting power -Added Medkit Charge bar -Z time (slow mo affect which occurs 1 in every 12 times a zombie dies) Other small changes: -Moved main menu button from F1 to F3 'for humans' (temp due to vote mute system) News: Mr.Green will be launching with new and exclusive maps. Our map pack with contain maps than no other server has. This will boost the servers initial appeal on launch and give us a big head start. I have Paid Stelk to make us one hell of a map called (Mr.Green's Asylum), I did some testing with him yesterday and this map is going to change how players play zs for sure, and increases the fun factor for zombies. Our map pack will contain. -Mr.Green's Asylum -Mr.Green's Prison -LightHouse (Updated by Stelk for ZS 3.0) -ZA Fridge of Doom (re-made from scratch) -ZA Caesium If you want to do some mapping, I advice doing something for Zombie Arena Mode, this sub game mode will be Mr.Green's trump card for giving players different kinds of maps to play.
  5. Hmm didn't do a Beta test last weekend as my gf was around. So I will make it up to you lads and get a special update done for this coming weekend. It should be frightful.... 

    1. Pufulet


      No body pillow this weekend?

    2. Duby


      Nah I use that when the gf isn't around

    3. rui_troia


      i hope she blows well

  6. Officially worse than Ywa, I can't even play Dread Halls for more than 6 mins before I shit myself..

  7. Uuuuh don't know the IP of the server, just join with someone on your friends list, generally every other Sunday. ZS 3.0 has a big bug regarding crouch jumping, but due to the way the gameplay is played, you don't ever see it. But at Mr.Green obviously we are a special snow flake so its really obvious and bad. To the point where people get stuck in walls and ceilings. So I will be investigating it and trying to resolve that issue for the next Beta test...
  8. ZS_3.0.1_V8_Beta Change Log: -Fix Melee base console spam -Fix Zombie base console spam -Fix for plank World model being small -Fixed and ported RaveBreak -Fix for shovel death notice -Fix for Dice command -Fix for spawn menu appearing on Arena Mode -Increased Dual Classics pistol damage 14 -> 15 -Increased Pulse Pistol damage 10 -> 12 -Added Grenade to the Tools base -Added Prototype Shotgun to shop -Added Greenpoint shop (Still W.I.P) -Added map vote to end game screen (Still W.I.P) -Added Credits for contributors -Added Arena spawn music -Added first new Arena map (Based on Fridge of Doom) -Ported Mr.Green's Admin Mod -Renamed a few things in the shop -C4 can be planted faster
  9. Yo what's up guys. Got the next ZS test candidate we are on ZS 3.0.1 Beta V8 ready for this Sunday. Here is a list of fixes and features included. -Full Arena support -New Shotgun 'The Prototype -Dice command fix -End game screen completion with bug fixes (Still yet to implement the map vote as I want to keep the code clean for now while we test.) -Hat shop (Just hats for now, but the potential for Perks and Suits is there, I can provide dummy fixes for those who want to add their own hat creations.) -Fix for class spawn menu popping up during Arena spawn -First Arena map created and ready to be tested -Gas Grenade (Model by Braindawg, its pretty fucking awesome.) Future implementations possible for the next test candidate: -Zombine port -Admin mod with proper game mode support -Prox mines port -Hate Boss Major bug being resolved -Ravebreak -Map vote -Proper Class spawn menu (The current one is just a stand in for now.) -Custom weapon models (For more interesting varieties) That's the main bulk, but I expect a lot more will come over the next few days so keep and eye on the git hub change logs.
  10. A new ZS release candidate will be made this Sunday.

    It will contain a lot of updates, and very much welcomed changes and features. I hope we all have a lot of fun testing and most likely a few bugs or script errors will be found. 

    Check the main ZS topic for more details.

  11. Why does one watch Hentai?

    1. MegasXLR


      Cuz sometimes you get hornier than when you watch live porn lol

  12. My thoughts exactly Just a little something for all of you to sink your teeth into. The first Arena mode map has been completed inspired by Fridge of Doom. I hope you guys are as hyped for this as I am! http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/270587945651110044/23D6602B434E01506D859CED25BB9FC03F8B1E8B/
  13. Been out sick with the Flu, but I will work on ZS in a few days when I'm back to my self again. Should have something interesting ready soon...

  14. Lots of updates, here is the update log for the past 2 weeks or so. After a lot of testing we have really progressed, and I must say I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, I just need to get our map list ready etc.. for a smooth release. Contributors: -Duby -BrainDawg -HowSuperTerrible -AzoNa -Added Dual classic pistols -Added Freeman -Added Etherial Zombie class -Added Melee view punch -Added Zombie view punch -Added content into English Language files -Added old Mr.Green Shoutbox -Added Admin tags -Added end game screen 'W.I.P' -Added Freeman Crowbar -Added mapvote files -Added new Workshop Beta downloads -Fix for Shade -Fix for Lasthuman song -Fix for Chem zombie not unlocking -Fix for Etherial and Wraith shadow issues -Fix for Katana world model -Fix for Shovel world model -Fix for Chipper kill icon -Fix for Melee base script error -Fix for Dual pistols model error -Increased Dual pistols damage -Lowered Howler scream damage -Modded dice 'rtd' command code -Fix for Seeker causing an invisible bug with other zombies after it dies. -Added C4 to Engineer class -Added Death notice to C4 -tided up code in main server/client side files -Increased normal zombie reach -Fixed Frying pan world model not showing up -Fixed Arena join messages being spammed -Re-ordered some shop items -Increased Vodka price to 60SP Again thanks to all those helping with feedback and testing!
  15. Another Beta test down, more bugs have been found. But the refinement in gameplay is quite amazing, thanks to all helping test. Had a lot of fun today and I think we are a hell of a lot closer to getting to a release ^^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Duby


      Ya, you can find me from there. Exact same name etc...

  16. Sure sounds cool to me, when we get to some SQL shit I'll call upon you to help I'm pretty basic with my mysql skills so it will be nice to learn something new ^^
  17. Having a great time testing updates, things are going swimmingly..
  18. Looks amazing man I'll work on getting it into the game asap. Could you also do a medical grenade? Code wise it would be similar I imagine.
  19. I'll provide a few test maps for Ywa to add to the server for us to facilitate it. I'm going to try and make the shop look a little better as well, feels a bit dull atm, may add a few graphics to make it look a little more interesting. Umm to test bosses and balance we need a min of 16 players, so when we have our beta test again I'll get the admin mod installed so we can spawn bots.
  20. ZS 3.0.1_V5_Beta is live on the Beta server I've got some good content added to the server and a lot of bug fixes and alterations. Here are the main points of this update which are visual Update Contents: -Modified Human HUD elements -Added Howler Howl attack animation -Improved zombie hit detection -Fixed Wraith -Sub gamemode file structure -Arena Mode is an offical sub game and has full map support under za_ -Decreased ammo shop price -Howler unlocks on Wave 2 -General code clean up
  21. I can see that this hit detection is causing an issue, as well as the prices of some shop items. I think I'll make Ammo cheaper and weapons more expensive, it should make the game feel more rewarding and less annoying in terms of trying to get a good weapon to have fun, I think this is a key part of getting the game mode right. Yea I noticed there were some issues with the howler, I've fixed them and am adding a few more features to make it easier for people to see that the howler is actually attacking, and not just by the sound lol I've been looking at the range of zombies and yea perhaps I should enable the Lag compensation, that could make a difference for sure. The humans are more or less there, its just balancing out items. But I feel the zombies have a way to go in terms of making sure they don't feel boring or disinteresting. Bosses aren't enough to keep the average players interest. Thanks for the in-depth report
  22. Yes there is a lot of content included in this which can be used for sure! (I'm not making a levelling system for this ZS 'currently' because of it being easy to loose the games balance.) Somethings I'm going to look at asap: -Melee weapon knock back -Damage Noise spam -Sort out a decent map list ( I suggest we get everyone to grab the maps they like inc obj so we can create a community based list) -Sort out the weapon prices so we don't have people running around with 3 primaries -Make zombies easier to use with 'hit detection' A few things I'm going to do is balance the Howler for Wave 2 unlock, then add our old Etherial class under a new name and perhaps model. Give the Zombie Dice command some new features more than just health and brain for redemption points. (Maybe even GC) I would like to add a Daisy Green join collection for when you join the server and play. So people have a reason to join once a day and play a round. This feedback is Great Rui, keep it up while we test
  23. Still got to implement Bens graphics update. But here is the current state of the human HUD. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/305487667002924480/F83B0A80F2AF9E35A267BABCFBB267D1DFEFCB2F/
  24. The mod has moved on. Doing updates on this version of the mod is pointless, especially since the server is at 0 players 24/7, but do as you wish.
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