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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Duby

  1. -Fixed hit detection (something stupid on my part) -Class choosing issues maybe because of your resolution. But up to 720p for me works fine. -Fixed zombie gases giving damage etc.. -Sorted out the Etherial issue and merged Wraith into it.
  2. Yea I will be very strict on it. I've not touched any weapon stats apart from new weapons which we've added to the mod. So they've been based on the balance of the other weapons. Same applies to the zombies I'm sure it will be fine, the only issue I found is that the Engineer was way to strong, so I needed to sort out its issues. If you'd like to Pufulet, you're more than welcome to port the Prox mines to ZS 3.0. It would be a nice addition to the engineer class and really give it a nice range of tools. Obviously I'll just do it myself if you'd rather not.
  3. I'll look at balancing it all for sure, that video shows the deagles before I've even done stats, I just took the normal deagle file and replaced the model. I need to finish off one of the zombie classes for sure. I've finished fixing the balanceing issues we've found. I expect there will be more but that can be delt with as we find them. I just need to polish the end game screen and we are good for release
  4. *Cough* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk8dm-tGlmM&feature=youtu.be
  5. The reason why I ask for your Steam ID is that I'm not going to spend time going on your profile getting it xD I've also decided that you'll get some badges, and also extra voting power in the map vote screen. You're trusted members so you know the best maps etc.. I see no reason why you shouldn't have some nice things
  6. You were a great player when you played, and obviously you left for understandable reasons. I'm very pleased to see you're back and want to be apart of the community again Damien ha does the admin apps and I expect he'll review it when we release and start looking for admins for the server :3
  7. The best test was a lot of fun. Here is one of the rounds we had!



    1. rui_troia


      The core gameplay seems pretty much done, just needs polishing and adding stuff :P

    2. rui_troia


      btw the slowmo seems pretty sick, good work on that

    3. Duby


      Cheers hahayea it's just a case of getting the polish out. We had some balancing issues but they've been fixed now 

  8. We are very close to release. I'd say we only have a few balancing issues to sort out and we are ship shape!

    1. rui_troia


       nice job Duby, I am almost certain it will be a success :)

  9. Hello all, As you know the new ZS server is being released soon. But I want to make sure all of our old fags are treated with respect. So for the release and from now on, if you can prove your position within the community with a Rank, amount of greencoins within the threshold given, you'll have some special items given to you for the new gamemode. Any of the following. Thresholds: GC < 2500 Necrossin Perks ZS Rank < 20 Deluvas/Necrossin Classes Rank < 2 Previous or current admin If any of those or all of those apply to you, place your evidence (some might be obvious) leave a comment bellow with your SteamID and you'll be added to the (special snow flake) table You'll receive; A player title Bonus GC when the shop is implemented Maybe a nice weapon skin Cheers, Duby
  10. A quick summery of what I need to do for us to be in a completed sate for Release. -Fix Zombie !rtd command -Ywa's approval on the end game screen -New Boss selection menu images -New Ghoul zombie class menu image -Modify human crosshair -Double check Boss base code -General code tidy up -Put map list together -Make SP shop look more aesthetically pleasing So I'd say its all rather minor things really. The core gameplay is all there and ready to be tested for a final Beta test
  11. I've paid a Model maker to make us some custom weapons for ZS. So we can have a lot more fun and bring a new experience to the game mode. 

    He's nearly finished the new Dual Deagles model, its looking kick ass and I'll try and get you guys some footage asap!  

    1. rui_troia


      Nice, inspired from KF1 I guess haha :P 

  12. Sure, it sounds very promising. What I would say is that there is a hell of a lot of code changes going on with every Beta update. So I would advice waiting until we release just so we don't have any issues. (Last Beta update was 192 file changes.) We are releasing in June It would be great this use this XP system to build a new level system, and the supply drop for some sort of sub game mode It would be awesome to get more coders involved with the project and to collaborate on this project.
  13. ZS_3.0.1_V10_Beta update -Moved Zombine model in folder structure -Moved Zombine sounds in folder structure -Added new gamestart music -Added intermission music -Added Robs poison gases -Added new Zombie Spitter class files -Added zombie prop killing (Huston we have lift off!) -Added Zombine -Added SP rewards system (10 kills get ammo drop, 20 kills get a bottle of Vodka) 'will be changed most likely' -Added News module (Keep the players informed of course!) -Added Chem zombies to Arena mode -Added player tags for Beta testers -Added Poison headcrab bomb -Fixed Crosbow script error -Fixed medkit hud bug -Fixed Seeker bug -Fixed zombie boss base hit detection -Fixed Puke Puss mateiral issue -Removed un-needed sounds -Removed un-needed graphics -Removed GC shop (Porting over the old one and re-coding it) -Created new ammo drop entity -Created new Zombine grenade -Created new HUD (Still up for review) -Created new Scoreboard -Created new end game screen with map vote option (Still W.I.P) -Increased mini turret damage and ammo -Increased Degal damage and shop price -Increased Bloated zombie speed -Lowered Boom stick damage -Lowered zombie reaches slightly
  14. I've comprised a new levelling module into the game mode, so we are all set for integrating it into the game. But I need some time to think about what I'm going to do and how people should gain XP and how much etc.. Things that this levelling system will defiantly consist of; -Global XP/levelling gain regardless of your class -Lots of levels ( So players always feel like they are progressing ) -Every 5-10 levels a tool for a class will be upgraded or a new tool will replace it. Zombies leveling system is going to be designed at a different stage due to the amount of thought required for balancing reasons. This will be done after the release, some may say we should wait, but I feel we need to get this game mode off the ground and start refining its gameplay. Additional Notes: I need to port the GC module and re-make the GC shop, I feel that the old one can be re-coded into a module and be quite efficient if done correctly. But this again will be looked at after release. Any comments are always appreciated. I'm working as fast as I possibly can, and obviously I have a life and GF etc.. So at the moment its all rather interesting getting this done on time..
  15. mmm come over here sugar and help Senpai out so we can make that console spam go away Perhaps you could help senpai out with the zombine
  16. Not quite, we can encrypt our maps and various other things with it such as making map entities server side. But I'm not saying how obviously ( I paid for these maps, so obviously I don't want Nox taking them straight off ) Arena mode was an ass to interstate as a sub gamemode but I modeled it on the same code that ZE works on, but then obviously ass special Arena features etc.. I'd say Arena mode is going to be our trump card. Ywa dislikes the HUD as it stands so I'm redesigning it for consistency of design. So this may put us back a bit. But I may pull a couple of late nighters so it doesn't affect our release date.
  17. Something like what you've suggested would be very cool actually. I'll working out some sort of algorithm to scale it or do different outcomes depending on the amount of players. We will be doing the next beta test on around the 14-15th of May. This next test will be more or less the final version of ZS with only a few things to correct or change. I hope you can all make it. A few things which have been changed; -End game screen mechanics (How the honourable mentions are shown and map votes.) -Loadout Screen bug fixes -HUD revision 'Adding health bar and moving the SP to a new panel' -Added a kill reward system (10 kills you get a ammo drop, 20 kills you get a bottle of vodka.) They are the main noticeable things. But there will be many more fixes etc.. I'll post up the full log when I make the next commit.
  18. Hey guys, Got a little teaser for you all, I hope you like what you see. I think we are going to meet our deadline of a June release.
  19. Looks interesting enough, I don't see it fitting in with normal survival mode though. BUT, we could make a Salvage Sub Gamemode like I've done with Arena mode. Instead of Supply crates. Some sort of Support weapon can be created like this for players to scavenge for weapons and ammo. We could make maps for it which are open to make it have more of a purpose. Maybe even create a new zombie class for this. Just some food for thought.
  20. In the words of the Professor. Good News everyone! We've just reached our 50th Commit on the new ZS mod. 

    I foresee good times ahead! 

    1. rui_troia


      Many regulars may have left, but that doesnt mean shit.

      We can comeback, way better than before

    2. rui_troia


      the future of zs lies on your shoulders, and I belive you are fit for the task.

      With the cooperation of the regulars who stayed and the contributions and suggestions, we will get enough cards to choose from and then it will be a game of picking the right cards, just like you said :)

    3. Duby


      Yea I think the future is bright. Its just placing the correct people in the right positions to get that initial launch success. I'd like to think that we will get a decent amount of players to build up a forum player base again. But only time will tell haha 

  21. Yea I want to add a Quick Ammo buy button to the Shop, then a sell button. (I took the Nox code out as it was messy, I'll clean it up and place it back in with a new Greenie look.) I'm porting Zombine atm, and then maybe taking a look at getting the starting zombies a little more balanced, especially with the humans load outs.. (If we have more than 20 players the zombies will have a lot of fun....) I've sorted out the zombies hit detection and made it a lot better than it was. I did in-depth testing last weekend with some of the guys and its proven to be a lot better. Before it was a nightmare to hit anything.... I'll talk to Ywa about advertisement.
  22. I'm looking at porting an updating Achievements and placing it in a module. We need to add a ranking system of some kind. But rather than rush it, I want to take my time and design something cool and unique. So this will most likely come about after we have released the gamemode. Linking accounts to the forums will have to be done Ywa's end. CHANGE LOG: Mr.Green ZS_Beta_V9 Also got a possible fix for players getting stuck in walls etc.. -Added Z Time -Added Z Time Updated sounds -Added Arena Mode HUD support -Added hat Shop files (Needs implementation) -Added V1 Loadout menu -Ported Admin Rave Break Rifle -Ported Admin Removal Tool -Ported Admin Melon gun -Ported AFK module -Ported Hints module -Ported Christmas module -Ported Weight module -Ported Vote mute/gag and placed it in a module -Lowered Etherial damage -Lowered Shovel knockback -Lowered TMP fire rate and increased damage -Lowered Sledgehammer knockback -Ported Mr.Green AWP -Fixed Frying Pan model -Fixed Medkit charge bar -Fixed Medkit Inital given amount -Fixed Melee base lag compensation
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