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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Duby

  1. HTC Vive release price is £700,  and the Oculus is £500-600 so the VR market is doomed once again... No one has the money to go out and invest in these things, so I can see VR being kicked to the dirt again..

  2. We have had a lot of Beta testers on and have had a lot of feedback. I've changed the Dynamic of the game slightly to the players wishes, it seemed sensible after some refection. If you would like to take a look at the change log the look at the Offical Green ZS GitHub repository, if you have any content you would like to contribute, I advice waiting for it to come out of Beta due to many code changes which may occur. https://github.com/JarnoVgr/ZombieSurvival
  3. Try and add the Mr.Green texture onto the normal Green bars, and keep the background white are my thoughts.
  4. Saw the best quote about Valve today "they turned from IBM to apple in 2 years." (refering from 2007 as the starting point)


  5. Maybe one day I will finish this... It was gonna be a cool GameMode as well..

  6. If CS:GO is easy to add a few adaptions of our mod 'small mods' then sure if its possible. I have no idea how we would go about it, but it must be possible. Man we should host a Halo 1 PC server so much fun back in the day!
  7. Windows 10 blew up my HDD... So I'm building my new Rig so I won't be coding this week most likely, expect some fun shit to be in the next Beta update though! Freeemmaaann

  8. We could look at making a Killing Floor 2 server and setting up something cool with that. We could do simple mods like, -Custom maps -New HUD elements -Custom game modes within it if its possible with time..? Would be a nice addition as its a popular game which is new and is having new developments built all the time.
  9. If you go to the language folder and copy the English for a template All our code is open source so anyone can help contribute to our new gamemode to make it the best it can be. Ywa and myself manage requests and review code https://github.com/JarnoVgr/ZombieSurvival/tree/master/gamemodes/zombiesurvival/gamemode
  10. I'll hit you up on steam and we can get you on the testing team. Agreed we need to do something, I'll try and get something done with Minecraft one day maybe.
  11. Yes Rui! I need someone to do Languages I'll post you a link to GitHub and directions to where you'll need to go, you can help AlkesCore with the Russian stuff if you like ^^ We can work and adding more language friendly systems to try and make our servers global servers
  12. A new ZS mod is being developed and is close to release, once a new sub community is being developed I will be trying to exspanding the Gmod community with other mods, I have been working on a Classic DarkRP (just RP no workshop shit) We need to modernise and bring in a new generation of players.
  13. How many of you guys play games not in English, but your native tongue ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wooozie


      i play vice city in japanese, if that counts

    3. Duby


      been smocking too much wooozie

    4. rui_troia


      Nothing is translated to Portuguese from Portugal, slowly becoming an unexistant language haha

  14. The first beta test was a sounding success, a few bugs here and there, but we have got a solid foundation which we can now build upon, thanks to all testers I'll call upon you all soon when the next update is ready ^^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      Leaked footage:

    3. Duby


      There's nothing to leak, you can join the server and test it as you please, there's nothing to hide anymore lol

  15. Who is this mysterious Saint!

    1. Duby


      It's Deluvas's era of me green zs

  16. A very proud moment. I've got a personally hand signed poster from Dave Prowse 'Original actor who played Darth Vader'

  17. The first Promo is out. I hope you guys are looking forward to this ^^

  18. There is so much 'Hate', someone is approaching!

    1. wooozie


      hate is the worst kind of love

    2. Duby


      You misunderstand little Wooozie.

  19. Something is Seeking you little Necro, he is alive and well. All he needed was some love and tender care...... Haha I hope you're prepared for whats about to be unleashed..

  20. *Cough* This son of a bitch was the boy back in the day! Too bad we don't have a nice picture of his brother... http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/uploads/monthly_04_2012/post-86-0-09981000-1334062256_thumb.jpg

    1. Duby


      Oh wait... I remember I did get what was left of his brother and stitch him back together..... http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/544148636806656812/1F406A3B18592AC5647D3F1039ACB0FD07F30472/

  21. Nope not at all, some things which are standard 3.0, some are completely different as was planned. Why change something which is already perfect, that's why the 3.0 update was requested in the first place if you don't remember. When working on a new Base of course you have the standard content, which you either choose to change or keep. This new mod is nearly finished and is going to be launched with some base content which will be developed over time. Its important to start off with a good solid gamemode before adding elements to it. Or else the balance is lost. This gamemode is coming very soon and its going to knock all of your socks off for sure.
  22. There once was a man who stood high and proud of the work he accomplished. People praised him for everything without question. Every decision he made was met with a form of praise. He found himself in a situation to he could do anything and it would be the right thing to do. But one day it all came crashing down on him, he was betrayed, he had nothing left.. The moral of this story? Be careful to who you listen to in life... Yes little Michael, my mother is Korean.

    1. michaelwang22


      wow finally another asian

    2. wooozie


      did you write that yourself? impressive piece of literature right there.

    3. Duby


      I do it all the time. I take parts of someones life and make it into a short story wth a moral behind it.

  23. Advice, Tonight I will either do some coding or watch a Starwars film. Which should I do people!

  24. The reason players generally went is because of this weapon system, a crate works and always will, something new which you're proposing sounds cool and interesting, give it a go and see what comes about. Perhaps come up with some new cool way for people to interact with a crate type system, an npc gun dealer who Walks around the map or something. The hud is lame, so lame, low res text on a screen, so gmod9/10, not saying use the hud me and Ben created, but we won't object giving the you files, a new hud gives a proper look to a game, the load out screen, pile of trash, Rob you have a good taste in menu design, create something cool and fresh, like Necro did. About all I got to say.
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