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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Tuco-Lone-Star-Rider

  1. Hey lil kid, still here huh? My old polska kurwa 😚

  2. Holy shit, my old polish kurwa is still here ! After so many years of hacking and cheating they still haven't banned u huh? 😚

  3. Who Is Still Around From The Good Old MTA Days? 😆 

    1. race


      omg i forgot about you my man!

    2. Knul
  4. Forget about it kid. Check this here instead and thank me later http://freesteamgiftcards.ga/
  5. I'm so busy workin. I don't even have the time to race nomore. 

  6. clockwork orange ?
  7. Is it true that voice chat doesn't work on MTA anymore??

  8. Could be my son, but even I am fucked up by this.
  9. So busy with life that I don't even have time at the moment. To be honest even if I were unbaned I wouldn't play because I'm so busy. In other words, I'm living it up. Something happened that changed/changes my life. I've adapted a completely new mindset. Shit is wild over here. Life is good .
  10. I'm still checking this thread pretty much like gif related:
  11. Man this is acually kinda sad. Though I've seen many players claiming to leave this community. Fun fact is, most of them return after a couple of months. So see you in 2+ months @SDK Really though would you share a reason why you are leaving?
  12. Oh shit did SDK really retire? well this thread is still up, hope @Flipper will take a look at it.
  13. Just for the record, I am unbanned on the server. Only my nick is banned. Too bad SDK wont unban me though. This is really ridiculous. Now all I can do, is play with a different nick name.
  14. Thanks guy. I'm still waiting for @SDK decision here.
  15. Does anybody use twitter here? 

  16. If you want to grow this community then add "modern" games to this forum. Instead of CSS servers we need CSGO servers. Nobody is playing all the old games anymore. no one talks about this.
  17. That's my fav song by him. Can you believe he is 19 years old in this video... I wonder what this guy is eating damn.
  18. I miss him! Anyway still waiting for SDK to make a final decision here. Come on we are all grown men now.
  19. Dammit another "senior" player gone...
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