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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by PEPPER

  1. ok i am in and registrated
  2. 1)Primary (pro) skill: Demoman (capable of using every weapon) 2)Huntsman sniper: Headshots from bow mostly 3) Soldier: always using airborne crit bonus 1 more thing: you ever practiced as a team?
  3. RIP anti-propping squad, and my favourite "dual rolls of death"
  4. 1 thing : disable "pain in the ass" plugin and that all
  5. zombie power-ups should get removed and replaced on speed power-up (like it was b4...). 5-6 seconds of spawn speed-up will be great
  6. unreal rapement (go speed zombie, go!!!) Cannot kill a human in CQC with normal zombie then use props. Cannot propkill then use zombines. Cannot navigate your zombie to the human then use howlers. Cannot use howlers, then turn off your computer and start dreaming about cheese.
  7. Zombie limitation suggestion is not acceptable (I think so) If it is limited then it means that zombie you have suggested is OP, so you want to get a limitation on such of zombo. There were no suggestions about zombo limitation before , cause it will casue some shitty unexpexted consequences on game balance.
  8. Well at least if Deluvas cured "pain in the ass" perk, it would encourage humans to camp less but not significantly. As for howlers, i dont find them OP right now... cause if humans get raped, they can get raped even by humpers Also i think that idea of adding a class that can pull humans is extremely usefull against campers (sort of smokers)
  9. About 3). You mean some sort of AI director in L4D? Healing problem... I dont see much problem in it (i just think you became one of the 1st zombos in the beggining that failed in eliminating humans) that happens extremly rare, only on specific non-raping camping maps
  10. evenmore, it became even more harder due to zombies power-ups (supposed to work as a team-balancing factor)
  11. Why the choice is always so hard? Damien or NECROSSIN? NECROSSIN or Damien? On one hand is Damien with his impressive tactical skills, on the other is NECROSSIN whos participating in server development... You should make a poll...
  12. Toaster - admin in undercover for sure... Seems like our banned friend got busted/
  13. Pufu you got a crew? or your doing it alone?
  14. )) You know all games can run without issues even on Dual Cores (if youll use your comp properly) youre just wasting money on buying such expenisve processors, save your money for a nice videocard instead of CPU.
  15. Yeah, as a commando i kinda like axestabbing and i dont need any zerk perks for such kind of an activity Also i use melee cause shitty 5-7 cannot kill zombos with "power-ups" (1st 2 zombies) it hardly can kill only one. Using melee in humiliation activites to kill some prop-overlords cause they try to prop me down in CQC
  16. Allmighty MegaLouis

  17. RIP woot with unexpected porn events and screen-spoiling faggolas
  18. You should be glad the he can speak foreign language, and what is most important that his nickname is not STALKER[RUS]
  19. oh noez, another house-rape... Interactive house with plenty buttons to push and secret rooms to hide in...
  20. The main concept of all upgrades is that they are useless (if not used properly) They can slightly increase your chances of not getting raped in 1st mins (no winnigz xD)
  21. yeah, nice idea especially with that bar dropping
  22. Soccerjam... its simple and demanding
  23. I always tried to imagne that sonic blasts are much more effective than a grenade near your face... still dmg is too much (even at 100%) or your meaning that... you charged it to 100% for example but scream-o-meter decreases while not charging, thats a good point of view.
  24. Well at least one guy who knows my battlement stealth tactics in ZS... One more thingy that i came up to... Engineer manual controlling turret, well its not a turret its a moderate barricade (that needs much of free space, to prevent from cading) with a gun mounted on the top (with unlimited ammo) (just like Combine pulser mounted on the Force fileds in HL2). Only your squad can use this one. The higher lvl you get the more powerful it will be. Flashbang for commandos? Well yes, it can get nerfed, but also "sometimes i dream about flashbangs when zombies are near about to rape my ass", and oh yeah it will be the 1st nightmare for zombines. Act like with engineers: flashbangs cannot flash humans, only zombos.
  25. Holy, this thread is used as a moaning-bitching-complaining for now... cause theres already official ZS thread made by Deluvas.
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