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Everything posted by PEPPER
Thats an absolute, "nope.avi" i can only wish that he could say "nope" every time you hit them, so hes like refuses to be killed
Jailbreak is great when you have a great community to play with and btw... i h8 ponies Damien, i stopped playing ZS long ago. As i told b4 ZS is going to be either ZPS-ish either L4D-ish - choice was made some people left, and im one of them
Ok so recently i started to play on Jailbreak servers and i find it surprising that ppl are still playing this mod. Servers get constantly crowded and players do enjoy the fun, BUT as long as there are no admins online (guards will just start randomly killing every1) servers get empty ofc, what i am trying to say that currently there are 2 Jailbrake servers on gmod and what is more important that BOTH of them have ABSOLUTELY retarted admins that slay (and kick) every1 they want. I am writing it this here cause i know that Mr.Green has much of fair admins all the time. I just want to suggest a new Mr.Green JailBreak server in Gmod
So lets face the facts and make amends You should be more careful when placing another admin ass-licking thread...
is this 24/7 heavy metal server? Cause i am playing BC2 aswell and most of the time spend in-game i play heavy metal, doing a jeep'had or UAV'had or roflcopter'had...
Epic bump, due to the steam release http://store.steampowered.com/app/17740
TF2 just called... they want their shit back...
No i said so, cause Damien played zs most of time even when we gave up on it, he have the perfect sense of balance while most of you are "suggesting to shit" (no offense it just means that 1st of ur ideas are quite interesting, but as the time pass, youre suggesting more and more weird things that would never get implemented though). Make those zombo perks and you will force even more ppl to suicide (get killed by a mingebag) in the beggining thus creating ultimate chaos followed by well-known rapefest. As some1 said above "its ZS not HS"
eh and why should i try to suggest anything if it will end up like my "Disadvantages and suggestions" thread... Just listen to Damien and your souls will be saved
alright then add smth useful and smth that will encourage ppl to play as humans (and stop like zombie-harvesting humans and redeeming as a last human, it ruins the gameplay a bit) Achievments get 75score in a single life (300-500 times) that will encourage redeemers to stop dying in the begining, increasing humans teamworking capability
He just realized that some1 going to nerf smth that will make significant impact on his game class btw...
I would get two mirros straightly opposite to each other to see the true face of eternity (smth you cannot possibly do while being visible)
i like when Pufulet says "they'll win even more often" about humans... Damien CoD concept on poisons zombies is better, they cannot heal while under attack ,only after a period of time Ok ill tell the tactic that can erase every human without a single zombie dying: it is while 1 half of team gets zombine and another get posion zombies (maybe 1 howler, doesnt make sense acually) humans would rather run out of ammo than kill 1 of them, as theyll get almost insta-healed.
See, Shadows? I told you to stop showing off with your precious katana...
meh, 1 time glitched and already reported.. then go and get that map fixed, cause i always see ppl up there... Btw, while i am banned just think about redeemers (ppl that constatnly dying in the beggining to earn points so then can redeem in future to become last human). I just made a tiny misbalance in gameplay...
Map exploit, not my fault i did not use any extra gameplay features (like cades) And i dont rly like to camp by myself (i dont like to camp at all) and what is more important it is a house map...
well map wont be that bad, since i dont see any sign that dynamic spawn exsists
who said about joining a sqaud? you can go solo (and die in another zombo rapefest) and still you can camp. If players like rapefests (and i am sure they are, cause who the hell will choose a house map then) they will choose some small maps, can you even imagne how those "squads" will work then? I dont think its the best idea to discuss it at current rate of developement. Here are some of problems so far: Posion headcrab: Primary poison attack: -20hp as infection ends+ screen shake+ multiple target dmg Secondary attack: "Red ball of sorrow" dmg inflicted significantly lower+ no multiple target dmg+ no screen shaking Posion-zombie: try to kill one with SMG while they are in a group of 3 or more... or a headcrab that is being healed by them
Btw, Empires used to be award-winning Mod twice, there are open slots for upcoming dev's Feel free to try out yourself as a mod developer (coders, modelers etc.) It does not require from you to be a high-quialifed dev. So if youre interested in aiding this mod, i can contact wih main devs for further instructions
Just a few tips: As i told b4 that population there is dying out (beacause steamworks cannot apply or just dont want to so you need to install that mod manualy) so i recommend you to play in the evening when the servers gets crowded to feel the real atmosphere of the game. You can download the client from their website. And btw the have unnerfed scout's sniper ability (for people that have already played it) I found a wiki if you need to come along http://wiki.empiresmod.com/index.php?title=Main_Page Its a bit out of date but still useful
Im pretty sure that some of you have already tried out that mod, although it is 4 years old and population there is dying out i still find it exciting. Combining FPS and RTS genres, making specific weapons for each faction and perfectly balancing them, combining different abilities for different classes making each player-unit a unique one, customizing vehicles, commander turret spam (lol pretty epic), and other spectacular activities make this game, well... perhaps the best HL2 mod that i ever played (assuming Gmod is not best cause i payed for it), especially at that time when the mod is getting constantly updated, bringing us the aircraft units soon... You should check out the community group: http://steamcommunity.com/games/empires
always smokin doobies while suggesting on ZS...
you mean about СnR Get san andreas, then SA-MP, and see for yourself, they "copied" their idea with their own gameplay rules, result:Sims 3 with gorefest mode enabled
Idea was excellent. But game failed. First of all concept of cops and robbers gameplay was made from SA-MP (sand andreas multiplayer) server Crazybobs Cops and robbers, first of its kind, and still APB is not exciting as СnR. Guys who claim their game with words "customization is everything" are bunch of morrons.
1) "ive been playing on this server since..." means nothing at all (perhaps for me).If a player that joined community 2 years ago was a badass, why the hell you think that he is a pro now? 2)Arguing on the same problems wont make any difference... At some point when i was playing as a human we terminated zombies well, so they started to complain that "Humans are OP", TEAMWORK is OP and always will be So if you want to find balance issues find 2 equal forces (9vs9 for example) and start annihilation mode (whem humans die they cannot respawn back, even as a zombie). But i think that zombies would win at this point Any1 remembers "nemesis mode"? I think that you can stronger humans a bit and lower HP of all zombos. So if after 3-5 minutes of playing there will be less than 5 zombies, game balance will activate nemesis picking the most skilled zombie for him but if nemesis wont kill any1 then the round will end instantly.