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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Berg

  1. Berg

    Shooter Sunday

    Berg, Megajump
  2. I'll mute him for 1 week, if he will provoke through nickname i'll ban him for 2 weeks.
  3. Berg


    Banned 7 days
  4. You say you are able to capture video nowadays, why didnt you capture any proof of your strong claim? Cause in fact, it's a pretty strong claim to claim someone is abusing to find a reason to ban someone, if you can't back that up you are lying, and lying in the cause to get an admin mistrusted and for abusing. Come up with proofs or get ready for a much longer ban, we can't have it like this every single time you misbehave and we do our job. Also "and nice video showing ur dark side with that satanic music. am satisfied..:D", what does this have to do with anything? Might that be the reason why you hate me so much? Im starting to wonder.. I dont have to prove anything, what happened happened, and yes your plane can crash in that situation if your wheels touch the ground and you get weigh forward with your plane, then it crashes pretty instantly. The level of arguing here is insane
  5. Just wow.. Who do you really think will believe your story? Everyone who isnt blind and doesnt have a brain small as corn can see Jap was driving the whole sequence, that you really have stomach to lie as much as this to save your own skin... I dont know if i should laugh or cry really
  6. Is that brah tanlines on your shoulders?
  7. Then do a seperate topic about it, or you can talk about it ingame or in private. This topic is for this specific case, and the relevance about this case in particular
  8. Those who isn't involved aren't supposed to post, especially when it's irrelevant stuff
  9. Please don't post if you're not involved
  10. I have to go by the rules, and this is clearly hate speech, insulting and provoking. I can't judge if it's the drugs that speaks or if it's you, on the other hand i think noone, neither you, got surprised you got banned. I can't really see the reason otherwise to type such things as "fuck you sand niggers" repeatedly if not trying to get reactions. I know you're fooling around, but there are limits. I'll keep you banned for a week
  11. KoM: Berg Jap Laca Selim Witchy Backup: Haze trhrd
  12. Maybe you should get more patience, let the time decide if you're fit enough for admin. I can see this is your 4th application in a short period. You're welcome to make another application atleast 3 months after your previous application, otherwise we will not even bother discussing the application. Locked
  13. To clarify, Panzer accused me of "groundkilling" him in a normal lowjump SH map. Then i did the same as you can see in the video, then he went nuts. Also to clarify, i dont care about this kind of minor "issue", like groundkilling. Everyone is allowed to have their own playstyle, im fine with that.
  14. In this Video is where everything began. Then Panzer provoked/insulted me, Venomous and Matoosh. Panzer literally turned his own words against us, claiming we "provoked him". I didnt type a single word that can be percieved as provoking, once again, you are making things up Panzer. Lying like this will cost you much, i will keep you banned in 2 weeks from today. Next time you should think twice before you act like theres no tomorrow.
  15. Berg Pwned race 1
  16. Accepted
  17. Berg

    Admin App

  18. Berg

    mod/admin app

  19. Berg

    I Wanna be Mod

  20. Declined
  21. Accepted as Moderator
  22. Ahhh thats what you guys were talking about i get it Edit: Nice list of positionboard Matiasz, simple reading and looks accurate
  23. Also, according to this scoreboard, the first few rounds gave 14 points to the 1st, then when people ragequit, the 1st place got lesser points. Isnt it opposite, that the last one (after people left) should get 3 (or whatever he earned) points, as the former rules said? As its not our (the remaining players) fault people got mad and left, we should still have same chance point wise? With that being said, 1st (14 points), 2nd (13 points), 10th (5 points), 11 (4 points) etc. Like in a normal competition in any sport, if some teams or people would be disqualified or retreat from participating, if the 1st place renders 14 points (as it began with) the 1st wouldnt be punished for people leaving the competition, instead giving more points to the last (11th, 12th in this case). Cause im sure i won atleast 2 rounds, but highest score i can see on my list is 11 points, which should be 14. Or am i stupid?
  24. Berg Cross Gold
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