Hello, I always see maps being erased every day for pimp reasons, but this surprised me...
All of us who have a brain know that GTA San Andreas was not designed to be used in this way with which we played, and so there are limitations of the game, and all those who have a minimum knowledge of mapping know that there are sites of the map where the FPS usually fall , especially if there are more than 30 or 50 vehicles together at the same point (take the test, try to spawn 100 vans in your GTA and see if it will continue with the same performance as before), I tested this map on my test server and saw that there is no problem with it , nor with any of the scripts, (I'll leave the map available for downlaod so you can test on your computer), so I understanding of all those who report maps for trivial reasons such as "lag"...
Unfortunately I still do not know how to create a script that will increase the FPS in only 5 CP, but when I describrir I warn you...
Excuse me if I offended someone, but it is very frustrating to see all your work and effort being thrown in the trash after years by people who do not know what they are doing, and I say to Cena, Goldberg or some other administrator who understands the subject to test and see by his eye What I'm trying to say...
A little while ago I asked permission from Cena to pick up some deleted maps of Mrgreen to reedit them and resend them to the server, and I realize that incredible maps have been deleted for silly reasons, and so I tell you that if you are having some problem with maps of the mrgreen you pod and report because I will be happy to help, thank you for the attention, good night and thank you
Idiot map: NTS-My-Journey-Part1-by-NITRO.zip