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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NITROX

  1. Give me money to buy this game
  2. This is SouthAmerica #Style
  3. 6/10 Bailando #///
  4. CTF for EVAH Cry hater cry ;* and make more dd maps
  5. You may not like playing CTF ", but there are other players that like, so just respect, just as we respectthose who like CG, even being the worst idea ever to come t mix
  6. Gracias o/
  7. This problem is back ... @r0cK
  8. [SH] 2015 .............. SH ( shooter ), not GC ( cargame ), gc is shit
  9. @r0cK for new Manager
  10. I admit, I didn't read the entire publication, because it is a lot and I have a little bit of laziness in reading anything that big, but I'm sure that "YOU" is what the mrgreen needs, you should be a "Manager" would be a better idea, you are a person of good heart, you always supports the work of the mapmakers, you are an ideal person to be "manager" , has good ideas, listen to all the players in the mix, etc..... I wish you all the luck in the world, and sry for my bad English, but I'm too lazy right now to type all cute Goog Luck Roxo o/ and Merry Christmass
  11. +1 YES This is the best idea !!!!
  12. Hey guyz o/ Merry Christmass I will try to post here, the names of all mapmakers of mix server, and the name of your best map (in the opinion of the players in mix) With the help of all I will try to remember the names of all the mapmakers and your best creation This is just a way to remember and thanks all those who helped the mrgreen mix to be so much fun, many already are no longer playing MTA, but even so it's good to remember every one of them ( If I forget someone, I ask to help me remember ) ---------------------- Remain doing maps to MIX best maps of 2017 ---------------------- LoWis - [NTS] LoWis v2 ~MaU [RTF] - MaU v5 - Diamond NITRO - [RTF] NITROX - Never The #Same qReW - [RTF] Antidepressant FantomicanYoshi - [DD] Daisy Duke KneeLz - [NTS] NoobLz megamen - [DD] DeathIsland ---------------------- All Times ---------------------- ~MaU - [RTF] MaU v5 - Diamonds viiNi - [SH] La Cucaracha qReW - [RTF] Relax #NITRO - [NTS] Timber AleksCore - [SH] Big F**king Madness Cena - [NTS] Cenation III KneeLz - [NTS]World_v1 KaliBwoy - [RTF] Jump v2 Jededo - [SH] Never The Same DubStep - [SH]Halos by DubsTep neox. - [NTS] Never Enough maina - [NTS]Eiffel - For r0ck #FuckLeL - [SH] No kebab map Dan - [SH] Neon Valley Behemoth - [SH] KILL EVERYBODY Gregiv - [SH] Base by Gregiv Rias - [NTS] Dont Let Me Down 2 FantomicanYoshi - [NTS] Chaotic Circuit Froyax - [SH] Mountais Flipper - [NTS Long Trip TheMorocanGuy - [SH] MoroGUY-shooter4 De@d_M@n - [SH] Fokke & Sukke EdoCadovski - [NTS] Fox Nick - [SH] Bounce by Nick warp. - [SH] WRP. InterFace - [SH] XracKection 2 Fartovyi - [SH] Exterminate Anton - [NTS] The Journey Andreas 4 Horus - [SH] The Strip #Turbo - [NTS] Walton by Turbo Sp3c94 - [NTS] ParkYourCar MasTTer# - [RTF] Proyect DM Santiii733 - [NTS] One Love by Santiii733 M-&-M - [NTS] The Monster 2 Roukas - [SH] Egypt Borz - [NTS] waazaaaaa emi. [NTS] Limbo by emi. Rami - [CTF] Airport Dani - [NTS] Brazilian Circuit by Dani Salvadorc17 - [DD] Car Attack OrdinaryLove - [NTS] No Angels Hulpje - [CTF] Baby Park Personalizado - [NTS] Where is my pizza? Gametaff - [NTS] Sprint BinSlayer - [NTS] Four Laps Airport GoldBerg - [NTS] Megadeth Nitronica - [RTF] Challenge megamen - [DD] DeathIsland LoWis - [NTS] LoWis v2 Plz, forgiveness if I missed someone o/
  13. To sum it all up: CTF is a good gamemode, just is not right, but sometimes we have fun with some maps, since the GC,nobody likes CG, this way, it's not funny, just got KMZ, and causes lag when you have many players on the server, keep CTF** and delete CG***, or simply make the servisor be MultiRoom
  14. NITROX


    voce deve comprimir apenas os arquivos dentro da pasta, e não a pasta completa
  15. NITROX


    não cara, é so clicar no link e enviar ao servidor
  16. NITROX


    faça o upload no link... https://mrgreengaming.com/mta/upload.php
  17. CG - MH - RTF pfff ... Delete gc, not ctf
  18. NITROX


    comprima os arquivos da pasta no formato .zip e envie o arquivo ao servidor pelo: https://mrgreengaming.com/mta/upload.php compress all files in .zip format and upload to the server via: https://mrgreengaming.com/mta/upload.php
  19. A tip I have for you, is to listen to the players and their ideas, and try to do something like that is fun and easy at the same time, you don't have to be super detailed, just do it with goodwill, you will always have someone that will give dislike just because I don't like you (I know how that is), but if motive by likes that you receive be happy because someone is featured in their ideas and their inventions , and accept criticism because they help improve where you are wrong, and try to put some kind of "different" maps help qpara that players can know what to do, if you follow these tips your problems will decrease, I know you do maps for love only , and I'm happy because there's still people who support the server with new ideas, and all we ask is that you respect the rules of the server because they are made to improve the player's experience, and not to create chaos "RQN: /dislike KoM|r0ck: /like" o/
  20. Hey Mainoob o/ Merry Christmas - I like you, and I like his ideas, and I will never delete a map or decline just because I don't like the author, - I like to test maps RTF, because I consider myself a bit more "tolerant" in time to judge more complicated maps as RTF - Before accepting a map on the server, I always try to meet the map and its difficulties, and I keep asking all who are online "Accept or Decline" to be able to see the reaction of each, and often even the own author asks if you own map to be deleted, but if I see that there is no difficulty over the top on a map , I accept with all the good will in the beginning my maps were deleted almost every day and there's no way I know why (there was no/mm), nowadays I see my mistakes and try to learn from them, because there's no point in me to do a map in the style "DM HARD if I'm going to hangs from it with a simple RTF ... Like to test maps when the own author is online, because that way I can show you where is the mistake, before taking a tougher decision, but in your case is different, because you accept that you are wrong and made a mistake, you think that just because you can complete your map all other players are also required to achieving because if they don't it's because they're all "noobs", you need to understand that we're on the "MrGreen" and not in the FFS, there is all that liberal, no one cares about the players like we do here, here we hear each player, we give special attention to each of them, and we value many map makers, and all map makers who are still presenting us with their creations , you're the only one who gets angry when your map is not supported on the server, instead of trying to figure out what was your mistake, you try to blame the players and the "map managers", just understand, you're welcome to contribute with your map, I like your ideas and I'm here to help you, I will always be supporting you in everything you need but you have to be less selfish and admit that this wrong only times instead of starting a discussion ok? When you need some help, or answer to a problem, try to contact us first before making a topic about this, because it generates a lot of discussion. I wish you a good weekend, and if you need help, we're here to assist in whatever possive
  22. I have NITRO in my blood
  23. SS, depois que quase a metade de todos os jogadores foram em bora, eles decidirão mudar as regras ainda mais que o cara que maos reclamava foi banido para sempre... As coisas estão melhorando
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