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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NITROX

  1. Updated and fixed, thanks for the report Deleted vehicles: -- 486, DOZER ( Stupid Idiot Dozer, DIEEEEE ) -- 483, CAMPER -- 554, YOSEMITE -- 601, S.W.A.T -- 410, MANANA -- 531, TRACTOR
  2. Can anyone tell me why I was quoted in this retarded idiot joke? :-/
  3. A good way to end team kill in CTF (at least to try to lessen this problem), it would be to create a system that would detect when a player made team kill more than 4 times, and then put this player on standby (like /AFK), where the player could only return to the game when the round ends
  4. SERVER: 1º - Add the option to renew the purchase of perk automatically every month because it is very bad when you need to use a certain perk and you realize that it is not working because you did not remember to renew the purchase 2º - Add the/voteskip function to moderators, because it is very common to have maps on the server that are almost impossible to be terminated by normal players or sometimes faulty maps, and many and many times we have no online ADM on the servers at night (most Administrators works or studies, and so we never have much help at night, sometimes only the Santi is available to us help), and with the/voteskip this problem map buggy already be solved DD: 1º- Allow players to play while the map downloads additional files (music, textures, mods, etc...), because it is very bad when a player finishes 3rd, 2nd, or even in 1st, even in so finished the downlaod soon at the end of the round 2º - Remove "Personalizado Mode", it's really useless, It doesn't help or hinder anything, it just consumes my precious patience NTS: 1º - Reward with 2 GC for all players who finish the races, this would reduce the number of people giving up finishing the maps of NTS and RACE, would encourage players to finish the race and also help reduce the number of blockers on the server
  5. Have you tried searching inside the folder "resource-cache" in server ?

    Ban Flipper

    I came here just to let you know that it was @Maher who asked me to mute you (I really don't care about shit you said, after all, I never cared for you), so if you're going to complain about someone, complain to him, okay?
  7. Primeiro e mais importante é que agora esse mrgreen ta uma pomba, e o resto virou resto, um como sem limites, uma desordem e um abuso que atravessa fronteiras do mta, alem do desrespeito e da ingratidão de algumas pessoas aqui do servidor, e etc.... Não vou listar tudo aqui pra não dar spoiler resumindo.... isso daqui ta uma merda sem os antigos administradores como warp., kalibwoy, etc .... E obrigado pelo destaque em Verde la no inicio, so nao entendi o porque disso XD
  8. Yes, I already warned them, and now I'm watching everything they talk about and do in the game
  9. From what I can understand, BR|Pernalonga called the player Anthony of Noob, over and over again (something very childish on the part of BR|Pernalonga), and that seems to be no reason, but I see nothing serious, just annoying and stupid spam... But as I am not adm I know that @Santiii733 can help solve this problem :-P
  10. " Can't this map just be deleted because it's old? Even though it's a map with BAD RATIO and FULL of BUGS? :\ " "BAD RATIO and FULL of BUGS" The bad ratio of the map does not matter? I'm not trying to go against your authority, but what's the point of preserving a map that nobody likes to play? But OK, you are my leader and I respect your decision.
  11. Can't this map just be deleted because it's old? Even though it's a map with bad ratio and full of bugs? :\
  12. Mix: [DD] MrGreen Nightmare Reason: Extremely bad map, no one likes to play in it, bad ratio ( 35 L vs 75 D ), and the FPS drops to everyone, and the balls in motion are very buggy, because it is possible to enter into them
  13. NITROX


    Yes, you're right, I'm sorry. But I see no problem in people talking in other languages on the server, after all, not everyone can do an English course, it is we have to create ties that unite the active players and attract new, and are rules like these that make players get seasick the server with less than two Months
  14. NITROX


    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  15. NITROX


    Lol... We need more administrators who speak Spanish
  16. NITROX


    First I would like to praise his perfect English, and I muted you because soon when I killed you you said "typical junk", and Alex (who belongs to my team) did not complain about anything, because if that were true, he would have told me that you were talking to him And until this exact moment he did not tell me anything, and third, you do not like Brazilians, especially from me I asked him if it was true and he told me no, he wasn't talking to you at that time.
  17. Tem muita coisa que voce não tá sabendo depois que você se foi
  18. /bind w quit
  19. You don't speak spanish? ?? pfff noob
  20. Tiene que hablar "english" para tener ayuda.... Y tiene que hablar con @Cena, or otro manager del forum como Ywa, SDK or otros (y)
  21. NITROX

    Why ?

    You still haven't answered the question... Why ? What is the reason for all your insults and provocations? pfff... Like there's some logical reason for all this
  22. NITROX

    Why ?

    Image1 Image2
  23. '-'
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