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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NITROX

  1. @Cena add Cenation, We have the Power!


    Hello vadia o/ and Merry Christmass
  3. We Americans love you Too @Cena ;-*
  4. huehuebrbrbrbrbrbr die alemanha DIEEEE
  5. Mix: [NTS] Roxo Style o/
  6. Você deve estar falando sobre as horns... Se for isso vai no F6 e procura por custon Horn e lá vai ter todas as horns disponíveis aí é só comprar e colocar a Horn em uma tecla do seu teclado aí sempre que vc apertar a tal tecla vc vai ouvir o som de sua Horn... Se você estiver falando de voz mesmo, falar no microfone, isso é um perk que você compra no F6 e procura por GC Perk ( ou algo assim) e procura pelo perk de voz e quando você comprar você pode usar ele apertando a tecla z pra falar no microfone e todos vão te ouvir Espero ter te ajudado meu companheiro BR
  7. In-game name: NITRO What country are you from?: Brasil Brasil Brasil Brasil Brasil Brasil
  8. Guy... Try to use only one video at a time
  9. -4/10
  10. 1/10
  11. 0/??
  12. 8/10 Quer cultura ?? Então toma na sua Cara !! huetrap
  13. WoW, Men, you're super funny LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
  14. Will sales be made by Ebay or Aliexpress?
  15. My phone that crashed in the water has 2k resolution while my computer only supports the simple HD :'( Whatsapp in 2k MTA in HD
  16. 100% true
  17. Give Me Your Love <3

  18. Declined, try again in 3 months
  19. #GiveHerAChance #DeleteDozer #RemoveUltraMarathon #StigBestADM #ILoveCena #AllVadias #Bolsonaro2018 #AndroidIsBetterThanIOS #MerryChristmas #Anything #MixIt'sBetterThatRaceJustAcceptThis #Cry #Spam #NobodyCaresAboutMe #CnTIsBetterThanKoM #PT-PTandPT-BRisNotTheSame #ThisPlaceIsFullOfVadias #I'mFreeToProtestWhereverIWant IKnowYou'reReadingEverythingIWrote #HowDeepIsYourLove #TrapAndElectronicsAreTheBestJustAccept #I'llComeBackLaterToProtestMore
  20. I thank all those responsible for the MrGreen for the opportunity I had here, forgive me if it says something wrong and I am already telling you that I came back, and I will be better than I have been, in every way...
    I will continue helping and assisting new residents as I have always done, only now in a more limited way, but just for the time being...
    Whenever you have any questions about creating maps or if you want a help to be able to do your own you can call me anytime, because that's what makes me happy in the MTA, this freedom that we have to express our creativity freely without receiving anything for it.
    And I will continue to fight for new creators and to preserve old maps that have made fun of this wonderful community called MrGreen :)
    Android King - IOS Vadia
    1. Aymen


      how to make NTS map ?


    2. NITROX


      Just type /bind w quit

  21. Good Luck % Merry Christmass o/
  22. NTS = 40% Luck, 40% Skill and 15% Ping + Fps
  23. Buena Suerte o/
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