Naaa, you can, Mrgreen has amazing developers, and I believe it would be a great game mode, a mix of CTF with DD, I like the idea, it's a sadness my programming skills and scripts are very basic to be able to help.
we love you too
We're here to serve... Des from the beginning of time to the end, we will be the creators and helpers of the mrgreen and your entire community
Mrgreen is a server restricted only to European players and others who live next to the server, all others are considered "laggers that have ruined all the gameplay and blah-blah-blah "
Even we "laggers " be great contributors to the Mrgreen community, and not to mention that gives most players who have been banned from the server, or have already caused some problem and have already had some punishment, the higher percentage are those that have ping "normal "
he way is to accept and leave everything like this, avoid further discussions and crying of the two parts
iOS is for vadias. #JustAccept
[NTS] Video Games - Removed pickups from the train, and put a checkpoint in place
( I tested it with the players on the server and it seems that the problem has been solved )